Kamen Rider from Douluo

Chapter 100 The battle belonging to Tang 3

The purple light in Tang San's eyes shined brightly, and he used the Purple Demon Eyes to the extreme. His face was tense, and his focus was entirely on the Human-Faced Demon Spider flying to the ground. .shung

Tiandao Zun also borrowed his belt "lamp" to illuminate the direction of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, which also allowed the battle between Tang San and the Man-Faced Demon Spider to proceed "better".

The human-faced demon spider's residual limbs were still bleeding, but its figure slowly stabilized. With fierce eyes, its upper and lower heads looked at Tiandao Zun and the others ferociously.

Although the face under the Man-Faced Demon Spider has long been unrecognizable due to injuries, this look adds a bit of a bloody and ferocious appearance to the soul beast. If you ignore the bleeding stump, This Man-Faced Demon Spider is quite ferocious and evil.

"Tang San! This Man-Faced Demon Spider has recovered a lot of its injuries, and it seems that its web has been used up. He knows that he can't leave today, so he will attack you desperately in the future. Although He has been seriously injured, but you must still be careful!" Tiandao Zun stood aside, and he also asked everyone to go to various areas to guard, so that if the Man-Faced Demon Spider escapes, they can intercept it in time. After all, this is just a human-faced demon spider with its legs broken off, so it can't cause any trouble here.

Tiandao Zun deliberately broke off the legs of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, of course not only to prevent it from escaping, but more importantly, to allow Tang San to obtain its spirit ring and advance!

Tang San just stared into the eyes of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, while his right hand secretly summoned the spirit blue silver grass, and there were two spirit rings rhythmically surrounding the black basket-colored green wood vine.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider has temporarily adapted to the condition of missing one leg, but it does not dare to take action at will. Although it is not very intelligent, I don't know why the person who can tear off its leg did not attack it, but it also It is certain that if you don't fight the purple-eyed boy in front of you, you will only be surrounded and killed by them. It is better to fight and get the chance of survival!

But now the Man-Faced Demon Spider and Tang San were in a stalemate, with no one daring to attack first. Because the Man-Faced Demon Spider was missing its legs and suffered a lot of injuries, it naturally became cautious. Moreover, its legs and feet did not support its rapid movement, so the Man-Faced Demon Spider could only stand in a stalemate with Tang San. If you want to be proactive, act according to the opportunity.

As for Tang San, Tang San's stalemate with the Man-Faced Demon Spider was not to waste time fighting. After all, he had been using the Purple Demon Eye to the limit and his power was naturally in a state of consumption. His stalemate with the Man-Faced Demon Spider was just to find something. Use its flaw to attack, allowing Tang San and his hidden weapons to exert their best effect.

A "hidden weapon" is something that secretly takes someone's life. If it is placed frontally, it cannot be called a hidden weapon. Instead, it becomes an exposed weapon, and the original defense-breaking and unexpected effects are gone.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

The blue silver grass on Tang San's right hand extended quickly. He was preparing to attack the beast first. Now he had already formulated a method to deal with this spirit beast in his mind. What was missing was the "cooperation" of the Man-Faced Demon Spider. !

The dark blue vines wrapped around the body of the Man-Faced Demon Spider like grass whips, and were bound to control it.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider, full of sad colors, roared, but it was waving its spear spider legs around like crazy. For a moment, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass was freed by its sharp claws.

At this time, the Man-Faced Demon Spider's whole body was flushed red, and even the tattered human face and stumps underneath it erupted with bright blood. The whole body rushed forward, using its six legs to stabilize the body and sprint, and there was a A spear spider's legs approached Tang San with red light.

"This soul beast has indeed mutated as my senior brother said. If the master knew about this red human-faced demon spider, he would be very excited, right?" Tang San raised his hands, and in an instant it turned into crystal clear jade. Shape of color, this is Tang San's secret skill, Xuan Jade Hand!

The jade-like hands are not only immune to some non-lethal toxins, but also have rock-solid properties!

Tang San grabbed the spider's legs with both hands. Because the Human-Faced Demon Spider was missing one leg, although the attack was fierce now, his body was still not very coordinated. Tang San, who had "purple" eyes, immediately discovered the reason for the attack. The track naturally caught the spider legs of the front sting.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider became even crazier after being grabbed by the spider leg, as if thinking about the spider leg that Tiandao Zun had just torn off!

The Man-Faced Demon Spider made a strange roll, causing Tang San to grab the spider's legs. One beast and one man were rolling on the ground in such strange ways.

Fortunately, Tang San took out the detoxification mushroom made by Oscar in his arms at that moment, and immediately put the mushroom into his mouth with his left hand.

Tang San grabbed the spider's legs tightly to prevent it from breaking free, and even used his skillful hands to slide through his belt, took out some long and thin needles, and plunged them into the body of the Man-Faced Demon Spider.

The sharp and slender stinging needle pierced the slightly fragile carapace of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, and penetrated into its skin in an instant. The Man-Faced Demon Spider was driven crazy by the severe pain caused by the stinging needle, and went crazy. Manipulating the six spider legs like crazy, he was about to squeeze and pierce Tang San.

Tang San forcefully shook off the Man-Faced Demon Spider's grabbed spider leg, and at the same time his hands moved.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider was "thrown" to the ground one meter away, but it rushed towards Tang San like a madman.

Now it no longer has any extra thoughts, it only thinks about one thing - to make Tang San pay the price!

Regardless of the pain in the body, regardless of the discomfort caused by fast movement, the seven spider legs limped and ran quickly!

Tang San's hands were filled with soul power, and he made strange swing movements with his hands. The Purple Demon Eye looked at the approaching Man-Faced Demon Spider without any fear, and used special soul power techniques with his left and right hands in opposite directions.

Suddenly, a special force was generated in his hand. The Man-Faced Demon Spider, which was about to approach, also froze for a moment before being thrown away by the special force.

This is also Tang San's secret skill - controlling cranes and capturing dragons!

Seeing the Man-Faced Demon Spider being thrown away, Tang San didn't hesitate much. He naturally knew that in the current state of madness, the Man-Faced Demon Spider would only be injured by the Man-Faced Demon Spider in a head-on confrontation, so he also moved quickly, The rapid movement of a layer of soul power attached to the body actually left a trail of afterimages in place.

Tang San's figure was as ethereal and blurry as a ghost, sometimes falling on the tree, sometimes floating in the air.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider in a frantic state couldn't tell which one was Tang San's body. Only when he saw it clearly did he realize that Tang San was holding a black box towards it behind his back.

"It's time to end this time!"

Tang San pressed the button on the black box, and several bone-penetrating nails flew out from the black box.

The Man-Faced Demon Spider could no longer dodge at this time, and could only watch the bone-penetrating nails pass through its body, and then its entire spider legs paralyzed on the ground, and its consciousness slowly disappeared.

Tang San took a breath and took the dagger to give it the final blow.

On the ground, a purple soul ring also appeared.

Predict what will happen next, let’s see the breakdown next time.

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