Kamen Rider from Douluo

Chapter 60 Tiandaozun’s Armored King

"Have we discussed it yet?" Zhao Wuji's loud voice came. The four of them turned around and saw that the incense stick on the ground had burned to the end.

"Teacher, it's time to start." Dai Mubai nodded to Zhao Wuji, and quickly stepped back to watch the battle.Although this is an unequal battle, seeing Zhao Wou-ki make a move, he is also a powerful attacking soul master, so he will naturally not let go of this learning opportunity.

Zao Wou-ki stood up again, clasped his hands together, moved his wrist, a series of teeth-stinging bones cracked, and the invisible pressure suddenly increased a bit.

Zhao Wuji conjured up another incense stick in his hand, and before he could light it, Ning Rongrong took the lead.

"Seven treasures turn out to have colored glass." The body floated on the spot for a week, and the dazzling colorful rays of light were released from her body. I saw that there was an extra foot in the palm of Ning Rongrong's right hand where the colorful rays of light condensed. High colorful pagoda.

Baoguang shone, extravagance was pressing, Ning Rongrong smiled, and the whole person looked like a fairy.Two yellow spirit rings rose from under her feet, circling quietly around her.

"The seven treasures are famous, one is power." The first soul ring rose up and enveloped the seven-colored pagoda. Under the guidance of Ning Rongrong's left hand, four streams of light were released at the same time, falling on the four bodies of Tiandaozun.

Immediately, a warm energy poured in from the limbs and bones, and the three of them suddenly felt that their whole body was full of power, and even the soul power in their bodies rushed up like a boil.

Zhao Wuji looked at Ning Rongrong in astonishment, "My good fellow, one of the candidates this year is actually from the Qibao Liuli family. Not bad, not bad, Old Ghost Flanders must be excited this time." While talking, he The incense in his hand was already lit, he threw it casually and inserted it into the ground.

"The Seven Treasures are famous, and the second is speed." Four more colorful lights floated out, and Ning Rongrong's second soul ring also played its role.

All of a sudden, the four of them felt that their bodies were light. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was indeed worthy of its reputation as the number one martial spirit in the auxiliary system. The speed and strength increased by 8000% at the same time, especially the powerful Tiandao Zun. He could clearly feel the special blessing power from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. Now, even if he faces an -year-old soul, The beast is also completely unafraid!

At this moment, Zhao Wuji moved, not charging towards Tang San and the others, but squatting with his legs half-crouched, his body suddenly jumped up, and he punched the ground with both fists at the same time.

Tiandaozun knew that it was aimed at the auxiliary soul master Ning Rongrong, so when Zhao Wuji just set off, the belt had already changed at the waist and turned into a flat belt-type driver.

When Zhao Wuji exerted his strength, an insect-shaped unicorn-like transformation device appeared in Tiandao Zun's hand.

Putting the rhinoceros into the drive, a huge armor covered the body of Tendou Zun, it was Kamen Rider Kato (mask form)!

Jiado blocked Zhao Wuji's attack and stopped there abruptly. Zhao Wuji used his soul power to swipe Jiado's armor hard, making a huge metal impact sound, but the armor did not move at all! (At this time, Zao Wuji was only using his soul power and had not yet possessed a martial soul. In addition, the armor defense in the mask form was the best in the past ten years, so naturally nothing happened)

At this time, Jiato turned his head and looked at the position of the flying Anku. A back turn separated him from Zhao Wuji.

Jiado nodded to Anku. One person and one eagle had already become very compatible with each other through the battle in the Star Dou Forest. How could Anku not know what his companion meant?

Anku breathed out blazing fire at Zhao Wuji, temporarily blocking Zhao Wuji's progress. Tang San and others also didn't expect that a "pet eagle" like Anku would have such abilities.

Especially Zhao Wuji, who temporarily retreated, was secretly surprised, "Is this a mutated soul beast? I didn't expect that Tiandao Master actually subdued a mutated soul beast!"

Anku increased the output of the flames, and the fire was as majestic as a long song, burning so much that a layer of purple appeared on the ground.

At this moment, Zhao Wuji's expression suddenly changed slightly, he roared, and his body suddenly expanded. The already terrifying muscles in his body almost doubled in size, and even his height increased by one meter in an instant, making his whole body become extremely majestic.

Seven dazzling spirit rings rose at the same time, just as Dai Mubai said, two yellow, two purple, three black, seven terrifying spirit rings attached to his body.

The flames emitted by Anku were scattered by Zhao Wuji's right hand. Anku did not dare to spit out fire at will anymore. He just turned around and spit out a fireball towards Jia Dou.

"What are you doing! Tiandao Zun will get hurt like this!" Everyone stopped and hesitated. Could it be that they suddenly rebelled?

Only Xiao Wu and Tang San knew that this was actually Tiandao Zun's plan. After all, Tiandao Zun told them the general story of how he returned from training in the Star Dou Forest for six years, and they also guessed that this might be Tiandao Zun's plan. plan.

As for why they are so sure, after Tiandao Zun came back, Xiao Wu and Tang San also saw An Ku "wolfing down" while enjoying the food. While feasting, they also witnessed An Ku's appearance as a foodie.

Just because Anku is a die-hard fan of Tiandaozun's cuisine, Tang San and Xiao Wu can guarantee that this must be Tiandaozun's special combat method.

When everyone reacted, they saw that just when the fireball was about to fall, Jiado gently flicked away the horn of the rhinoceros with his right hand, and an electric current flowed in Jiado's huge armor.

The armor began to disintegrate, and the armor on Jiado's body had cracks that separated the armor in an instant. The armor pieces bounced off, and the first soul ring that emerged also emitted a purple light, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.


With his right hand, Jiado pulled away the horn that popped out of the horned fairy and pulled it to the other side. The body of the horned fairy in the middle also stretched out, exuding purple electric current flowing throughout the body.

The fireball also fell down at the same time. In the blink of an eye, the separated armor of the armor exploded instantly, and fragments popped forward one by one. The fireball also followed the airflow and huge force of the armor fragments that bounced away. Flying in the direction of Zhao Wuji.

"That's it! I used the fireball to distract my attention, and focused on the fireball. I didn't stop it immediately. When I was about to fall, I used my soul skill at the right time to bounce the armor away. With the help of this A force attacks the fireball and the ejected fragments. Even if the fireball is resisted, the sharp fragments will scratch the skin or accidentally cause the fragments to scratch important parts!" Zhao Wuji looked calm, the first yellow The soul ring does not move the Ming King's body, activates!

The huge body possessed by the martial spirit emitted a golden light, and the fireballs flew down with the fragments, but they were unable to hurt Zhao Wuji. They only made Zhao Wuji a little embarrassed, that's all!

At this time, Tiandao Zun transformed into Jia Dou, and a single horn rose up on the forehead behind the explosive armor, completing the transformation.

The red horn shows extraordinary fighting power, the light blue compound eyes shine with light, and the red metal armor exudes domineering power. This is Kabuto, this is the knight who walks the way of heaven!

To predict what will happen next, please listen to the breakdown next time


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