Kamen Rider from Douluo

Chapter 85 The shortcomings of Tiandaozun?

The next day, Zhao Wuji came to the playground early to wait for everyone. .biquge

It's just that Zhao Wuji does look a little embarrassed now. There are at least three bluish spots on his face that have not faded away, especially the image of the panda eye in the orbit of his left eye, which really makes people laugh.

Everyone was inevitably a little surprised. After all, Zhao Wuji, who was quite normal a while ago, suddenly became bruised and swollen. He looked fine yesterday, but he suddenly became swollen early in the morning.

"What are you looking at? Are you itchy, you little bastards?"

I heard the words little bastard. Xiao Wu was obviously a little reluctant and whispered, "Why don't you say Little Bear is blind?"

Zhao Wuji's eyes widened, "Xiao Wu. What are you talking about?"

Tiandao Zun guarded Xiao Wu in front of him. He felt a little embarrassed for a moment. Zhao Wuji coughed dryly and said, "Okay, everyone is on the way. Mubai, you lead the team."

Dai Mubai nodded. His expression immediately became serious, and he said to the others, "The Star Dou Forest is not a place for fun. There are many soul beasts there, and they are extremely aggressive. They don't have a good impression of us humans."

When he said this, Tiandao Zun couldn't help but interrupt Dai Mubai, "Actually, there are quite a lot of friendly spirit beasts in the Star Dou Forest. It's just because they don't know how to express themselves and they don't understand the language that they fight with humans."

Everyone looked at Tiandao Zun blankly, not knowing what to say. Xiao Wu's eyes also narrowed with a smile, and they also agreed with this sentence.

Zhao Wuji slapped his forehead. How could Tiandao Zun, a "little brat", be so ignorant about so many things?

Fortunately, with Tang San's mediation, no one said anything more, but in Tang San's heart, he had a strong interest in Tiandaozun.

How on earth has he lived these years for being so powerful? Only Xiao Wu and him here know that he has survived in the Star Dou Forest for six years. At first, Tang San thought it was just an ordinary artificial captive forest, but after yesterday's conversation with Oscar in the dormitory During this process, Tang San learned that the Star Dou Forest was not a place to play house.

The Star Dou Forest is an extremely dangerous place, and it is also the cradle of soul beasts. It is the favorite place for powerful soul masters, and of course, it is also the place where soul masters suffer the greatest casualties. The Star Dou Forest is one of the three most famous soul beast settlements in the Douluo Continent. The area is so large that it is almost the same as the Balak Kingdom. It spans the borders of the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, and two-fifths of the area is in the Tiandou Empire. The other three-fifths are in the Star Luo Empire, which is a huge virgin forest with complex terrain. There are wetlands, swamps, and more. The soul beasts there are also extremely terrifying. The closer you get to the center of the forest, the more powerful the soul beasts become. It is said. There are even soul beasts that are 100,000 years old. Any soul master, as long as he is strong enough and lucky, can find the soul ring that suits him best.

Tang San thought about the various anomalies of Tiandaozun again. He doesn't like to communicate with others and is immersed in his own world. Except for Xiao Wu, no one can know his loneliness.

Tang San looked at Tiandaozun teasing the eagle named Anku that Flanders had returned to him, and thought to himself that there should be that "pet" who could understand Tiandaozun.

It is worth mentioning that after Anku was taken away by the dean, he searched through the history books and finally found out among the many classics left by Tiandao Zun’s grandmother that the species of this eagle should be Suzaku, but it is actually Suzaku and Quail. A combination of feathers, so Flanders concluded that Anku was a mutant Suzaku, and there were only five mutant Suzakus in the world!

Flanders also asked Tiandao Zun Anku about its origin. Because Anku looked like an infant, and his soul power was not strong, Flanders thought that it was just a soul that was only about a hundred years old. beast.

If he knew that Anku was a spirit beast that was about 90,000 years old, he would definitely be shocked. However, Anku was able to control the size of his body, and since it only had weak soul power, nothing was discovered after being taken away by Flanders.

Dai Mubai arranged the team, Tang San was in front, Ning Rongrong and Oscar, the two auxiliary soul masters, were behind Tiandao Zun, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were guarding them on the left and right, and Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu were behind. , in this way, the two auxiliary soul masters were placed in the center of the team for protection, while Tiandao Zun followed them and made arrangements for the break.

Being behind is always more important than the frontline task. After all, Tang San still has Fatty and Dai Mubai on the left and right wings to reinforce him at any time, but Tiandaozun, who is behind, has a greater position to be wary of.

As for Zao Wuji, he didn't insert himself into the team to temper this team of Shrek's monsters.

Tiandaozun followed the large team at the rear. Although the people in front were not as fast and physically strong as Tiandaozun, with Oscar's supplies, everyone was still able to keep moving forward.

Eating a sausage transformed from Oscar's martial spirit every hour would keep everyone's energy high. Even Ning Rongrong could barely keep up with everyone's pace.

Without real application, one will never understand the importance of auxiliary martial spirits. Oscar also impressed everyone because of the wonderful effect of his sausage, and received the best treatment.

Although Tiandao Zun did not enter the team to replenish his physical strength, his physical strength made him not need these things.

Zhao Wuji also felt something was wrong with the team when he was walking alongside Tiandao Zun from the back.

Among the team along the way, Ning Rongrong and Tiandao Zun both felt that they did not fit into the team. Ning Rongrong seemed very silent and did not use her Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda to provide auxiliary effects to everyone along the way. Everyone became very silent and did not refuse Oscar's sausage. He also didn't use his own martial spirit, vaguely. It seems that he has isolated himself from the entire small group.

Tiandaozun, on the other hand, was speechless all the way because of his strong body, and he followed the team without leaving. But Zhao Wuji understood that Tiandao Zun's pride and arrogance really made him unable to integrate into the larger group. Because of this personality, although Tiandao Zun was the most powerful among the eight Shrek students, he was also the weakest. "weak.

Because of his own aloofness, Tiandaozun has no one close to him except Xiao Wu and Anku. Even his "old friend" Tang San has no communication relationship. Tiandaozun here does not have a single friend to speak of. Popularity among the team is also not good. Because of his inconsistent personality and overconfidence, Tiandao Zun is just a lonely and strong person in this team, but once isolated, Tiandao Zun is the most dangerous one.

This is the shortcoming of Tiandaozun!

Everyone else has partners, and even if the enemy is too powerful, they can still compete with one or two. But no matter how strong Tiandao Zun is, he will still be attacked by others after he explodes with that mysterious power. Without his partners to block him behind him, he is in danger among the team.

"It seems that it is necessary to preach to this little bastard Tiandaozun!"

Zhao Wuji sneaked up on Tiandaozun and preached to Tiandaozun while running.

Predict what will happen next, let’s see the breakdown next time.


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