I sell soul rings in Douluo

Chapter 48: Training·Battle!

"Master, how are you doing there? Several people have exceeded level 40." Chu Wei asked as soon as they met. .


When Chu Wei asked, Oscar stood up with a proud look on his face, and at the same time, everyone else also stood up.

Then ten Shrek people collectively summoned soul rings.

Dai Mubai: "Forty-two!"

Ma Hongjun "Forty-two!"

Tang San: "Forty-two!"

Zhu Zhuqing "Forty-two!"

Oscar "Forty-two!"

Xiao Wu "Forty-one level!"

Ning Rongrong "Forty-one level!"

Meng Yiran said "Forty-level!"

Iron Dragon "Forty-level!"

Tiehu "Forty-one!"

But Chu Wei saw Tang San's black soul ring at a glance: "Tang San, you have this black soul ring?"

As Chu Wei asked, everyone else lowered their heads in despair. At this time, the master explained, "Tang San broke through the limits of a soul master. His fourth soul ring absorbed a ten thousand year soul ring! But the process is very dangerous." , but the benefits gained are also great! Tang San should be the strongest among you now."

"Really?" Chu Wei looked at the Shrek crowd with strange eyes.

"By the way, Aunt Liu Erlong, do you have anyone trustworthy in this college?" Chu Wei looked at Liu Erlong and asked.

"There are a few, what's wrong?"

"You do this~!" Chu Wei said his plan.

If the Shrek people don't conflict with Wuhun Palace, everything will be fine. If there is a conflict, someone from Shrek Academy must stand up and announce to the outside world that this academy has been passed on to others and has nothing to do with the Shrek people.

"I understand, leave all this to me." Liu Erlong agreed. Although this academy was her hard work, in order to be with the master, she didn't want to leave the academy.

"Master, let me train them in the next seven days, and also be their opponent!" Chu Wei said in an astonishing voice.

"Are you going to be our opponent?" Oscar looked surprised. "Are you still our opponent now?"

No wonder he thinks so, now everyone in Shrek is a Soul Sect, but Chu Wei is still a Soul Sect.

Indeed, with Chu Wei's strength, it is not difficult to fight the Soul Sect with the Soul Lord, but this time he can beat seven with one.

Facing Oscar's contempt, Chu Wei smiled nonchalantly, "Then get ready and let's get started! I plan to do my best this time!"

"Do you still need to prepare for this? Just feel free to go!" Osla looked confident. He knew that he might not be Chu Wei's opponent, but the seven people were different.

"Then come!" Chu Wei found an open space.

Looking at the Shrek Seven Devils in front of him, Chu Wei's expression became much more serious.

At this time, everyone headed by Dai Mubai was ready. Four soul rings appeared on everyone's body, especially Tang San's black soul ring, which attracted much attention.

But Chu Wei looked at the seven people and felt no pressure at all, because he was one against seven in Haotian Sect, and at that time, he basically didn't need much equipment of his own.

But it was different now. He planned to use all means to attack the Shrek Seven Monsters and forcibly hone their cooperation.

"Hey, it seems like there's going to be a fight over there, let's go take a look!" A group of students from Lanba Academy ran over, and they were all very curious about the strength of everyone in Shrek.

After all, Shrek is too weird for Lanba Academy.

I only had two days in Lanba Academy, and I was still training like crazy, but Lanba Academy actually changed its name.

After that, people from Shrek Academy began to disappear en masse. They were gone for a year, and they finally came back. They started fighting among themselves without even attending classes.

"You guys! Be careful!" Chu Wei's soul power activated his whole body equipment, and twenty-seven soul rings appeared, and all of these soul rings were more than three thousand years old.

Two gloves six, a pair of arm guards six, three jackets, six trousers, and a pair of shoes six.

"You should be careful!" Four soul rings appeared on Dai Mubai's body, "The third soul skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation!"

"Catch sausages!" Oscar raised his hands, and seventeen sausages appeared out of thin air. He threw them to others with a wave of his hand, leaving two sausages for himself to eat.

Because of his transformation into a fighting soul master, Oscar no longer knows how to recite the obscene soul curse. The effect is almost negligible, and time is the most important thing.

After eating Oscar's sausage, wings sprouted from behind everyone and they flew up out of thin air.

"Let's go!" Dai Mubai shouted, inciting his wings to fly quickly towards Chu Wei.

"Cobweb restraint!" Tang San also took action immediately, and the blue silver grass turned into a spider web and pressed down overwhelmingly.

"Don't think you are the only ones who can fly!" Chu Wei's feet shot up into the sky. The soul power of the soul guide on his wrist flashed, and an iron gun with ninety-nine purple soul rings appeared in his hand, pointing at the spider web above. The toilet went up.

Blue Silver Grass did become very strong and resilient in Tang San's hands, but there was still a certain gap compared to sharp weapons.

Chu Wei broke the cobweb restraint with one shot and turned around and rushed towards Dai Mubai.

"Nine treasures are famous, one is power!"

Ning Rongrong saw the distance between Dai Mubai and Chu Wei, and immediately gave Dai Mubai more strength.

"Try my fourth soul skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower!" Dai Mubai shouted in a deep voice, and suddenly waved out his fists, as fast as afterimages, each one shining with golden light and rich soul power, only the size of a fist. The ball blocked Chuwei's path from all directions.

Facing an opponent who could fly, Dai Mubai didn't expect that all his attacks would be able to hit the opponent. The result would be that all of his attacks would be dodged.

"In this case, I'm starting to get serious!" Chu Wei flipped his wrist and took out a stone. As the yellow century-old soul ring appeared, Chu Wei then used his original ring-explosion technique "Characteristic Ring Explosion" !”

The yellow soul ring on the stone exploded, and powerful hundreds of years of soul power was instantly injected into the stone. Visibly to the naked eye, the stone turned into a huge meteorite with a diameter of nearly ten meters, and smashed in the direction of Dai Mubai.

The Haotian Sect's ring explosion converts the soul power of an entire soul ring into the attack power of the next blow. No matter what the attributes of the soul ring are or what the soul skills are, it only values ​​the amount of soul power. The higher the power, the stronger.

Chu Wei also used this kind of explosive ring at the beginning, but with continuous use, he developed another method of use.

That is, according to the characteristics of his attached soul ring, the soul power obtained by exploding the ring can be directly used to enhance its characteristics without limit.

For example, Shizi's century-old soul ring is additionally enlarged. Originally, the stone could only become a boulder about two meters in diameter at most. However, after using the explosive ring, all the hundreds of years of soul power were used to amplify it at once. As a result, It changed and turned into a behemoth nearly ten meters in diameter.


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