Kamen Rider from Douluo

Chapter 62 The fallen Tiandao Lord

Jia Dou gradually stepped forward, and Zhao Wuji stood there without hiding. To Zhao Wuji, Tiandao Zun was just a Soul Lord. Even if he was gifted with extraordinary talent and strength, he could only use the power of the Soul Sect, the Soul Saint. I still beat the Soul Sect violently!

Tang San held hidden weapons in his hands and threw them all at once. .

chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi chi...

Ten cold lights burst out from the light twitching of Tang San's hands and ten fingers, respectively shooting at Zhao Wuji's eyes, shoulders, throat, heart, knees, lower body and lower abdomen.The attack positions of the ten cold lights are not the same, and they all choose the vital points.

The ear-piercing sound of piercing the air startled Zhao Wuji. Among all his abilities, agility was the one he was least good at. After being possessed by the spirit, although his speed increased somewhat, but because of his huge size, Coupled with his amazing defensive power, he usually chooses a head-on approach when facing opponents.

Facing the sudden and extremely precise ten cold lights, Zhao Wou-ki reacted very quickly, with a pair of bear paws raised and lowered, the upper part covering his eyes, and the lower part covering his lower body.With a low growl, the soul power of his whole body burst out, urging Fudo Ming Wang's body to move with all his strength.

Ten explosions sounded almost at the same time, and ten cold lights pierced Zhao Wou-ki's body, but they were all bounced back under the tyrannical golden light, and did not cause any harm to Zhao Wou-ki.

Jiado took advantage of this moment and ran forward quickly, hitting Zhao Wuji's face with a powerful punch. Even without the blessing of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, the power exerted by Jia Dou cannot be underestimated.

After using the hidden weapon, Tang San also used Ghost Shadow at his feet to retreat to a safe attack range.

Tang San also agreed with this method. After all, he was using a hidden weapon. The main point of a hidden weapon is definitely not a direct conflict, but to hurt people in the dark. If it is a hidden weapon that is displayed in the open, its power and suddenness Long gone. But now that there is a "big human shield" in front of the defense, Tang Sect's hidden weapons can also display their due strength, not to mention that they can output damage without resisting damage.

Jiadou dodged Zhao Wuji's attack while turning around and retreating, leaving room for Tang San to attack. Tang San also secretly admired his ability to adapt to the attack methods of hidden weapons in a short period of time and formulate tactics at the same time, allowing two people who were not familiar with each other to have a certain degree of compatibility.

Tang San's hands were fluttering or flicking in front of him like butterflies piercing flowers. Cold light shot out from his hands one after another, specifically looking for the key points on Zhao Wuji's body to attack.

Lancets, locust stones, money darts, bone-penetrating nails, all kinds of hidden weapons bloomed in Tang San's flower rain technique, some flew straight, some flew obliquely, and some went around the back, but in the end But there is only one target, and that is Zao Wou-ki's body.

Zhao Wuji was also extremely surprised. The strength of these two children was obviously not as good as his own, but Tiandao Zun, who was fighting with him, restricted his movement. The armored man transformed by Tiandao Zun had metal armor and powerful strength. , although not as good as him, but his quick reaction speed makes it impossible for him to start. The straight punch he attacked was dodged as expected, and the attack position was still left. Tang San, who was behind, took the opportunity to throw out those strange things with very strong penetrating power. If he hadn't been able to move the Ming King's body with all his strength, he would probably have been injured by the two children.

It doesn't matter if he's injured, but he is the Soul Saint! If a soul saint is injured by a soul master and a soul warrior, wouldn't it make the world a laughing stock?

When he thought of this, Zhao Wuji used his second soul skill, the Powerful Vajra Palm!

The thick palm enlarged by a full circle and emitted a yellow light. The originally slow attack became sharper. This was the sign that Zhao Wuji was starting to take it seriously.

Because the distance was too close, Jiado couldn't dodge, and the strong palm force hit Jiado's breastplate directly, causing Jiado to fly backwards.

However, Zhao Wuji also restrained most of his power. After all, these children would still be his students, so Zhao Wuji acted in a measured manner, but he must make this child who embarrassed him pay the price!

Jiato was knocked to the ground about 10 meters away. The ground was also hit with cracks. The breastplate on Jiato's body was full of cracks and fragments. When he fell to the ground, he was forced to cancel his transformation and became dizzy. fell down.

This is the first time that Tiandaozun has been defeated in such an embarrassing manner. Even if it is an eight-thousand-year-old soul beast, Tiandaozun has the ability to temporarily resist. However, facing the soul saint, Tiandaozun still loses. With all kinds of unwillingness to bear the heavy force field, Tiandaozun still loses. Influence the body to fall downward.

Although the clothes were shattered by the huge force, there was not a single wound on Tiandao Zun's body, and there were only some scratches. However, in an instant, the exposed scratches were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Is he a monster?"

Everyone was shocked. Such a powerful strength, such a powerful and weird body, even if it was hit hard, it would not cause much damage, it would just faint.

Even Zhao Wuji lamented that if his power just now had been that of an ordinary soul master, the grass on his grave would have been three meters high. If he hadn't witnessed Tiandaozun's physical strength, Zhao Wuji would not have used the powerful Vajra Palm. Although he had recovered a few percent of the power, the consequences were beyond his expectation. He just didn't expect that Tiandaozun's physical recovery ability would be so powerful. But it's good, at least Zhao Wuji doesn't have to worry about Tiandao Zun's injuries.

Seeing that Tiandaozun was defeated, Tang San decided to use his trump card "Dragon Beard Needle" without any further hesitation!

This was a small gold ball-shaped crystal cracked from the citrine that Tang San bought from that mysterious shop. Tang San had been hiding these small crystals in his fingernails. It was both hidden and convenient. It can hurt people invisible.

As a master of hidden weapons, it is naturally extremely important to grasp the timing of launching hidden weapons. Tang San undoubtedly did this. The time he chose happened to be the moment when Zhao Wuji had just temporarily relaxed due to defeating Tiandao Zun. This was precisely when his defense was weak. The timing is also the best opportunity to attack.

With the insight of the Purple Level Demonic Eyes, Tang San could not only clearly see every move of his opponent, but he could even see the fluctuations in the soul power around Zhao Wuji's body.Otherwise, how could he find his opponent's flaws so perfectly?This is the greatest role of the purple level magic pupils.

Ten golden rays of light forcibly penetrated the defense of Fudo Ming King's body, quietly imprinted on Zhao Wuji's body, and got in.

Zao Wou-ki felt severe pain coming from several places on his body at the same time, with his strong nerves, he couldn't help but gasp, his whole body convulsed from the pain.

"You..." Zhao Wuji became a little angry, and let out a low growl from his mouth, the fifth spirit ring, the shining deep black spirit ring suddenly lit up.The strong roar made the entire Shrek Academy tremble.

Tang San only felt huge pressure coming from all directions at the same time, his body uncontrollably rushed towards Zhao Wuji's direction, the pressure from around his body seemed to crush his body, this force was no longer what he wanted able to contend.

The fifth soul skill of Zhao Wuji's powerful Vajra Bear martial spirit is gravity squeezing.

Because Tang San was affected by gravity and his movements were restricted, he did not use hidden weapons immediately, but Zhao Wuji controlled the power of life and death.

At this time, Zhao Wuji already had angry feelings. After all, Tiandao Zun, who had "natural power" and rich combat experience, restricted his movements and kept using his agile body to attack him. From time to time, he would open a distance for Tang San to send out attacks. The strange equipment made him embarrassed and secretly angry. Later, Tang San, this kid, actually sent out something that pierced the skin. The thing penetrated deeply into the flesh and blood, and even curled up into a ball. Even if he used the immovable body, he still felt heartbreaking pain, like this How could Zhao Wuji not be angry under such circumstances?

Only a loud noise was heard.

Predict what will happen next, let’s see the breakdown next time.


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