Douluo's Holy Immortal Chronicles

Chapter 12, Who is crazier?

Ye Tianchen, Chu Qingge and Gao Xiang and Liu Ruonan stood on the ring, and the referee said, "Please both parties activate their martial spirits..biquge"

Ye Tianchen's three eyes were shining, surrounded by three purple soul rings, which looked particularly dazzling. There are also two soul rings around Chu Qingge.

Gao Xiang's martial soul is activated, a team of wings sprouts from his back, and he fights in the sky wearing silver armor.

Liu Ruonan holds the white lotus in her hand, like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world.

A total of four yellow and two purple soul rings shone around the two of them.

Everyone was shocked, was Ye Tianchen already a soul master? It was impossible, but if it wasn't this soul ring, how could he explain it?

Ye Tianchen said, "Come on, you guys take action first."

Gao Xiang said, "Hey, do you want to step down early? Fulfill your shameful wish!"

His third soul ring shone, and a gust of wind blew. Ye Tianchen and Chu Qingge's expressions remained unchanged, as if it was just a breeze.

The audience's heart was in a state of trepidation. Is this the end? No, of course not. Ye Tianchen's right eye flashed and he stretched out his right hand.

The wind actually stopped at his hand. He held the wind and it shattered.

The audience was excited. What kind of strength is this? Gao Xiang said, "Idiot, I am Gang Feng, so what if you crush it to pieces? Can you bear the dark energy?"

Ye Tianchen said, "Really? One move has passed, you have no chance." Ye Tianchen's left eye and upper eye (third eye) flashed at the same time, and a barrier appeared in front of Chu Qingge, and Ye Tianchen disappeared at the same time.

The white lotus in Liu Ruonan's hand rotated at high speed, and the petals were flying all over the sky. The petals looked weak but were full of murderous intent. Each petal seemed like a sharp blade, leaving no one to hide.

Apparently Ye Tianchen noticed this and gave Chu Qingge a defensive barrier. Chu Qingge's right eye moved, and a colorful vortex appeared in the ring.

Ye Tianchen also appeared at the same time. Ye Tianchen appeared behind Liu Ruonan. The soul rings in his left and right eyes flashed at the same time. A small colorful vortex and a gray light shot directly at Liu Ruonan.

Liu Ruonan was unprepared. After receiving this blow, one was mentally confused and the other was weak. Both soul skills were weakening soul skills.

Chu Qingge's colorful vortex dispersed, and several people reappeared. Liu Ruonan's mental confusion and weakness caused her lower body to become unstable and she almost stumbled down.

She looked around, and her confusion caused her to recognize Gao Xiang as Ye Tianchen. The petals flew away one by one.

Chu Qingge asked, "Why don't you just let her end? Are you feeling distressed?"

Ye Tianchen shook his head and said, "His martial spirit is a little weird. I want to test it out. Otherwise, she won't end up accidentally, and I will end up instead."

Gao Xiang was chased by Liu Ruonan's petals, and the soul power of the two of them continued to be consumed. Gao Xiang seemed to have made up his mind and rushed towards Liu Ruonan.

The referee said, "What are you going to do? It is not allowed to attack your own teammates in the game."

Gao Xiang said, "Shut up, ant."

Just before Gao Xiang was released from Liu Ruonan's body, suddenly a lotus flower emerged from the ground, golden lotuses emerged from the ground, and a lotus flower floated from the sky, causing flowers to fall from the sky.

He was trapped. This was Liu Ruonan's life-saving soul skill. It would be difficult to escape without a soul power twenty levels higher than his. This soul skill lasted for five minutes.

Ye Tianchen said, "Fortunately, I didn't take action rashly, otherwise I would have definitely ended up."

Chu Qingge said, "Let's take action." After saying that, her left eye was filled with purple energy, and her spirit was peeled off!

Ye Tianchen's upper eye also shot out purple light, and the magic eye struck!

Gao Xiang covered his head in pain and shouted, "You bitch, you dare to hurt me?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Tianchen became cold. Song Yilin scolded Gao Xiang for being stupid. Was this word said casually?

An astonishing momentum burst out from Ye Tianchen, and Ye Tianchen became a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old. He was fluttering in white clothes and looked proudly at the world with a long sword in his hand. He was the only one in the world.

Ye Tianchen casually waved a sword energy, and in an instant the sword energy went straight towards Gao Xiang. He hurriedly avoided it, but how could he avoid Liu Ruonan's control?

But no one expected that Ye Tianchen's sword energy would shatter Liu Ruonan's control.

Gao Xiang laughed and soared into the sky. He thought he was out of danger, but the next Ye Tianchen appeared behind him and he stabbed out with his sword.

This sword did not kill Gao Xiang. Ye Tianchen disappeared instantly. He appeared in different directions every moment. The only thing he had in common was that he was climbing upwards.

He thrust out the sharp blade one after another, but each time failed to kill Gao Xiang. Finally, they reached an altitude of 10,000 meters, where the air was so thin that even spirit beasts could not survive.

Here, Ye Tianchen swung his last sword. With this sword, Ye Tianchen struck with all his strength and showed no mercy.

A golden, red and blue sword energy flew out. Gao Xiang looked at the sword energy getting closer and closer to him and wanted to dodge but couldn't.

Soon the sword energy arrived in front of Gao Xiang, and he closed his eyes. He was unwilling to give up. Why should he be defeated by an ant?

But death did not come, but the pain in his right arm came. When he opened his eyes, his right arm had been severed. From then on, he was disabled, and he no longer had the capital to be arrogant.

After a while, Ye Tianchen rushed down with Gao Xiang. He threw Gao Xiang to the ground. Looking at the bloody Gao Xiang on the ground, many timid spectators covered their eyes.

Ye Tianchen said, "Apologise."

Gao Xiang said, "Impossible." Ye Tianchen said, "That's pretty tough. Do you know Ling Chi? It means cutting off people's flesh piece by piece, but not killing them. Are you willing?"

Gao Xiang said, "You bastard, kill me if you can." Hearing this, Ye Tianchen's eyes flashed fiercely, and he swung his sword. The referee took action, but three seconds later, the shield cracked.

Zhou Qingsong saw that the secret path was not good and hurriedly took action, but Zhou Qingsong was too slow. Three sword energy cut off Gao Xiang's left arm, left leg and right leg respectively.

Ye Tianchen said, "I won't kill you because you are not worthy of killing me. I will cripple your limbs and mess up your five internal organs. You will spend the rest of your life in the hospital."

Gao Xiang shouted in pain, "Ahhhhhh————————————————, God is unfair!"

Ye Tianchen changed into his original appearance. He shook a few times and fell down. Chu Qingge caught him. She hugged Ye Tianchen tenderly. Their relationship was already very wonderful.

Chu Qingge kissed Ye Tianchen gently on the forehead. No one noticed. She felt that Ye Tianchen was really handsome and familiar.

Chu Qingge carried Ye Tianchen to the infirmary, and Zhou Qingsong, Song Yilin, Ye Qingwu and Ye Xintong followed one after another.

Chu Qingge looked at Ye Tianchen tenderly, as if he was looking at his sweetheart.

Zhou Qingsong asked, "Qingge, can you tell me what happened to you? Can you tell me what you found there? Please tell me one by one."

Chu Qingge looked at Zhou Qingsong and Song Yilin, while Ye Qingwu and Ye Xintong nodded slightly with curious eyes. He started to talk about what happened between him and Ye Tianchen.

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