Pokémon Breakthrough Peak

Chapter 63: Since no one voted, I expressed my intention to ascend to heaven immediately.

The battlefield was changing rapidly, and the old leader made a move that Kiyoki Tsugumi completely unexpected. .biquge

Brown energy flowed on its surface, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. The old leader's eyes widened. The cross that was spinning in mid-air and rushing towards him slowly began to slow down in his eyes. Seizing the opportunity, his body violently He stretched the ground, jumped sideways, and passed through the cross gap before finishing. Facing the explosive punch that was attacking, his body used an iron bridge to avoid it, and the energy wave of the explosion passed over his body.

The challenger expressed that he was blinded. He was stunned for a moment when he was dodged by two moves. However, the old leader was not the same as him. He seized this opportunity and raised his right hand. Yellow electricity began to flow from his left arm. It grew smaller and thicker, and violent currents were imprinted on the back of the challenger who could not hide. The current flowing in his right hand rushed into the challenger's body. April's current was flowing everywhere on his body.

Is it true? Fighting-type changing moves can see through the flaws in the enemy's moves and dodge attacks. They can only be used once in the game, and you can only dodge one, and the success rate becomes smaller as you go later. In reality, it is different. As long as the skill lasts, You are also quick to react, so you can dodge as many skills as you want.

Moreover, Qingmuji could clearly see that even after the effect of the Lightning Fist skill ended, several small yellow electric currents were still running around on the body surface. What he was doing was paralyzing the rhythm. It was completely impossible to steal the chicken but lose the rice. In this challenge Even an unfavorable situation can cause him to lose the battle.

It's over. The challenger has no hope of winning this game. As expected, after confirming that the challenger was paralyzed, the old leader did not fight with him anymore. He waited until the challenger was unable to move due to paralysis. At the same time, he quickly rushed forward with a set of left and right uppercuts, and finally hit his jaw with the strange force of the normal energy, making him unconscious.

The old leader was only slightly tired and had no injuries at all. He defeated the challenger with complete experience. However, what Qingmuji didn't expect was that the old leader grabbed a stone from the ground, weighed it first, and then fiercely He threw it in the direction where Qing Muji was hiding.

With the blessing of its power, the small rocks are no less powerful than the bullets in the previous life. Although the speed is not as fast, they can be scattered into smaller rocks when hit on the rocks, like a shotgun.

He was startled by the stone thrown at him and huddled behind the rock to avoid the impact of the stone. The group of monkey monsters began to scream, and the old leader rushed over at the lead.

Qing Muji turned around and ran, why not run? There were many monkeys, and the fire-breathing dragon was injured, so he couldn't fight them hard.

It's true that Fiery Monkey has such a temper. When he found out he was being spied on, he immediately ran over to find someone to fight with.

After going around seven times and eight times, he managed to escape. Fortunately, he was cautious and was already some distance away, so Qing Muji was able to run away.

As long as the fire-breathing dragon flaps its wings gently and flies into the sky, the monkeys below cannot harass him at all.

After getting rid of it, Charizard and Qing Muji met under a huge rock.

After watching this fight, Qing Muji had some new ideas. It would be very suitable to use Yan Gang Fist to perform a set of fighting moves, so now, should we stay here and observe for a few days? Anyway, Charizard's injury is not healed yet. Staying here for a few more days is just a good time to observe the fighting style of the Fiery Monkey.

After making up my mind, I started to take out the tent from my backpack, found some dead branches and started a fire. I planned to spend the day here first. In order to prevent myself from forgetting my wonderful ideas for a while, I picked up a pen and wrote crazily in my notebook. painting.

I thought about the movements made by the fire-breathing dragon, and filtered and simulated it again, and then removed some redundant movements. At the same time, I added the special effects of the Flame Steel Fist in my mind. It is quite interesting when I think about it carefully.

I drew a few little people on my notes. The style of painting should be ugly. In order not to make people laugh, I could only draw them using the stick figure method. Draw the stick figures with punching movements and mark notes next to them. How to fight, this is the prototype of Charizard fighting.

Although he looks like a middle school boy, he is just like a boy who is still in elementary school. After seeing the scenes of martial arts, he dreams of becoming a hero in the future, so he designs a set of martial arts of his own. He shudders and can no longer When he thought about it, he felt a little naive.

He put the notes in his backpack and looked at the sky. It was still early, so Qing Muji decided to take another peek.

This time he was more careful and groped carefully, and still found the monkey group in the original place. This time Qing Muji was more careful, and he stayed further away. Unexpectedly, the fiery monkeys would pay attention to the surrounding movements during the battle.

The fiery monkey who had just been defeated by the original leader has disappeared. Most of them have been driven away. The monkey group is now undergoing daily training.

The training of the monkey group is to fight in groups. They are divided into two teams, and the two divided teams fight each other. The hot monkey stands in front of the team and watches the sparring. Once he finds someone who is lazy, he will take him out alone to sparring with him.

After the training, every monkey monster's face is very beautiful, colorful. The so-called good fighting means that you have learned to protect yourself better in the process of being beaten continuously. If you don't feel so painful when you are beaten, it means you can be a master. .

After taking a closer look, I found that each one has a different way of fighting. They use their physical strength to oppress the opponent, or they use their agility to trick the opponent, or they rely on extremely fast bursts of fists to defeat the opponent first.

Touching his chin, it turns out that he can only rely on the side information. Everyone has a different way of fighting, so how can Charizard use its greatest advantage?

(Death or death, no one voted for me, I am so disappointed, I will decide tomorrow…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………Think again about how to write better. Sure enough, it’s still your own problem. My writing is not good. How can readers vote for me, eunuch? It’s impossible, it will never be possible. At least the eunuch has to wait until this book is finished.)

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