The end of the ninja world

Chapter 95 Prologue 3! Ye Xiaobei!

It is for transitional use and has a slow pace. It is recommended that you save it until Chapter 97 and read it together. .biqugev

"This is a good thing." Olanji was overjoyed and did not notice that Ye Xiaobei was deep in thought.

"Let's go to the training ground and summon this thing. I want to see everyone's strength." Olanji pulled Ye Xiaobei out without any explanation.

Arriving at the training ground, Olanji called over his cronies and Ye Xiaobei's group.

Ye Xiaobei used the space scroll to perform a move called the Great Shift of the Universe, and the chakra measuring instrument suddenly appeared, leaving everyone stunned.

Although Ye Xiaobei has passed on the code for making a space scroll to everyone in Aolanji, the storage space that can be stably maintained is only one cubic meter. This is the first time that everyone has seen a space scroll that can hold such a large thing.

Olanji told everyone enthusiastically, "This is the instrument used by the Fire Nation to measure chakra. We have been unable to grasp the number of people in the third section of the sequence without this thing. Today Shichiro Kitano helped us get one."

It turns out that although the Kingdom of Waves also uses the same tier system, the grading is actually very vague, especially the third tier. The mouth of the prologue can condense chakra, the second section of the prologue can control chakra, and the makoshita after the third section of the prologue can control the changes in the nature of chakra. But the first three paragraphs in the middle have always been very vague. After all, the official standard given by the Fire Nation is "reaching a certain amount of forbearance." Who knows what a certain amount is.

The Country of Waves has always considered people who were stronger before Makoshita and could master the changes in chakra form as the third dan. As for what comes after Makoshita, the country of Waves doesn’t know, but is simply classified as a Jonin.

"Everyone, let's take a test, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Olanji lay down in the machine, held his breath and concentrated his energy, condensing chakra.

The machine made a beeping sound, indicating that the test reached the maximum value.

"7." Sugimoto Hiko said, "Okay, you are already the third dan in the Land of Fire.

"Hey, but I'm still far ahead of you." Olanji lamented, this is really comparing people to each other, it's so irritating. At the age of 18, reaching the third stage of the prologue, it's fast or not. But Sugimoto Hiko has already reached the makushita rank at the age of 19, and his chakra volume is 20 units more than his own.

"Congratulations to Olanji." Everyone in the Country of Waves congratulated Olanki. They didn't even call him disgusting titles like Young Master. The president of the Country of Waves was also elected. Everyone congratulated Olanki just because he was indeed popular among the military circles.

Everyone in the Country of Waves also went up to test. There were many with 5 and 6, but very few with 7 and above. But Olanji is not worried. After all, the people around him are still young and there is a lot of room for future development.

"I'm here to test too." The swordsmanship instructor from the Land of Waves also came to join in the fun. A few days ago, when the leader was still there, the two of them often competed in swordsmanship. This time, the leader didn't come back, and he still felt quite lonely.

"233" Oranki cried out in surprise.

"Is he so high and invincible?" Everyone in the Country of Waves also whispered.

"Instructor, how do you compare with the leader?" Sugimoto Hiko is also very different. As a makushita dan himself, his chakra is 27, so even if the leader is as strong as the highest level yokozuna, he feels that a person with two or three hundred is about the same. It's over

The swordsmanship instructor looked solemn, shook his head and said, "Although I am an old man who likes to brag about myself, your leader should be more than ten times stronger than me."

As soon as the words fell, everyone was so surprised that they were speechless. Among the pile of "war five scum", a 233 appeared, which was already very strong. This 233 actually said that there was someone ten times stronger than him. No one can imagine what kind of state 2330 is.

Sugimoto Yan was also a little confused. Today's chakra testing activity really overturned some of his previous understandings. First of all, the leader is very strong, much stronger than he knows or imagines. Secondly, the amount of chakra is not the only condition that determines victory or defeat. Before, Ye Xiaobei fought against the Shenjin spy. The spy's chakra might have crushed Ye Xiaobei, but Ye Xiaobei still escaped unscathed. Therefore, the use of ninjutsu and the flexibility to deal with the enemy are extremely important.

"I'll do it, I'll do it." By the time the group from the Land of Waves finished testing, Soichiro could no longer hold himself back and quickly got into the machine.

beep beep.

"Uh, 4" Sugimoto Yan said.

"Hey" Soichiro was very surprised, "There are so few of these things, can they be damaged?"

"Probably not. You have just been promoted to the second dan, and you are already the fastest among your peers." Sugimoto comforted him.

Yangping also walked over to test how many he had.

As soon as the machine rang, Soichiro quickly came over and said, "Fuck 5, you are actually 5 taller than me."

Soichiro had an expression like "I treat you as a brother but you secretly upgraded."

"Yaozi, do you want to take a test too?" Sugimoto Yan asked.

Yaozi seemed to be still in a daze of losing her loved one. When she heard Sugimoto Yanko calling her, she trembled all over.

"You have to become stronger to avenge your family." Sugimoto Yan added.

Although she is a girl, Yaozi is first and foremost a ninja. She seems to have made great determination and walked over step by step. A'囧, who had been lying on the ground, seemed to notice something. He opened his eyes and stared at Yaozi. The aura of this girl's body had obviously changed at that moment.

Beep beep beep. The machine beeped again.

Sugimoto Hiko's surprised expression revealed happiness: "6 is not bad. If you work hard, you can preface the third chapter."

Hearing Sugimoto Yan praise herself, Yao Zi's weak face also regained a little color. She just had a wonderful feeling that she suddenly had the power to change her own destiny. That feeling of being in her own hands was really good.

"Hey, where is Kitai-nii?" Soichiro shouted, "Bei-nii, what are you doing standing still? Come and test yourself, I'll leave you alone."

Everyone in the Country of Waves didn't know what bei meant and looked at each other in confusion.

"Oh, here it comes." Ye Xiaobei finally recovered from his contemplation. Although he had some guesses about the chakra unit, there was still no direct evidence.

No Xiaobei was almost stuffed into the machine by Soichiro.

"Brother Bei, work harder," Soichiro was still waving the flag outside.

Ye Xiaobei had a dark look on his face, are you thinking I'm giving birth?

However, Ye Xiaobei really wanted to know what level his strength was, and he began to focus on absorbing chakra from every cell in his body.

The cabin of this chakra measuring device seems to be filled with metal that resonates with chakra. The cabin covers the whole body to ensure that every bit of chakra produced by the subject can be accurately recorded.

The Didi machine finally started chirping.

"Brother Bei, you have 10, you have 10," Soichiro excitedly patted the measuring device.

"Stop taking pictures, don't let my camera break." Ye Xiaobei said with a smile. This boy Soichiro is really single-minded towards the people he admires. It's really interesting to think that when he first traveled through time, he still had to fight with him for Sugimoto Hiko.


"This guy has 10"

"Isn't it higher than Oranchi?"

Everyone whispered, but the look in Ye Xiaobei's eyes was different. This time it was not some illusory title, but real data. Ye Xiaobei crossed the line and reached the third stage of the prologue.

Sugimoto Hiko showed a look of surprise, "Brother, the leader is right, you are an unparalleled genius. I was also promoted to the 10rd dan at , but at that time I was two years older than you."

Ye Xiaobei couldn't hide the joy in his heart, but he was a little regretful that the news of his promotion could not be known to more people. He could no longer hear the cry of "Congratulations to Kitano", after all, he had left the Country of Fire.

Otherwise, a 16-year-old organization could break through the second and third dans in just a few months, and even become a genin. This record could really be blown all over the Land of Fire. If you don’t count the strange powers and chaotic gods from ancient times, his achievements are unprecedented and rarely seen since.

Ye Xiaobei suddenly felt very grateful for the mental energy bonus brought to him by his overtime career in 996 in his previous life. He remembered what Dad Ma said, "996 is a blessing."

Now that Ye Xiaobei believes in 996, it is really a blessing.

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