I sell soul rings in Douluo

Chapter 69: Clear Sky Hammer Exposed!

With a powerful physique and suitable weapons, auxiliary soul masters can indeed rival battle soul masters to a certain extent. .biquge

But their weakness is equally obvious, that is, their attack power is definitely not as good as the soul masters who use soul skills. In other words, their explosive power is insufficient.

If a battle soul master of the same level continues to use soul skills to launch fierce attacks regardless of the consumption of soul power, the auxiliary soul master will be suppressed and unable to fight back.

Because attacking will obviously lead to greater losses, and defense may not be effective, but if you do nothing, you can only wait for defeat.

For example, when the soul power level is the same and the physical quality is the same, the auxiliary soul master can add abilities to his own body, and his combat power can be doubled.

But if a war soul master uses soul skills for every attack, his combat power can explode to three times, four times, or even more.

However, the power of a fighting soul master is only temporary. It is simple to say that if you keep using soul skills, even the soul power of a titled Douluo cannot be maintained for long.

It's a pity that the power of the demon is too strong. It is in the realm of Soul King itself, and it is the fusion skills of the three souls.

Ning Rongrong only blocked it twice before being blown away by the demon.

When Chu Wei saw Ning Rongrong being injured, he immediately flew up and caught her. He looked at her bloody left arm with distressed eyes.

"Oscar, sausage!"

Chu Wei shouted, and everyone heard it. Chu Wei's suppressed anger reached the extreme.

Upon hearing this, Oscar immediately threw three sausages over to him. After Ning Rongrong ate them, his left arm recovered a lot, but there was still some time left before recovery.

Chu Wei picked up Ning Rongrong and put him under the ring. At this moment, he just wanted to defeat the demon.

Although he knew that he had little hope if he didn't use the explosive ring, as for the hidden weapon, he couldn't use it now. Not only it, but Tang San and Ning Rongrong couldn't use the hidden weapon.

Because these hidden weapons are the basis for counterattacking Wuhun Palace.

Chu Wei couldn't use the explosive ring, because if he used it, he would be involved with the Haotian Sect.

He couldn't let Wuhun Palace know that the hidden weapon had the power to threaten Titled Douluo, and he couldn't let Wuhun Palace know about his relationship with Haotian Sect. This would seal most of his combat power.

But now he just wants to vent his anger.

If you don’t use it, don’t use it!

"Tang San, be careful, don't be affected by my attack!" Chu Wei jumped into the air as he spoke. In mid-air, Chu Wei took out his disabled iron gun and said, "Infinite· Stab randomly!"

Dozens of purple halos emerged on the iron gun, and then Chu Wei fiercely barreled towards the demon.

Infinitely retractable, the iron gun with an almost sonic retracting speed launched an attack, and the shadows of the guns falling from the sky covered the entire arena.

Every spear shadow was a real attack. The violent attack completely destroyed the entire arena, and the dust and smoke covered the demon's figure.

Shrek and the others were flying in the sky, and they did not dare to stand on the ring and face Chu Wei's powerful attack.

"Purple Flame Continuous Bombs!"

A demonic voice came out of the dust and smoke. The explosion of soul power blew away the dust and smoke, and the scimitars in her hands were seen to split into countless clones and shoot towards the sky.

Iron spears and scimitars kept colliding in mid-air, and for a moment no one could do anything to the other.

But the soul ring on Chu Wei's iron gun began to change color, from purple to yellow, and its expansion and contraction speed became slower and slower.


In the midst of this roaring attack, a sound so subtle that it was almost inaudible sounded, and the place where Chu Wei held it cracked, because there was no blessing from the soul ring.

Watching the scimitar gradually gain the upper hand and attack him, Chu Wei took out dozens of stones through the soul guide with his left hand. Yellow and purple soul rings emerged, and then he threw them downwards.

The stones turned into huge meteorites with a diameter of two to three meters and smashed down overwhelmingly.

The machete cut through the boulder, but was unable to smash it. When the boulder was shattered, the soul ring was also shattered.

The boulder turned into pebbles and fell down again, but it had no power at all.

Seeing that the scimitar was about to attack Chu Wei, Tang San flew in front of Chu Wei at this moment, took out the Clear Sky Hammer with his left hand and "random cloak hammering technique!"

When Tang San took out the Clear Sky Hammer, the expressions of everyone in Wuhun Palace changed.

"Tang San, Clear Sky Hammer! Blue Silver Grass! Twin Martial Spirits! They are Tang Hao's children! Damn it! Damn it! Tang Hao deserves it! Damn it to Tang San! Damn it to the Clear Sky Sect!!" A titled Douluo from the Spirit Palace with a ghost face As if nervous, he kept grabbing at his mask.

The demon's scimitar failed to break Tang San's defense, so she aimed her attack at Shrek's others.

Seeing this scene, Chu Wei knew that the opportunity had come, and immediately said to Tang San, "One strike below and end this battle!"

When Tang San heard this, three purple soul rings appeared on the Clear Sky Hammer and exploded one by one. Fifteen thousand years of soul power filled Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer.

Then, Tang San rushed straight towards the demon, swung the Clear Sky Hammer and hit the demon with one hammer.

Although the demon is a monster created by the soul fusion skills of three soul kings, it still appears vulnerable to the blow of the Haotian Hammer. After all, this is a monster formed by fifteen thousand years of soul power. The attack was a full-strength attack at the Soul Emperor level.

Although Youmei is a martial soul fusion skill composed of three soul kings, she is still in the realm of soul kings. Even if she can barely fight against the soul emperor by relying on various special abilities, she will never be able to stop the soul emperor's full blow. .

At this time, Yao Mei saw Tang San's attack and naturally she would not surrender. She raised her scimitar high and struck at the Clear Sky Hammer.

The collision between the hammer and the scimitar made the entire venue seem to pause, and then the raging soul power began to erupt.

The barrier formed by the spirit power of several spirit masters from the Spirit Hall also cracked for the first time at this moment.

"Don't forget, there's me too!"

At this time, Dai Mubai fell to the ground first, waving the ten-meter-long sword and fiercely drew it.

At this time, Tang San happened to be in mid-air, and the big sword hit the demon right in front of his eyes.

However, in order to resist Tang San's attack, Youmei had no energy left to defend against other attacks, so she was instantly whipped out by the sword and flew out of the ring in one fell swoop.


Everyone in Shrek looked overjoyed when they saw the demon fly off the stage.

But they were happy a little too early.

The charming man transformed into three people in mid-air before he landed. Xie Yue and Hu Liena put their hands on Yan's back, "It's up to you!"

As they said that, the two people pushed Yan back to the ring with fierce force, but Xie Yue and Hu Liena hit the wall of the auditorium and slipped to the ground.

Tang San withdrew the Clear Sky Hammer after one strike, because the Clear Sky Hammer was equipped with Chu Wei's soul ring. Without the soul ring and soul skills, the Clear Sky Hammer would be better at the same level, but now it can't be used in leapfrog battles at all. What an effect.

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