I sell soul rings in Douluo

Chapter 58: Change of plan!

"Then what should we do?" Tang San also panicked. .

"If they are exposed, let Haotian Sect and Qibao Glazed Sect be transferred to the Star Forest!" Chu Wei sighed.

"Let the Haotian Sect and the Qibao Glazed Sect be moved to the Star Dou Forest?" Not only Tang San, but also Tang Hao was surprised.

Although many powerful people can stay in the Star Forest at night, no force can settle in such a place.

"Don't forget Xiao Wu!" Chu Wei reminded the two of them, "The Haotian Sect now has six titled Douluo, including Uncle Haotian, there are seven. The Seven Treasure Glazed Sect has Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo. That's nine people. Based on Xiao Wu's relationship with the 100,000-year-old soul beast in the Star Dou Forest, together they are eleven powerful people at the Title Douluo level. With the assistance of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, let alone a mere martial artist. In the Soul Palace, even the entire Douluo Continent may not be able to do anything to you!"

"Because of auntie, our plan must be changed!"

"What are we going to do?" Tang San asked directly. As a habit over the years, Chu Wei has always been the one who makes plans and the one who hides the deepest.

"If Xiao Wu is exposed, I will join Wuhun Palace, but I can't stop Wuhun Palace from attacking Haotian Sect, so by then, you must return to Haotian Sect as quickly as possible, and then let Wuhun Palace After returning in vain and repelling the Spirit Hall, you will begin to move to the Star Dou Forest, Dugu Bo’s territory!”

"Then Xiao Wu, you go contact the hundred thousand year old soul beasts. It is best to lead a group of fifty thousand year old soul beasts to join the people from Haotian Sect and Qibao Glazed Sect!"

"Yes!" Xiao Wu also nodded in agreement with a serious face.

One night passed, and the Bluesilver Grass had absorbed all the four-hundred-year-old soul rings and had grown a lot.

The sky gradually became brighter, and a ray of morning light shone through the waterfall into the cave.

Chu Wei stood up and stretched, "Tang San, Xiao Wu, we should go back!"

"Okay~!" Tang San looked at Lan Yincao with some reluctance. This was his mother after all, and yesterday was the first time he saw his mother in more than ten years of life.

"Before I leave, I'm going to give Auntie some soul rings!" Chu Wei said and took out the iron gun with ninety-nine purple soul rings.

"What are you doing?" Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at Chu Wei in surprise. They knew this weapon very well, and it had always been used as a weapon by Chu Wei, but they had never been able to use it.

The only time it was used was against Zhao Wuji.

"I can no longer use the thousand-year soul ring of this gun, so I can use these soul rings." Chu Wei said, swiping the spear.

‘Pa~! ' With a crisp sound, one of the purple soul rings exploded.

"Is this a ring explosion?" It was also the first time that Tang Hao saw Chu Wei's ring explosion, his eyes filled with surprise.

You must know that Ring Explosion is a secret skill at the level of mystery in Haotian Sect, a real life-saving skill, but I didn't expect Chu Wei to use it so easily.

Then Tang Hao saw that after the purple soul ring exploded, a wave of soul power filled the surroundings of the iron gun. Although it was dissipating rapidly, it was enough to last until the next blow.

"Sure enough, it's the explosive ring from the Haotian Sect!" Seeing this scene, Tang Hao was even more convinced.

At this time, Chu Wei's expression remained unchanged, and he controlled the soul power on the iron gun to suck it directly into his body.

Soul power returned!

Chu Wei, who had received the soul power replenishment, immediately replenished the soul power of the several soul rings he had previously set with Lan Yincao. Then he sat cross-legged on the ground, summoned his own martial soul, and split into one purple and one purple. Two white soul rings.

The purple slowly floated to the top of the blue silver grass and slowly fell.

And Chu Wei's face suddenly turned pale, and his whole person seemed to have lost weight.

After all, he had drained all his soul power this time, leaving only one fifth of it.

Forcibly retaining consciousness to prevent himself from comatose, Chu Wei exploded the ring again, exploding six times in a row before replenishing his soul power.

Then he split another 5,400-year-old soul ring and put it on Lan Yincao.

After using all three of his limit soul rings, Chu Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

The original ninety-nine soul rings on the iron gun became eighty-six, and he actually used the soul power of thirteen thousand-year soul rings at once.

"What a terrifying ability!" Although Chu Wei did not explain it to Tang Hao, Tang Hao also saw the ability to return soul power.

Turn your own soul power into a soul ring and attach it to the object, then release its soul power by exploding the ring, and then absorb it back.

This is equivalent to having the ability to reserve unlimited soul power.

To know whether a soul master is strong or not, although one also values ​​martial soul and talent, the actual comparison is still soul power.

The reason why soul masters pursue the best matching soul ring is because such a combination has more soul power.

But Chu Wei has almost unlimited soul power. If he, Tang Hao, had this ability, let alone those titled Douluo back then, he would be sure to challenge the Spirit Hall alone.

The four of them returned to Shrek Academy just in time for breakfast. The master personally cooked a table of nutritious breakfast.

After eating, Chu Wei followed Shrek and everyone to the competition venue.

Tang Hao, Tang Xiao, the second elder, and the fourth elder were hidden among the audience.

Squeezing through the crowd, Chu Wei came to Ning Fengzhi again, but when he came, he found that there was an extra chair. It seemed that Emperor Xueye had been prepared for it.

Sitting down on the chair, Chu Wei smiled and said hello, "Uncle Ning, you're here so early."

"It's because you came too late, but there's nothing we can do about it. After all, you came with the Shrek students. They have to adjust to their condition." Ning Fengzhi said casually, with a look of understanding, and took the Draw a card "This is the share you won yesterday~!"

"Hehe, anyway, I just want to watch Shrek's game, no need to watch anything else." Chu Wei smiled, and then Ning Fengzhi handed over the card and said nonchalantly, "By the way, Uncle Ning, after today's game you don't have to watch anything else." Come to Shrek to see Rongrong, she was angry when you didn’t go yesterday.”

Ning Fengzhi was slightly startled when he heard this, and immediately thought of something and said, "That's right, it's time to meet Rongrong."

He understood that Chu Wei was planning to discuss things with him, and Ning Rongrong was just an excuse.

Dugu Bo on the side heard the conversation between the two, his eyes changed slightly, and he made up his mind to go to Shrek Academy in the evening.

Because now he has no idea what plans Chu Wei and his group have.

As Shrek burst out with powerful fighting power yesterday and the battle ended in twenty seconds, today Shrek was greeted with cheers and cheers from the audience as soon as he entered the stage.

Shrek Academy became the biggest dark horse in this competition and received treatment that only the seeded teams had.


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