Pokémon Breakthrough Peak

Chapter 38: Possession and Hypnosis Part 2

The limbs are stiff, the hands are swinging in a certain shape, and the feet are walking exactly the same way. .biqugev

Qing Muji is in a panic now. He cannot control his body for some reason. All he can do now is the expression on his face.

If you can't speak, you can't shout loudly to attract others' attention. A ghost elf? Wild or trainer.

It should be impossible to go wild, after all, there is no way wild things can exist in this environment. Most wild ghost elves like to stay in some dark places, so that belongs to the trainer.

Enemies should be impossible. After all, Kiyoshi Tsugumi has just started traveling. Team Rocket's revenge is even more impossible. Their movements are not that fast. In addition, Kiyoki Tsugumi covered his face. Only Charizard has a scar. Easier to recognize. But he didn't fight anyone else, he just helped out by releasing it that day, so it was impossible for him to be discovered so quickly.

Motivated by wealth? Don't be kidding, he doesn't have any money in his pocket. Except for some scattered alliance coins, there is also a pile of small money that the boss gave Qingmu Jiji today. Besides, his clothes are not that of a disciple from a wealthy family.

Then there is only one truth, and that is the matter of 'Damu'. All of this happened when Qingmu Tsugumi was about to go to Xiaozhi and wanted to tell him. Does that mean he's stopping himself from telling Xiaozhi this?

While Qing Muji was still thinking wildly, he quickly returned to the place where he lived and took out the key from his pocket with a stiff hand.

It took me a few times to push the key in and open it, as if I wasn't used to using keys at all.

He took out the key and entered the room, closed and locked the door. The moment he faced his own shadow, his shadow began to boil. Literally, his shadow began to boil and a strange elf rose from Kiyuki Tsugumi's shadow.

It was a black, shadowy Pokémon. There is a white mist-like hair-like decoration on the small head, and only a pair of bright blue eyes are exposed under the cover. Its neck is surrounded by a red zigzag-like structure like a collar. A long black rag-like thing hangs on each shoulder. It has black claw-like hands and looks a bit like an hourglass wearing a ragged cloak. .

This is Darkrai. He looked at the elf rising from his shadow in shock. He thought it might be controlled by Gengar, but he didn't expect it to be it. You know, most people don't recognize it at all. As a rare elf, , it rarely appears in front of the world.

However, it is undeniable that his power is stronger than that of ordinary elves, not to mention that this elf may have a trainer. As some extremely rare elves, it is difficult to be subdued by trainers, but it is undeniable that being trained by them The trainer who admitted that he subdued him was undoubtedly an extremely powerful being.

Darkrai's eyes began to light up red. The moment he turned on the red light, Qing Muji's thinking began to blur, and double images appeared in his eyes. From the outside, Qing Muji's eyes were dull, and his eyes were like a The decorations are the same, and the expressionless face makes people feel particularly scary.

At the moment when his thoughts completely dissipated, he was confused and asked why? Darkrai slowly watched Qing Muji close his eyes, silently put him on the bed and covered him with a quilt. Then like a shadow, it recedes and disappears.

In a hotel, 'Damu' stood quietly in front of the window. In the bathroom behind him, Hanako in pajamas came out wiping her hair.

"Aren't you bored with this skin?" Hanako asked doubtfully.

'Damu' smiled softly at Hanako, with gentle eyes. He grabbed his face with his hands and pulled hard, and a piece of human skin with hair was directly pulled off. Under the moonlight, this was a very beautiful person. young man.

Slightly healthy wheat-colored skin, with two Z-shaped icons on his face.

"Nothing, I just want to take a shower." The man showed a hearty smile to Hanako.

On the shadow illuminated by the moon behind the man, a strange elf was rising. This was Darkrai who came out of Qingmu's step room.

"Husband, how did you let Xiao Yi out?" Hanako looked at this elf and smiled in surprise. She hugged Darkrai and kept rubbing Darkrai's head with her cheek.

Darkrai could no longer maintain the cold look on his face. He appeared shy the moment he was hugged, and there were two faint red marks on his face.

He broke free and slowly blended into the shadow, leaving only his head watching. The young man looked at this scene with a smile and answered the question that Hanako just asked.

"Do you know the child from Xiaozhi's friend Qingmu's family? The child looked at me at noon and there was something wrong. I asked Xiaoyi to go out and take a look. Sure enough, the child suspected the identity of Dr. Omu, who I played. That child At night, I still wanted to tell Xiaozhi that there was no other way. I could only let Xiaoyi seal part of the child's memory. Although I had faked my death for many years for that matter, in order to avoid the attention of interested people, I still wanted to reduce the risk. I could only Sorry about that kid."

"Really?" Hanako tilted her head.

"Stop talking about this, I finally had the opportunity to see you, Hanako, I miss you." The young man looked at Hanako with hot eyes, and a seductive blush appeared on Hanako's face.

At this time, Darkrai has already sank into the shadows very wisely. This time is still left to his own trainer...

In the early morning, he was awakened by a familiar noise. Qing Muji opened his hazy eyes and it took him a long time to wake up.

He was shocked that he felt so tired yesterday. After the sale, he lay down on the bed to rest without even taking a shower. It was obvious that he had sweated a lot yesterday.

Get up and take a shower, brush your teeth and wash your face, all in a short time. After all, Qingmu Tsugumi still had to go to work. When he went to work in the morning, some people from Xiaozhi came to the store to say goodbye to him, because they were about to set off again. Xiaozhi asked if he wanted to join them, but Qingmu Tsugumi shook his head and refused.

After some disappointed departures, Qing Muji looked at Xiaozhi and always felt hesitant to speak. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know why he wanted to say it to him. This made him feel very bad. But when he thought about the money he earned yesterday, his flowers burst into tears again. As expected, the world is huge, and money is the biggest thing.

The days passed like this, and the end of the month was coming soon. On this day, Qing Muji went to work as usual, but he saw a boy in the store.

Wearing the same casual shorts as everyone else, he sat on the chair and kept swaying his legs, enjoying the cold drink in his hand, as if he was no different from other guests, but what made him care was that the young man was wearing a strange wristband……

will will will! The new update has been provided. Recommendation votes, recommendation votes, recommendation votes. The important things are said three times again, and where do you think the boy at the last moment of the article is from? Alola or Carlos?

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