I sell soul rings in Douluo

Chapter 2: The role of circles

Feeling the majestic soul power in his body, Chu Wei was full of surprise, because it was as if he knew instinctively how to use his martial soul. .

Jogging all the way to the kitchen, he picked up a kitchen knife. Chu Wei summoned the martial spirit again, and it was still a bright white aperture. This time he carefully controlled the aperture and put it on the kitchen knife.

Then Chu Wei's body shook, and he felt that most of his soul power was taken away at once, but he did not feel disappointed at all, but his face was full of surprise.

Because above the ordinary kitchen knife, a bright white halo was slowly rotating.

"So this is my martial spirit, which attaches spirit rings to everything!"

Chu Wei understood his martial soul. His martial soul was a soul ring. He also understood why it couldn't be used before.

Because when he first awakened his martial soul, he was a first-level soul warrior, and his soul ring was also a one-year soul ring. He could not be directly attached to an object, because if he was attached to an object, he would lose his martial soul.

But now that he is a second-level soul warrior, and his soul ring has become a two-year soul ring, he can split one year's soul power and attach it to the kitchen knife.

But soon Chu Wei began to have a sad face. The first-level soul warrior was entitled to a one-year soul ring, and the second-level soul warrior was entitled to a two-year soul ring.

Could it be that even if he reaches the realm of a titled Douluo, he can only use a hundred-year soul ring?

This is too weak!

Chu Wei shook his head and sighed, then stopped thinking about his bad martial arts spirit and began to study the changes in the kitchen knife.

After some testing, the sharpness of the kitchen knife has been greatly improved. Although it has not reached the point where it can cut iron like mud, it can cut wood and other things with ease.

Knowing his abilities, Chu Wei also gave up his original plan and went to Notting College.

Instead of wasting time in school, it is better to seize the time to practice.

In this way, Chu Wei gave up going to school and continued to work in the tavern during the day and go home to practice at night.

Unknowingly, Noting College has been in session for more than half a month, and Chu Wei has finally reached the level of a third-level soul warrior.

In the past half month, he was not only practicing, but also studying his martial soul as much as possible.

Through this period of research, he discovered the characteristics of his martial soul.

This martial soul can attach a soul ring to any dead object, and you can specify some basic attributes of the soul ring.

For example, making the kitchen knife sharper or strengthening the hardness of the kitchen knife. Of course, you can also change the size of the kitchen knife.

However, the advantages are clear, and the disadvantages are also considerable. If no one continues to inject soul power into the soul rings, the additional soul rings will slowly lose their level until the soul rings dissipate.

At the same time, soul rings can not only be attached to dead objects, but can also be attached to animals, but the effect is the same.

Animals can be strengthened, but because the animals themselves have no soul power, the soul ring will lose its level for a period of time and eventually dissipate.

On this day, Chu Wei went to the blacksmith shop in Notting City with money, and he was going to build a weapon suitable for his own use.

When I came to the blacksmith shop, I immediately saw a figure about the same height as myself, hitting something with a hammer, while the other blacksmiths looked at this young man with admiration.

Is it Tang San?

Although Chu Wei knew about this world, he also learned about it through novels. He didn't know what the real Tang San looked like, but he knew that the only one who could forge iron in the blacksmith shop with his young body was more accurate. He said that he was the only one in Notting City.

"Little brother, do you want to make weapons?" As soon as Chu Wei entered the door, he was spotted by a muscular man wearing a shirt.

After all, in this world, one has already become a soul master at the age of six. Naturally, one is relatively more mature. No one will look down on children.

"Who is that person? Why are you all looking at him?" Chu Wei pointed at Tang San knowingly.

"He, despite his young age, he is the best craftsman here. Those people are stealing lessons! Why, little brother, do you want him to help you make weapons?" The strong man introduced proudly. Tang San.

But at this time, Chu Wei was silent, wondering whether he should contact Tang San. Although Tang San was the protagonist, it would be popular to follow him, but at the same time, the protagonist was surrounded by troubles.

For example, the grudge between Tang Hao and Wuhun Palace, plus Xiao Wu, a hundred thousand year old soul beast, is really not sure whether he can get rid of it completely if he participates in it.

But Tang San also had an advantage that was fatal to Chu Wei, and that was hidden weapons!

In this world, apart from those artifacts, the most powerful ones are the Tang Sect's hidden weapons. What would happen if you attached a soul ring to the Tang Sect's hidden weapons? It’s chilling to think about.

In the end, strength defeated the danger.

Chu Wei doesn't know how his martial soul has evolved. What if it reaches the level of Titled Douluo, which is a soul ring that is more than ninety years old.

Even if he reaches the realm of Titled Douluo, is it possible that he can't defeat even a Soul Douluo or even a Soul Saint?

If he wants to have stronger strength, he must obtain the Tang Sect's hidden weapons.

"Uncle, can I talk to him alone?" Chu Wei asked.

"Okay." The strong man agreed directly after hearing this. After all, the weapons used by many soul masters have secrets. He also understood that basically seven or eight of the ten soul masters would make such a request. "Xiao San, come here, there are A guest!"

"Here we come!" Tang San put down the hammer, wiped his sweat and ran over. When he saw that Chu Wei was the same age, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Guest, what kind of weapon are you planning to make?"

"Can you come and talk to me alone?" Chu Wei asked.

"Okay, then you can lead the way." Tang San took off his blacksmith's uniform to prevent sparks from being splashed when forging in a well-mannered way, revealing the school uniform of Notting College, and then stretched out his hand to indicate that he could lead the way.

Chu Wei didn't think much about it, because he was assured of Tang San's character, so he took Tang San home directly.

When he arrived at home, Chu Wei said with a serious face, "In order to create a weapon that best suits me, I need to introduce my abilities first! I hope you won't expose them."

"Yes, I understand!" Tang San also looked serious when he heard this. He was secretly working on hidden weapons, so he naturally understood what Chu Wei was thinking.

"My martial soul is a soul ring. I can attach a soul ring to any object and then strengthen the object, such as this knife." Chu Wei picked up the kitchen knife and handed it to Tang San. "You can inject soul power into the kitchen knife. See look!"

Tang San heard the words and did as he was told. When he poured his soul power into the kitchen knife, a bright white halo appeared instantly. Tang San's eyes widened, "Is this?"

Chu Wei silently looked at Tang San's surprised look, but he was relieved in his heart. He finally took this step.

In fact, he knew that as long as his martial soul became stronger and came into contact with more people, it would eventually be exposed one day, but this time was greatly advanced.


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