I sell soul rings in Douluo

Chapter 34: Sausage Fighting Spirit Master!

Tang San smiled nonchalantly, "I've gotten used to it a long time ago. Since I was seven years old, I haven't slept more than four hours a day!"

"Aren't you afraid that the hidden injuries on your body will be detrimental to your future practice?" Dugu Bo was curious. He had never seen anyone work so hard. The key is that it lasted for six or seven years. .

"Chu Wei said that if there is really a problem with the body, just spend money to find a healing soul master to solve it. After all, we have money!"

Dugubo ""

Are all young people these days so exaggerated?

Even with his status as a Titled Douluo, he felt that when Tang San said these words, there was an aura of rich man coming towards him.

That’s right, he’s a rich man!

Chu Wei's work style has always been that problems that can be solved with money are not problems, and problems that can be solved by others are small problems.

Over the years, Tang San and Xiao Wu followed Chu Wei and more or less learned from his methods.

"Chu Wei, Chu Wei! With your strength, do you still want to listen to him? He is just an auxiliary spirit master!" In the past few days since Tang San came here, he had forgotten to say it from Tang San's mouth How many times Chewie's name.

He knew Tang San's abilities. One of the twin martial spirits was Haotian, who had the most domineering attack power in the world. Coupled with his father Tang Hao, it was really hard for him to imagine that such a person would follow Chu Wei's lead.

After all, in his opinion, Chu Wei was just an auxiliary soul master.

"Yes, Chu Wei is indeed an auxiliary spirit master, but unfortunately, whether it is wisdom, strategy, or fighting, I am no match for him! I'm just lucky enough to have two martial spirits," Tang San added silently in his heart He said, adding the Tang Sect's martial arts and hidden weapons in his previous life, "But Chu Wei, with his nearly useless martial soul and first-level innate soul power, he got to where he is today step by step! So I admit, I'm not as good as him!" "

"Waste the martial soul? That's a well-known soul ring merchant in the mainland. You told me to waste the martial soul. Are you kidding me?" Dugu Bo immediately retorted.

"That's because you didn't know his situation at that time." Tang San slowly told Chu Wei's situation back then. "Can you imagine? What would it be like to have money ready but not dare to go to the Soul Master Academy?" self-abasement!"

"You know how many attempts he made to study the effects of his martial soul!"

"In order to become stronger, how many times did he drain his soul power instantly, leaving only one thousandth of it? He didn't talk about these pains, but I know! If I were him, I might have been so desperate that I didn't want to be a soul master. "

Dugu Bo was silent when he heard this. Every soul master had actually done Chu Wei's attempts, but he knew the pain of being drained of soul power in an instant and leaving only one thousandth of it.

After all, he tried his best.

Hearing what Tang San said, this kind of pain is actually daily life for Chu Wei? How terrible this is, but also how convenient it is.

Why do soul masters train? It is nothing more than consuming and restoring soul power.

Others, such as physical fitness and soul power control, are just incidental.

No one can match Chu Wei in terms of consumption speed. This is his pain, but it is also his advantage. However, this advantage cannot be sustained without strong willpower.

Chu Wei was not as exaggerated as Tang San said. Except for his extreme soul ring configuration, he had actually left some room for him in his life, whether it was for Tang San or the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Chu Wei himself has planned these things, as well as the future direction.

Before possessing the ten thousand year spirit ring, no matter it was Tang San, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, or even other people from the Tang Sect, or people from Shrek Academy.

He will always have about one-tenth of his remaining energy. In this case, Chu Wei's body functions are normal, but his soul power is consumed too much, so he will not feel uncomfortable.

When his spirit ring reaches more than 20,000 years old, the Tang Sect's subordinates can only buy half of his spirit ring, and they can only get a limit spirit ring for themselves.

Assume that the maximum age of his soul ring is only one hundred thousand years.

Soul rings that are 15,000 to 20,000 years old are for sale.

The 50,000-year-old soul ring inside the Tang Sect.

He used his ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine-year-old soul ring.

As for the soul ring being one million years old or higher, he had not thought about it, but he probably would not sell soul rings that were more than one hundred thousand years old.

Right here Tang San was chatting with Dugu Bo about Chu Wei.

On the other side, Dai Mubai asked in surprise, "Are we really going? All of us?"

"That's right, continue to stay in the academy. There are too few people who can be your opponents, and it would be too eye-catching to go out and challenge randomly, so we are going to Haotian Sect! We can challenge the people there casually!" Chu Wei said with a look on his face He said firmly to everyone in Shrek.

"What about Third Brother?" Xiao Wu was still worried about Tang San.

"My original plan was to go to the Haotian Sect to practice for a year, and then come back after all of us have become Soul Sects! If Tang San comes back, he will be taken to the Haotian Sect by other teachers from Shrek Academy, don't worry , compared to staying in the academy when going to Haotian Sect, you will only be able to see Tang San two or three days later."

"Okay then" Xiao Wu finally had no choice but to agree.

"Then let's set off!" With that said, the three golden iron triangles of Grandmaster, Flanders and Liu Erlong led the team and set off.

The other teachers from Shrek Academy stayed in the academy, waiting for Tang San to return.

After Tang San comes back, if Dugu Bo is willing to go to the Haotian Sect, they can go together. If not, they will take Tang San to the Haotian Sect.

"Wow, Oscar, your physical fitness is pretty good. You've been running all day and nothing happened!"

While everyone was on their way, Chu Wei was surprised by Oscar's promotion.

In just about a year, Oscar went from being unable to run ten miles to running for a whole day and running four to five hundred miles without taking a breath.

Chu Wei had been setting traps in the room, so he didn't know how hard Os had worked after knowing that he might become a fighting soul master.

It can be said that, except for a few individuals, no soul master is willing to become an auxiliary.

Everyone desires strength, no one is an exception.

In the past, Oscar had no choice but to become a food-based soul master. Now that he knew that he might not lose to any soul master, he went crazy.

In Chu Wei's eyes, this world is like a game. Maybe the talents are different, but when developed, the combat effectiveness may not be much different.

"Of course, don't even look at who I am! From now on I can also call myself the Sausage Soul Master!"

"Pfft~!" Are you planning to get a huge sausage and use it to hit people? Yes, but be careful. Beating a dog with a meat bun will have no return, and your opponent will eat it!


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