I sell soul rings in Douluo

Chapter 7: Being treated as a humanoid soul beast?

Chu Wei also fell into a dilemma of choice. .biquge

On the one hand, I had already set it before, with half the strength of the soul ring and half speed, and then relying on equipment to increase my defense.

The other side specializes in weapons, and the soul rings chosen in the future will tend to be on the sharp side.

One with great strength, agility and speed, plus the defense of a suit of armor.

The other one has weird, changeable and extremely sharp weapons, plus a suit of armor for defense.

Chu Wei didn't know which one was stronger or weaker between the two, and he didn't know how to choose for a while.

"Master, how do you think I should choose!" Chu Wei expressed his thoughts.

After hearing this, the master asked, "Then what kind of soul master do you plan to become? Will you go it alone, or will you grow up with your friends?"

"Is there any difference between the two?" Chu Wei looked confused.

"Of course it's different. If you want to go out alone, choosing strength and speed is indeed suitable for you, but choosing half of each means that you are not good at both. You can't compare with those fighting soul masters with beast martial arts, and you can't match the speed of those soul masters. Compared with the allergy-based attack-type battle soul masters! But with your soul ring equipment, you can compete with them. If I evaluate it, it is too mediocre. You can do anything, but you are not strong at anything! But this kind of It's average but suitable for you to face any enemy alone. If your soul power is the same, you should be able to escape even if you are outmatched."

Chu Wei was silent. Thinking about it, he had nine soul rings with half strength and half speed. His strength was definitely not as good as those who chose nine strength, and his speed was not as good as those who chose nine speed. "What if you are with a partner?"

"If you are with a partner, you don't have to worry about your strength being too weak or your speed being too slow, because each team will have a strength-type battle soul master, and there will also be a fast agility attack-type battle soul master, and There will also be control soul masters. As long as the opponent is controlled, you can just give him a fatal blow."

The master just introduced two different paths for Chu Wei's future.

But for Chu Wei, these are completely two choices.

alone? That would definitely mean breaking away from the Shrek Seven Devils.

team? Is there anyone stronger than the Shrek Seven Monsters?

Forget it, at worst, I’ll hug my thighs for the rest of my life!

Chu Wei quickly made up his mind. After all, he really couldn't leave Tang San, at least not until he got the hidden weapon.

If you don’t have a hidden weapon, you have to rely on weapons made of ordinary iron. Even if you add more soul rings, you can barely compete with ordinary soul masters at most. As for soul saints and above, those who have mastered the true form of martial souls, these weapons are estimated to be Can't be of much help.

After making up his mind, Chu Wei instantly swung his sword and cut the purple bamboo into two pieces, and a yellow soul ring emerged.

Chu Wei immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, controlling his soul power to pull the soul ring.

Ten minutes passed.

Chu Wei and the master looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and the color of the soul rings became much darker.

"Master, I can't seem to absorb the soul ring!" Finally, Chu Wei finally told the matter.

"Why is this happening!" The master was also dumbfounded, and then he began to murmur to himself continuously, "The martial spirit is a soul ring, will it conflict with the soul ring~! Can the soul ring be directly replaced by one's own martial spirit?" "

Looking at the master who was in a daze, Chu Wei asked worriedly, "Master, have you ever encountered this kind of situation?"

Suddenly, the master turned his head and looked at Chu Wei with a very strange look, and then asked a shocking question, "Aren't your parents soul beasts?"

"Impossible?" Chu Wei also felt guilty because he had never met his parents.

"There are only two possibilities that I can think of now, either your martial soul has mutated in a weird direction, or your parents are both hundred thousand year old soul beasts transformed into human form!" The master also said with some uncertainty. Assume that your parents really transformed into a hundred thousand year old soul beast and gave birth to you, and your soul power is displayed in the form of a soul ring. This is absolutely fine, but you should at least inherit the body of one of your father or mother as a beast weapon. Soul?"

"Could it be said that there is a kind of soul beast in this world that is human?"

The master was completely stunned. The appearance of Chu Wei had a great impact on him.

"Master, Master" Chu Wei quickly woke up the master. As he continued to talk, his species had changed. No, it had already changed, right? !

The master came to his senses after hearing this, and then said, "Let's go back to Notting City first. You can continue to practice and see if you can break through the eleventh level. If you can, you shouldn't need a soul ring."

Now the master has completely regarded Chu Wei as a humanoid soul beast.

Back in Notting City, Chu Wei still sold soul rings during the day and practiced at night.

In just one and a half months, he has accumulated more than 300 gold soul coins.

Although for a soul master, this little money is of no use at all, but as an ordinary person, the money he earns is enough.

There were only a few days left before the start of school at Notting College, and Tang San and Xiao Wu also returned from Holy Soul Village.

"Why, the young couple are back from their honeymoon~!"

Seeing the two of them, Chu Wei immediately laughed mischievously.

"Hmph, you stinky Chuwei, are you so careful that my third brother and I won't let you play with us anymore!" Xiao Wu's face turned red with embarrassment, completely losing the violence from more than a month ago. It looked like she was truly subdued by Tang San.

"Wait a minute? What the hell is Third Brother? You don't want to play with me if you have anything else!" Chu Wei complained repeatedly.

"That's it, I already recognize Xiao Wu as my sister!" Tang San also said a little embarrassed.

"Holy shit, Tang San, are you stupid! If you want to recognize her, I should be the one to recognize her. A good child bride has been turned into a family member by you. Why, what are you still planning to do?"

After Chu Wei finished speaking, he felt something was wrong. Sure enough, the two of them looked over with murderous expressions.

"Third brother, Stinky Chuwei is still the same Stinky Chuwei. Let's beat him up and he will be honest!" Xiao Wu directly released his soul ring.

Tang San also took out the Blue Silver Grass.

Chuwei ""

In the grove, three figures kept flickering like ghosts.

The person running in front was surrounded by countless white soul rings, and the blue silver grass behind him was constantly surging like an overwhelming tide of snakes.

Another pink figure kept jumping back and forth on the tree.

At this time, Chu Wei's sword had turned into thirteen knots, and thirteen nine-year soul rings were wrapped around the blade.

A white nine-year soul ring also appeared on the chest of his shirt, strengthening the willfulness of his clothes.

Under both feet, there are also two white nine-year soul rings.

The pants have two white nine-year soul rings on each of the two trouser legs.


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