I sell soul rings in Douluo

Chapter 43: 5000-year soul ring!

"I asked you to come here just to let you know about this situation. If possible, I hope you can try your best to develop a soul ring that will not lose its level when it is not consumed!" Ning Fengzhi pleaded with a serious face. .biqugev

"This seems impossible," Chu Wei said with some embarrassment, "My soul ring is like the soul ring that appears after the death of a soul beast. As long as it exists, it will be consumed, but these hidden weapons will not automatically replenish soul power. Besides, , if the soul ring can be used forever, can I set such a cheap price?"

"It's okay if you can't do it. Just give it a try. If it works, our Qibao Glazed Sect is not short of money!" Ning Fengzhi knew that his request was a bit too much, so he didn't force it. "Actually, this is not all bad. Seeing these Are they alive? They spend every day consuming and recovering, and their soul power improves a lot faster."

"I can only promise you to do your best research, but I'm really not sure whether I can get it. After all, getting a soul ring that won't be consumed is equivalent to a person being able to go without food or drink forever."

"Yes." Ning Fengzhi thought about it and felt that this was too difficult.

After visiting the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect for a few days and helping Bone Douluo perfect how people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect should transform into fighting soul masters, Chu Wei and Ning Rongrong returned to Haotian Sect under the escort of Sword Douluo.

Ning Fengzhi also knew that someone with the highest level of Soul Saint of the Qibao Glazed Sect would not be able to become a true fighting soul master, but as long as he could become stronger, it would be enough. After all, they already had hidden weapons to attack.

Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three months, Oscar has also reached level 40 and asked Chu Wei for a soul ring.

Although most of them have not broken through to level 40, everyone is getting stronger and stronger. Battle soul masters like Dai Mubai and Tang San can basically instantly kill the battle soul masters of the same level from the Haotian Sect.

Even Ning Rongrong and Oscar were able to fight evenly with the Haotian Sect disciples who were around level 35.

There is no one on the back mountain, and Chu Wei is completely different from what he was three months ago.

The long shawl hair looks a bit crazy, the arms exposed in the half-sleeves have obvious lines, and the whole body exudes an aura like a beast.

If three months ago, he seemed unable to tell whether he was an auxiliary soul master or a battle soul master, now no matter who looks at him, he can tell that he is a battle soul master at a glance.

Because Blood Soul Ginseng is so tonifying, even if he hasn't done any physical training in the past three months, the power of these medicines still strengthened his body to an exaggerated degree.

"Only the last piece is missing!" Chu Wei held a piece of Blood Soul Ginseng that was slightly larger than a jujube and threw it into his mouth.

Then began to digest its medicinal power.

4997! 4998! 4999!


As the age of the soul ring exceeded five thousand years, Chu Wei's body suddenly erupted with a powerful soul power fluctuation. However, this fluctuation was fleeting, but it was also discovered by people from the Haotian Sect and Shrek Academy. .

"It's Chu Wei! He broke through again!" Everyone in Shrek Academy exclaimed and immediately ran towards the mountain where Chu Wei was.

Because they knew that Chu Wei's blood soul ginseng was running out, and since he had made a breakthrough, he would be able to return to the main force soon.

As Chu Wei's soul ring exceeded five thousand years, he also became a thirty-fourth level soul master. At this time, he immediately controlled the medicinal power in his body not to convert it into soul power, but to wander around continuously. All limbs and bones are used to strengthen the body.

When Shrek and the others came, they saw Chu Wei being enveloped in a red mist. They knew that Chu Wei was absorbing the power of the medicine, so they didn't say anything.

After waiting for more than three hours, the red mist disappeared. Chu Wei stood up and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Congratulations, Chu Wei! You have finally reached the five-thousand-year soul ring!"

Everyone looked at Chu Wei with an expression of surprise on his face. Although Chu Wei had the lowest soul power level among this group of people, no one looked down upon him.

They didn't know how powerful the five thousand year spirit ring was, but it must have become a lot stronger.

"Come on, Chu Wei, the training you arranged for us tortured us to the point of death. Now you have finished practicing. Is it time to try the training method you designated?" Oscar looked at Chu Wei with an unhappy look on his face. dimension.

In the past nine months, their strength has indeed improved very quickly, but the torture they have suffered is also proportional to it, especially Oscar. He doesn't know how many times he has been hit by the Clear Sky Hammer, and he has lost count.

Now he is numb when he sees the Clear Sky Hammer.

"Well, you are right to say that." Chu Wei thought calmly, "I just need to know what level my strength has reached, so let's give it a try."

Chu Wei followed everyone to the mountain peak where the Haotian Sect Soul Lord was training. Oscar immediately shouted excitedly, "Hurry up, let a person at level 34 punish him!"

"Isn't that right? Fight him?" The people of Haotian Sect were dumbfounded. They still had fresh memories of Tang and Song being defeated by two punches.

"It's not a fight, it's an arm-wrestling, come on!" Oscar's face was filled with a malicious smile. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Now, except for Dai Mubai and Tang San, no one can pass this level of arm wrestling.

As for hide and seek, because Chu Wei didn't set a time at the beginning, everyone just forgot about it.

After all, even the weakest Oscar can last ten minutes, and the others are only as strong as him.

As soon as they heard that it was an arm wrestling match, the people from the Haotian Sect became interested, and soon a thirty-fourth level soul master came out.

The two found a place and were ready to start.

Oscar had a bad smile on his face, waiting for Chu Wei to laugh at Chu Wei if he didn't pass the test. "Start 321!"

Chu Wei and the thirty-fourth level soul master immediately exerted their strength.


Violent soul power suddenly erupted on the two of them, and the rocks under their arms shook violently, followed by a burst of dust and smoke flying.

As the two of them wrestled with each other, Chu Wei's eyes flashed with confusion.

It's not that the opponent is too strong, but that he is too weak.

Then Chu Wei used a little force and defeated the thirty-fourth level Soul Lord of Haotian Sect.

"How is that possible? You're not letting yourself go, are you!" Oscar's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

He knew that Chu Wei had never exercised his body, so how could he possibly surpass the Haotian Sect's soul master in strength.

"That's what happened!"

Chu Wei thought about it for a moment and realized that his original physique was indeed not that good, but due to the extreme strengthening caused by the absorption of blood soul ginseng, he was now comparable to a soul beast of the same level.

Isn't it funny if you ask a thirty-fourth-level soul master to spar with a five-thousand-year-old soul beast?

"Try hide and seek next! Chu Wei, you can't play with explosive rings! That's bullying! Using the soul power accumulated over several days to compare with someone else's soul power that day, that's being a rogue!" Oscar looked at Chu Wei couldn't win in arm wrestling, so he immediately thought of hide and seek.


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