I sell soul rings in Douluo

Chapter 45: The Master’s Past!

After a month of intensive training, Chu Wei was able to defeat one against seven at most. Although he was chased everywhere, his fighting instincts were also tempered by wandering in desperate situations countless times. .

From now on, he will no longer be in a hurry when encountering battles, but this instinct cannot be greatly improved overnight. If he wants to improve, he must experience more battles, more different opponents, and face More different abilities.

With the fighting style of Haotian Sect disciples, it was impossible for him to improve.

Therefore, he stopped wasting the time of Haotian Sect disciples and continued to improve his soul power.

On this day, a person was wandering around outside Chu Wei's room.

He originally thought it was someone passing by, but after ten minutes, Chu Wei opened the door and saw that the person outside turned out to be the master.

"Master, why are you here?" Chu Wei was a little curious. Now that Shrek is on track, there should be nothing he needs to do.

"I want you to participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition," the master said hesitantly.

"Is it the one held by Wuhun Hall? Why are you asking me?"

Chu Wei would not participate in the training or competition in the Great Soul Fighting Arena. He was very curious as to why the master came to ask him.

"Because you are the only one who will reject me!" The master raised his head and stared at Chu Wei seriously, "For my trivial ambition, I might push Tang San and Xiao Wu into the presence of the Spirit Hall."

Chu Wei was silent after hearing this. He understood what the master was thinking.

He is an expert in soul master theory across the continent, but most people in this world still regard him as a clown.

And now, Tang San's existence has proven the correctness of his theories, so he wants to show his achievements on the biggest stage and let the world know that he is not a waste.

But with the grudge between Tang San and Wuhun Palace, and Xiao Wu, a hundred thousand year old spirit beast, if they go to participate in this competition, there will be many dangers. On one side is their own ambition, which is the only motivation for survival, but on the other side The safety of everyone in Shrek Academy.

The master didn't dare to make a decision, but he understood that if he went to anyone from Shrek Academy, they would not reject the master.

Only Chu Wei would refuse, so he placed the bet on Chu Wei. If Chu Wei agreed, he would participate. If Chu Wei refused, then he would give up his ambition and continue to be a clown in the eyes of the world.

"Master, I probably understand what you mean. Let's take part! With our current power, although it is not conducive to starting a war, there should be no problem in self-protection," Chu Wei said. "And I have another question to ask you!"

"what is the problem?"

"Tell me everything about you and Wuhun Palace! No matter what, you can't hide anything from me!"

Chu Wei looked at the master seriously.

"You want to know what these do?"

"Because I want to know if there is anyone within the Wuhun Palace that I can win over!"

The master was stunned when he heard this, and then thought of Chu Wei's purpose, "No, that's impossible!"

"Master, it's impossible for me to decide. You just need to tell me everything about you! Because among us, you are the only one who has the deepest involvement with Wuhun Palace!"

"Okay then." The master looked at Chu Wei's determined look and knew that it was impossible not to say anything, so he slowly began to talk about his life. "This all started when I was a teenager. At that time, my martial spirit mutated. "

The master told a little bit about his affairs in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. Because he is the son of the sect leader, he is highly anticipated, but his talent is really average. Other peers of the same age are all in their twenties and thirties, but he is only in his teens. .

The master's father's original expectations turned into disappointment. After the master broke through level 20, his peers in the sect began to reach level 40, and the master's father was completely disappointed with him.

Faced with his father's disappointment and the ridicule of his classmates, the master chose to leave the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. He wanted to find a way to become stronger, so he found the Wuhun Hall, which knew Wuhun best.

In the Wuhun Hall, he saw countless books and soul masters' notes and other information, and thus got to know Bibi Dong.

When the master fell into despair, it was Bibi Dong who persuaded him. Since he couldn't become a powerful soul master, he should focus on studying theory and cultivate powerful disciples that even the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect would have to obey.

At this point, the master taught the theory of specialization and released the ten core competitiveness theories of Wuhun.

Unfortunately, both the Spirit Hall and outside spirit masters scorned this theory, and no one believed that this thing could succeed.

Only Bibi Dong believed in him and tried with his talent of dual martial arts.

It can be said that the master's theory was specially tailored for Bibi Dong.

Therefore, Bibi Dong became more and more powerful, and gradually gained the favor of the Pope and became his disciple.

Under the arrangement of Pope Qian Xunji, Bibi Dong started special training one after another and had no time to see the master.

In this way, the Grandmaster lost the only person he could talk to in the Spirit Hall. Faced with the same ridicule as the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, the Grandmaster chose to leave the Spirit Hall.

He was going to make some achievements and then propose to Bibi Dong.

However, he failed to find anyone with dual martial souls, but the Wuhun Palace announced the wedding date of Qian Xunji and Bibi Dong.

The master didn't know what happened. He even thought that Bibi Dong didn't love him, so he didn't go to Bibi Dong and just wandered around the continent in despair.

Next he met Flanders and Liu Erlong, forming a golden iron triangle, and Chu Wei knew the rest.

Later, Haotian Douluo clashed with Wuhun Palace, and Qianxunji died. After Qianxunji died, Grandmaster also had the opportunity to meet Bibi Dong.

It was only then that he realized that Bibi Dong had always loved him, but Qian Xunji used despicable means to threaten to marry him.

The master who learned all this understood that it was already too late.

He fell in love with Bibi Dong, but Qian Xunji used despicable means to snatch her love away. He fell in love with Liu Erlong, and Liu Erlong became his cousin.

Frustrated, the master went away and hid in Notting College in Notting City, and often got drunk.

It was at that time that he met Chewie and Haller.

After discovering Tang San, he regained his composure.

"Then first I have to ask, Master, how many generations are you and Aunt Liu Erlong blood related?" Chu Wei was very shocked after hearing everything Master said. How did he persevere when he encountered these things? If he had been there long ago, collapsed.

The whole life is a tragedy.

"How many generations of blood relatives?" The master looked at Chu Wei blankly.

"Counting from your father's generation up, how many generations ago your ancestors were the same person!"


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