I sell soul rings in Douluo

Chapter 66: The final begins!

After venting his anger, Dai Mubai's condition did not improve, and he fell into a coma. .biquge

After all, the body has been transformed in a mess, and even the nature of the soul power has changed. This is no less than a major blood transfusion operation. Even if the operation is successful, it will take a period of training to adapt.

After taking Dai Mubai back to Wuhun City, Chu Wei learned that Blazing Academy had abstained from the next game.

In other words, Shrek Academy will advance directly to the finals, and its next opponent will be the Wuhundian Elite Team.

Fortunately, there is still some time before the finals, and Blazing Academy's waiver gives Shrek Academy more time to prepare.

On this day, the master summoned all members of Shrek, including Chu Wei.

"The team of Wuhun Palace has three soul kings. This time, Chu Wei, you must fight! Only if you fight can they use soul ring equipment!"

"Understood" Chu Wei nodded.

Although there was no martial spirit like him before, there were similar ones, so if Chu Wei was explicitly prohibited from playing in the game, Tang San and the others would not be able to use Chu Wei's abilities in the game.

In other words, among the seven people playing on the field, the soul power of the eighth person is not allowed.

When Chu Wei comes on stage, Oscar and Ning Rongrong can be used as fighting spirit masters.

If he doesn't play, Oscar and Ning Rongrong can only serve as auxiliary soul masters.

Therefore, the master decided to let Chu Wei play, not only because Chu Wei was powerful, but also because his support alone was far more effective than the previous battle soul master.

The master directly took out the battle list and looked at the random graffiti on it. It was obvious that the master was also struggling with how to bring out the strongest combat effectiveness of Shrek Academy.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, they must have them, after all, the martial soul fusion skills are infinitely powerful.

Tang San must have it, Shrek's only control system.

Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Chu Wei are the three assistants, and they are also considered three battle soul masters.

What really made the master hesitate was Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun. In the end, the master still did not let Xiao Wu compete.

Not only is it easy to expose her status as a hundred thousand year soul beast, but also because her fighting style conflicts with others.

After all, there are already Dai Mubai, Chu Wei, and Oscar who fight with fists, while Ma Hongjun is the only one who uses fire.

During this period of time, everyone knew about Chu Wei's plan. Although it may not be carried out perfectly, they still chose to give time to Ning Rongrong.

Chu Wei and Ning Rongrong played around Wuhun City every day and bought a lot of things. They were like young lovers who had just dated, spreading dog food everywhere.

But the short time finally came to an end, and the finals began!

The day before the game started, the master didn’t say anything, but just warned, ‘Be careful! ’

Because Wuhun Palace's team is too powerful, with three soul kings and four soul sects above level 45.

They didn't show their full strength at all when fighting against other academies, so the master didn't dare to formulate tactics easily and could only let everyone from Shrek perform on the spot.

When Shrek Academy appeared, the audience was in an uproar.

Especially those contestants who were familiar with Shrek Academy, one by one, they were all confused.

What the hell is Dai Mubai wearing armor?

Isn't Ning Rongrong an auxiliary soul master? Why is he also wearing a suit of armor, and what is that big shield and hammer?

Isn't Oscar a food soul master? Why does he have a ferocious face and two gauntlets full of spikes, and why does he also wear a suit of armor.

At this moment, everyone in Shrek has undergone earth-shaking changes in the eyes of outsiders.

In the previous games, Oscar and Ning Rongrong hid behind each other and made almost every move, but now it seems that they also plan to become fighting spirit masters?

On the other side, the Spirit Hall elite team came out with a completely different aura. Looking at Shrek, a team that was almost a child to them, they didn't look down on them at all.

Compared to the Spirit Hall team, the academy from the Tiandou Empire, as well as Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, Poison Douluo, Haotian Douluo, and people from the Haotian Sect were all paying attention to Chu Wei.

They really wanted to know how Chu Wei would play this game. After all, in their impression, Chu Wei would not be stupid enough to expose his strength so easily.

"Is all this change because of him? What kind of ability does he have!"

Blazing Academy and Thunder Academy, which had played against Shrek Academy, both looked at Chu Wei.

Level 34, no, it should be level 35 Soul Master now.

They were very curious about how a soul master could participate in a battle with all soul sect members and even three soul kings as opponents.

At this time, Chu Wei did not look at the Wuhundian team, but raised his head and looked at the aloof Pope Bibi Dong.

It is this woman who is at the top of the world, holds the greatest power, has the strongest strength, and is also a poor person.

"Let's start~!"

After Bibi Dong's domineering appearance, it was finally announced that the game had begun.

Chu Wei stood in the Shrek team. As the sound of the game started, he took a step back and sat directly on the ground. "Come on! Show your strength!"

"Yes!" The six Shrek monsters, minus Xiao Wu, shouted in unison.

Instantly, soul rings appeared on the bodies of the six people.



"Impossible! How could they have so many soul rings!"

In the audience, everyone was shocked when they saw that each of Shrek's people had no less than twenty soul rings.

"Soul ring merchant, Chu Wei!"

Pope Bibi Dong raised his head and his eyes immediately locked onto Chu Wei who was sitting on the ground.

"Everyone! Here we go!" Oscar waved his hand, threw the sausage to the other five people, and ate a flying mushroom sausage himself.

In an instant, six people soared into the sky with wings on their backs.

"I can't wait for a long time!" Ning Rongrong had a witch-like smile on her face, and she reached the four extreme states as soon as she started.

Dai Mubai's power.

The power of Oscar.

own strength.

And Tang San's soul power.

"Even if there are many soul rings, it can't hide the fact that you are a group of soul sects. Let's go!" The leader of the Wuhun Palace team shouted, and the three soul kings took the lead in attacking.

"Third brother, help me!" Ning Rongrong flew behind Tang San and shouted.

Tang San stretched out his hand, and a piece of bluesilver grass was directly wrapped around Ning Rongrong's waist, "See our Shrek's true face!"

Tang San shouted loudly, and directly used the blue silver grass to lift Ning Rongrong up, and instantly hit everyone in the Spirit Hall team.

Ning Rongrong controlled the wings on her back to accelerate, and at the same time used the jet on her shoes to accelerate. With the addition of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, her whole body turned into an arc and hit directly towards the center of the ring, waving the hammer in her hand. Go down.

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