Kamen Rider from Douluo

Chapter 36 Kiva: Mind

"I followed the voice of my soul to fight, now and in the future, to protect what is important!"

Tiandaozun sat up leisurely, it was a new day. Every time since he became familiar with the power of the King of Lightning, he would have some strange dreams, but he couldn't remember anything, only a sentence or two. .biquge But after that, Tiandaozun and Zhang Hai seemed to have a deep connection.

Originally, Tiandao Zun thought that Den-O was the weakest among the Kamen Riders. In fact, this is not the case. As long as your "Alien Demon God" is strong, the transformed Den-O will be even more powerful. The ability of Den-O is the addition of the "Alien Demon God". On my body.

If Tiandao Zun himself is stronger than the "different demon god", and the power of the "different demon god" is added after possession, this is like a power of 21=3.

If the body of Tendo Lord cannot withstand the power of the "different demon god" (such as Nogami Ryotaro), then he cannot control the body, but the "different demon god" uses Denou to exert the power of the "different demon god" It is also determined based on the power of the "different demon god" and the host's own power.

Although Tiandao Zun's body could not bear Zhang Hai, the "extraordinary demon god", after a period of killing monsters, a connection was created between the two. Originally, it was uncertain for Tiandao Zun to call Zhang Hai, but Since using the power of the King of Lightning, Tiandao Zun and Zhang Hai have been able to communicate with each other. It is as if there is a telephone line connected between the two, and they can "make" calls at any time. As for those strange words such as telephone game consoles, it is also Learn from Zhang Hai that there are such magical things in other worlds

"嘤嘤嘤~" (Tiandao, what shall we eat today?)

"Today we go to the river to collect some river water and catch some fish to grill. There is still some grilling material left, which should be used today." Tiandao Zun rolled up his sleeves and looked very moved.

"Uh-huh-huh-huh~" (Wouldn't I not be able to eat barbecue from now on? This is not okay!)

"Don't worry, I'll use some spices to mix the roasting ingredients to make sure you can eat barbecue today."

"嘤嘤嘤~" Anku shouted happily, his wings still waving on one side, and he felt very happy standing on the shoulders of Tiandao Zun.

Tiandao Zun and Anku came to the river. Looking at the large wet footprints left on the river, Tiandao Zun recognized them at a glance as belonging to the "Creeper Forest Lizard".

"It seems that the forest lizard has been foraging here just now. After we caught the fish, we went back to the camp. Looking at the footprints here, this crawler should be a spirit beast that is about nine hundred years old. It is relatively difficult to deal with, and its venom is very powerful. Corrosive is a relatively ferocious character in the forest.”

Tiandao Zun filled up the river water and caught a few fish weighing more than ten kilograms. When he was about to go back, he unexpectedly saw the footprints of the forest lizard.

"Could it be that the forest lizard has run into the shelter? It seems we need to be careful."

Tiandaozun summoned the belt, and two soul rings appeared behind him, one yellow and one purple, but there was a faint purple ring in the yellow soul ring.

The yellow soul ring lit up, Tiandao Zun's belt also burst, and a bat flew out of the void like a one-horned immortal transformer and flew to Tiandao Zun's right hand.

Tiandao Zun grabbed the bat transformer with his right hand, pressed the button in the middle, bit it on his left hand, Tiandao Zun felt a wild and overbearing dark power enter his body from the place where he bit, and red and blue reflected on both sides of his cheeks. Alternate texture.

The waist was suddenly wrapped by chains to form a belt with a horizontal hook. Tiandaozun pressed the bat transformer in his right hand, and ripples appeared from the transformer.

Tiandao Zun's body gradually mutated, and a shell condensed outside his skin. When it expanded to a certain extent, it exploded into a pair of armor.

The hook eye of a bat, the red and white muscle armor, and the mail on his right foot wrapped in a chain are none other than Kamen Rider Kiva.

"Anku, follow me!"

Kiva and the flying Anku moved quickly, and soon they saw a huge dark green lizard crawling next to the ashes of the fire in the shelter, chewing some things in the shelter, as if it had become a member of the shelter. Owner.

"Just in time to try my skills!"

Kiva waved his hand and was about to fuck him when he suddenly heard the "music" in the lizard's heart.

Tiandao Zun has used Xianggui before, and he has already deeply understood the connotation and emotion of music. When he heard the brisk music using kiva, he couldn't help but close his eyes and feel the connotation of the music.

"Today is a good day~

I can eat whatever I want,

Eat and eat and still want to eat,

This stuff is so delicious~”

Kiva's yellow eyes lit up and he understood the lizard's thoughts and feelings, and the joyful song vividly expressed the lizard's love for food.

"I see, is kiva's ability similar to reading music in the soul? But kiva's ability is predicated on its own rich understanding of "music"."

The lizard glanced sideways at Kiva, and the whole lizard felt bad, and hostility immediately rose from within.

"You're not right at first glance~

His mouth is so greedy that his yellow eyes are shining,

But you think beautifully,

All the food is, is, all mine~! "

Hearing this hostile music, Kiva was ready for a fight, not to mention that his ability to listen to spiritual music was quite good.

When he came back to his senses, the lizard swung its big tail, and Kiva jumped to avoid it.

Two soul rings appeared behind Kiva. The yellow soul ring lit up the purple inner ring. A purple whistle appeared in Kiva's hand. He inserted the whistle into the mouth of the bat transformer and played a beautiful music.

A purple fist-like hammer appeared in front of Kiva. After holding it with both hands, chains emerged from the handle of the hammer and wrapped around Kiva's arm, and purple gauntlets exploded. Then the armor on his body was also wrapped in chains, exploding into large pieces of purple armor. The bat's eyes lit up and turned purple, and kiva's hook eye also turned purple.

Kiva Degas form is coming!

The sudden transformation also made the lizard a little confused, and its attack speed also slowed down.

Kiva grabbed the lizard's tail, and the huge force prevented the lizard from breaking free, but the lizard still struggled there.

"It's time to play the music of the soul!"

Kiva took out a colorless whistle, inserted it into the mouth of the bat transformer, and played spiritual music.

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait.

"There shouldn't be any disputes between us~

Now it's just, here

No, it should continue the pain of the battle~

Come and have some grilled fish and enjoy every day!

Throw away all your worries~"

The lizard understood the music of the soul and stopped attacking Tiandao Zun. Although he couldn't defeat the armored man, it was always bad to fight and kill him. He should eat two grilled fish and play well to have a truly beautiful life.

You can never go wrong with delicious food!

Later, Lizard even caught a bunch of big fish, and started grilling fish with Tiandaozun who had released his transformation state. No, it should be watching Tiandaozun grilling fish.

A layer of soil is laid next to the fire piled with combustible materials to prevent the fire from spreading and causing forest fires.

Zhang Hai once said, "Set the mountain on fire and sit in jail!" Although I still don't understand what it means, it sounds very serious.

Tiandaozun placed the grilled sticks in a certain order, with whole fish stuck on them. However, Tiandaozun had already scraped off the scales of the fish, made a small cut and removed the fish gall and fishy threads inside. , and also pulled out the gills of the fish, and then found a fireproof wooden stick to stick it in. There should be more than ten or twenty sticks in it.

Tiandao Zun occasionally flipped the baking sticks, holding bottles of sauces and spices in his hands, and when the time was right, he sprinkled them one by one. His smooth movements all revealed the style of everyone.

As a quasi-chef, Tiandao Zun kept in mind what his grandma said, there is nothing in the world that cannot be solved with one meal. If there is, then two meals!

As expected, ever since the lizard ate Tiandao-ryu grilled fish, he planned to stay with Tiandao Zun, and his moving eyes seemed to be looking at a "beautiful" bride.

But looking at Ankun's eyes as he killed the lizard, he immediately felt relieved.

Through the communication with Tiandao Zun, Lizard knew that this boss Anku was a ninety thousand year old soul beast. Even if he had fallen into this state, he would still be very difficult to mess with. After all, a skinny camel was bigger than a horse. Now Anku is slower. Slowly regaining strength, just in case I get jealous one day

Lizard thought for a while and decided to quit the team and not "compete" with the boss Anku for favor.


On the bank of the river, Tiandaozun silently looked at the moon in the sky. He vaguely felt that the moon seemed to be soothing his soul.

Bathed in the moonlight, the young man looked forward to the distant future and seemed to understand something.

"I will fight according to the voice of my heart, now and in the future, to protect what is important!"

Predict what will happen next, let’s see the breakdown next time.

p.s. I studied for the academic exam this afternoon, but I was delayed due to something. When I arrived at the exam venue, it was already too late. I couldn’t enter the exam venue and left. When I went down the stairs, I hammered the tile wall hard. Although my hands hurt like crazy, but my heart Anxiety and boredom filled my heart.

In fact, it’s not the fault of others. It’s all your own fault. If you fail the exam, you’re the one who dug it. No matter how hard it is, you have to jump out.

Because of this, I lay in bed for a long time and was sulking, so I never updated. In fact, this chapter was completed at noon, but because of the sulking, it never came out.


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