Pokémon Breakthrough Peak

Chapter 49: Let you be a slut

After reaching an agreement with the fast-swimming frog population, Qingmuji began to prepare for a series of experiments. .biqugev

The part below the dragon's elbow of the fire-breathing dragon turned black and purple. As if using poison, the dragon's claws ignited flames. The blue flames instantly wrapped the black-purple skin. The rising and roaring blue flames caused the group of fast-swimming frogs to appear. The look of fear. The timid mosquito-repellent tadpoles in the back were so frightened that they rushed directly to the bottom of the water, leaving only three or four more courageous mosquito-repellent frogs on the surface of the water, staring here.

"Do you know the water gun skill?" Qing Mu asked the group of fast-swimming frogs. The leader nodded and asked a fast-swimming frog next to him to line up.

"Okay, I'll ask you to release the water gun later. When I say let you go, you can release the water gun."

Seeing Charizard take a good posture, Kiyoki Tsugumi suddenly said "Let go" at this time, and saw the fast-swimming frog's hands merge and a bowl-sized jet of water emerge from the palm of his hand. When the water gun was about to approach Charizard, Charizard's claws were released. Swinging from left to right, the flames from the body surged into the left claw. The flames on the left claw instantly surged with the blessing, forming a fan-shaped flame barrier as the fire-breathing dragon glowed.

The thick water gun at the mouth of a bowl collided with the fan-shaped flame barrier. As a result, Qing Muji was surprised to find that the thick water gun at the mouth of the bowl began to evaporate a few centimeters in front of the fan-shaped flame barrier. After the collision, the evaporation became more serious, and the fan-shaped flames The barrier evaporated the water gun without moving at all. It was not until the water gun was completely evaporated that the barrier slowly dissipated. After the barrier was released, it continued for five seconds before slowly dissipating.

Having already taken out a notebook from his backpack, Qingmu Tsugumi wrote this down and then started the second experiment.

This time there was a fast-swimming frog carrying a water gun used by two mosquito-repellent frogs. The two mosquito-repellent frogs were eager to try in the water and were called up by the leader. After Charizard finished replenishing the flame particles in his body, three water guns of different sizes struck at Charizard.

The water gun of the fast-swimming frog is thicker, and the water guns emitted by the two mosquito-repellent frogs are 13 times thinner than that of the fast-swimming frog.

You must know that the power of skills is different in the hands of different elves. For example, the water gun issued by Rocket Turtle, the final evolution of Jerry Turtle, has a special bonus under the final evolution. In addition, water elves also have water-based skills. Bonuses, of course, are implicit.

The three water guns hit the fan-shaped flame barrier used by Charizard again. In the first two seconds, the ability of the flame barrier reached its peak. The three water guns fired together could not do anything to it. The burning flames directly evaporated the water gun quickly. However, the more it went, After the flame barrier began to weaken, the water gun began to gain the upper hand. After five seconds, the flame barrier dissipated directly.

After remembering this point, he began to test the maximum stress point of the flame barrier. Next, he planned to let all the fast swimming frogs use water guns. There were a total of six fast swimming frogs on the field including the leader.

Six powerful swimming frogs instantly released six thick water guns at the Charizard, with the leader being the strongest.

The flame barrier lasted for a second under the six water guns and then dissipated instantly. However, this second was precious enough. The fire-breathing dragon just flapped its wings slightly to avoid the water gun attack.

Kiyoki Tsugumi was very satisfied with this result. The first flame barrier can exist for five seconds. The melting point of the flame reaches its highest in the first two seconds. The energy defense it possesses is the strongest. Looking at his notes, he summarized the two Point, in addition, Qing Muji also needs to experiment with other things, such as whether the energy attacks of various systems can be defended.

The first is the freezing light, which can be completely defended, and then the destructive death light. Although it can only be withstood for a second or two, it can barely be defended. These two items were tested by the leader himself. Mosquito-repellent tadpoles have already appeared in the stream. Come and cheer for your leader with Mosquito-Celerated Frog!

Qingmu Tsugumi guessed that his energy flame defense relied on the burning power of the flame. He imagined that the flames would become stronger as he went to the back, and everything could burn by then. Thinking about it made him drool. Although he wanted to test it again, the further he went, the stronger the fire would be. In the later stage, the flame barrier released by Charizard becomes slower, and the flame particles are seriously exhausted.

There was no other way, Qing Muji could only let the fire-breathing dragon rest. This test station was put down. Now he has to fulfill the promise he made at the beginning.

"After Yan has rested, we will help you pick blue oranges."

The leader of the fast swimming frog nodded to express his understanding. After Charizard had rested, Qingmu Tsugumi entered the forest to the west with him.

After the two of them deliberately searched, they soon saw a tall blue-orange tree. However, there were more than a dozen large needles patrolling next to the blue-orange tree, and there were a few unicorn beetles lying on the tree. Enjoying the delicious taste of blue tangerines.

The giant stingray resembles a yellow bipedal bee, but it has only four legs instead of six. The body is divided into three sections, the head is relatively round, the mouth is pointed, the eyes are red and round, and there are two antennae. The abdomen is very round, and its four legs are attached to the abdomen. The tail is yellow and black, with poisonous needles at the end. The legs are slender, and the hands have large and thick white needles. There are two pairs of wings on the back, with complex patterns on the wings.

The giant needle bees watched with vigilance as the intruder broke into their gaze. They could quickly spot the intruder because he appeared directly in front of them in a swaggering manner.

"Hey, can we discuss it with you Stingy Bees? I'm willing to exchange things with you for some orchid chrysanthemums. I don't ask for much, just ten."

Looking at the ferocious fire-breathing dragon behind the intruder, Qi Qi's mouth was now blatantly spitting flames. In the eyes of the giant needle bees, it was a naked threat, but they recognized it. They didn't want to be needlessly injured, and the intruder agreed. Exchange items.

Under the friendly eyes of the fire-breathing dragon, Qing Muji put down a few slices of bread and happily walked away with ten blue oranges. Why don't you get more, you ask? How can it be? This is the place where people rely on for survival, and blue and orange are their important supplies. Qing Muji will not be too greedy, he would rather find more places.

I'm so brain-deprived that I really can't write it anymore. As expected, I'd better jump into the plot of the gold market. If I continue writing like this, it's just a meaningless word count. My level has seriously dropped, and I can't stand it anymore. So today I don’t have the shame to ask everyone for recommendation votes. As expected, I should think more about the future plot direction.

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