Pokémon Breakthrough Peak

Chapter 69: Sha Lala, I’m a big fool

I stepped on the green grass under my feet and breathed the clear air of the forest. .biquge

After settling the Fiery Monkeys and the others, Qing Muji returned to the place where the Fiery Monkeys and the Toucan Duduli had just fought. He did not get too close recklessly, as long as he could see the Toucans and the others in his field of vision.

With the help of the tall trees, I peered out and saw that the fire-breathing dragon was hiding not far from Qingmuji. After all, safety was important. It was too dangerous to peek at the elves. If the elves mistakenly thought they were hostile and attacked with skills, , there will be an extra stick of incense in front of your grave today next year.

Human bodies are too fragile. Elves crush humans in all aspects. All humans can rely on is their own wisdom and courage.

From Qing Muji's point of view, there were only a few Spearows playing and playing on a big tree in the distance, while the Toucan stood on the highest branch looking in one direction, and the Dudus had long since disappeared.

Judging from the situation, the transaction was over. I was quite disappointed and did not satisfy my curiosity. But thinking about it, after all, Qingmu Tsugumi spent a lot of time helping the monkey monsters deal with their injuries. It would be strange to see the transaction. .

Since I can't satisfy my curiosity, I should do something serious and help the monkey monsters bring some food back. After all, I am injured and have some inconvenience in my movements.

Fiery Monkeys are omnivorous Pokémon, which means they can eat both vegetarian and meat foods. If they are vegetarian, it will be a good solution. The most indispensable thing in the forest is wild fruits. Seiki Tsuguya has learned about wild fruits and knows which ones cannot be eaten. He kept in mind which ones were non-toxic and edible, and he was always overly cautious about saving his life.

The wild fruits in the forest have no special effects, they just fill the stomach. The fruits with special effects are guarded by elves, and each fruit tree is equivalent to the property of the human world.

Although it is easy to find, there are too many monkey monsters, so Qing Muji has to pick a lot. Fortunately, there is a space backpack to solve this problem.

With the fruit in hand, Qing Muji returned to the temporary stronghold of the monkey monsters, distributed the fruits to the monkey monsters, and then began to set up his tent again.

At night, the cold wind was blowing, and the surrounding rocks blocked most of it. A fireball rose in the middle surrounded by the rocks. Most of the monkey monsters cuddled together in twos to keep each other warm. The leader, the fiery monkey, was alone. The monkey sat one or two meters away from the fire.

Hiding in Charizard's arms with a blanket, he didn't rush to make any demands. Although he wanted to learn melee combat with Fiery Monkey, Charizard's injury was not healed yet, so he just used this time to become a familiar face. The thoughts in the young man's eyes With.

The next morning, the monkey group set off early to find a new place to live. After about a day of rest yesterday, some of them also took some medicine, so most of them could walk freely without any problems, but their bodies still had some problems. Just a little weak.

Following the large army, the monkey monsters finally settled on a small valley to the east of their original residence. The environment was of course not as good as before, but it was enough to live in.

Two days later, Seiki Tsugumi carefully removed Charizard's bandage bit by bit, and his left paw was finally visible again. Charizard felt very happy. He shook it tentatively and punched a few times to find that everything was fine, that is, the left paw was intact. The claw is finally healed.

Zuozhao now can't tell how serious it was at that time. After all, Zuozhao looked at Qingmu Tsugumi at that time and was worried to death.

Now that Charizard is healed, that means you can ask Fiery Monkey to teach Charizard how to fight in close combat.

Walking up to the Fiery Monkey nestled under the rock, he took a deep breath.

"You must be very doubtful as to why we saved you. After all, I haven't explained it to you in the past few days. Today I told you that I asked Charizard to save you because I wanted to ask you about close combat and learn combat skills."

The suspicion in the eyes of the fiery monkey has been reduced by most. Yes, it is suspicion. After all, this human suddenly saved himself inexplicably and has been following his own group silently to help them. The fiery monkey has never been able to understand this.

After all, there is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason. If a person suddenly and inexplicably treats you very well, then he may have his own purpose.

Today, the human finally made his request, but the fiery monkey breathed a sigh of relief. The fiery monkey easily nodded and agreed to the human's request.

After waving to Charizard to come over, Explosive Monkey brought Charizard to an open space in a small valley. After standing up, he hooked his fingers to signal Charizard to attack.

Without too much nonsense, because he only learned fighting skills, Charizard didn't use the skills. He rushed forward and raised his claws to grab the fiery monkey from top to bottom.

He turned sideways and let his claws catch the air, then charged up a punch to hit Charizard's soft belly. This punch made Charizard feel like his stomach was churning, but Charizard didn't pay attention. From his debut to now, he has suffered many injuries, big and small. , he could endure most of this pain and it would pass.

He grabbed his right hand and made a crosscut, trying to force the fiery monkey away with the sharp claws on his hand. The fiery monkey raised his hand to block the crosscut claw, rotated and grabbed the paw, and punched it in the stomach again. The decoration is exactly the same as before.

After being injured in the same place twice, Charizard subconsciously covered his stomach with his left paw, and his straight waist was slightly bent.

The fiery monkey turned around, grabbed his right paw and threw it forward with the help of Charizard, who was bent a little due to pain. Charizard's strong body flew into the air, and after a beautiful roll in the air, he violently Thrown to the ground by Explosive Monkey.

Qingmu Tsugumi stood beside him and was dumbfounded. Although he knew that Fiery Monkey had strong fighting ability, it was too fast. In just five or six seconds, Charizard was thrown to the ground by him.

If he had used his skills, Charizard would probably be unable to fight at this time, but Tsugumi Kiyoshi became excited. The stronger the Fire-breathing Monkey, the happier he would be.

Charizard, who controls the Flame Steel Fist, uses the fighting skills he has learned to block the opponent's attacks one by one. He can easily seize the opponent's neutral position, and force the opponent to hit him even if he doesn't have it. It's really awesome!

Although you may have to be beaten constantly during the study process, civil service is really great. Just read books to enrich your knowledge, Aoki Jin thought happily while looking at the beaten fire-breathing dragon in front of him.

(The original articles I’ve written in the past few days have been average in effect. Do you want to write something more sensational? Also, my updates are relatively fast today. I feel like I’ve been able to write pretty well lately.)

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