The end of the ninja world

Chapter 51 Source code analysis of space scroll

In Ye Xiaobei's mind, the Jonin who was proctoring the exam was his great helper, even though he didn't know his name yet.

The jounin not only inspired himself to open the door to improve his five senses, but also confused the other contestants and helped him create a time lag. By the time the Uesugi family knew what happened, Ye Xiaobei had already run away.

"Hey? Kitano, why are you back?"

"What happened?"

As soon as he returned to the organization, Ye Xiaobei was discovered immediately.

However, he was too lazy to explain to everyone and returned to the dormitory in three steps at a time.

"What's wrong with him?" Everyone stayed where they were and stared.

"He must have been unable to compete and sneaked back." Serita said in a conspiratorial tone. Ever since he was defeated miserably by Ye Xiaobei, he wished that Ye Xiaobei would be defeated.

"How is that possible," someone retorted. It turned out to be a second-level ninja in the organization. "There are barriers around the examination room. Those of our level cannot escape at all. Even if we hit the barrier for a moment, it will be quickly destroyed. Discover."

"Then why do you think he came back so soon? Didn't he say it would be five days this year?" Serita dismissed it.

"This..." The second section of the preface also couldn't figure out why someone could come back early.

"Did he commit a foul and be sent back?" Everyone started talking again.


Ye Xiaobei didn't bother to care what these people said about him behind his back. Anyway, all doubts about him would disappear by the end of the month. If he has grabbed over 100 badges and still hasn't advanced, what's the point of this competition.

Moreover, not one of the Bingliang Pills in Ye Xiaobei's hand has been touched. On the one hand, he still wants to advance within Konoha's system, so there is no need to risk fouling. On the other hand, he has no need at all. He has been using it these days. Natural recovery of chakra is more than enough.

After Ye Xiaobei returned to the dormitory, he immediately took out the space scroll. He poured chakra into it frantically, trying to take out everything he could. If Uesugi Yongjin had not died, Ye Xiaobei would have considered not raiding his home. Now that everyone has been killed, this hatred cannot be resolved no matter what. The things belonging to the enemy will not be taken for free.

Countless ninja tools and weapons poured out from the space scrolls, as well as many auxiliary balls, and even banknotes and small fines!

Some unused cabinets also poured out, and Ye Xiaobei threw them back decisively. They took up too much space.

Even so, Ye Xiaobei's room was still fully packed, barely leaving enough space for him to lie down alone. His dormitory is already small, and the ten cubic meters of storage space is still a bit big for him at the moment.

Without further ado, Ye Xiaobei immediately bound his dormitory to the space scroll.

A simple visual inspection will tell that Ye Xiaobei will definitely make a fortune after finishing this job. Not to mention the countless weapons, there are more than fifty soldier food pills and more than thirty blood supplement pills alone. The banknotes could be several million, and the small judgment amounted to thirty taels!

The money is enough for him to buy a small house in the suburbs of Renji City. If it is a second-hand house, the space can be larger. There was no way to keep so much stolen property in the dormitory, so Ye Xiaobei decided to quickly find a safe storage space in the past two days.

But right now, Ye Xiaobei was deeply attracted by the simple symbols on the space scroll. When he took out all the things in the storage space, the symbols outside the central circle disappeared, but the target-like circle remained there.

Since the surrounding symbols all have actual meanings, the symbols that make up the circle must also have their own meanings.

With a thought in mind, Ye Xiaobei took out a blank scroll and copied it stroke by stroke according to the appearance of the space scroll.

As he was drawing, Ye Xiaobei suddenly felt like a hand-drawn QR code. Could it be that these symbols are the QR codes of the ninja world? If this is the case, Ye Xiaobei will not be surprised.

The ninja world has always been a magical place. Generally, magic and technology are like two completely different branches of development. Once the technology tree is clicked, the magic side will darken, such as human society. Once the magic tree is clicked, the technology side will darken, such as the wizarding world in Harry Potter.

But the ninja world turns out to be a magical world where technology and magic (chakra can be considered a type of magic) can develop at the same time. It would not be a surprise if "QR codes scanned with chakra" appeared. .

"I seem to have seen this symbol somewhere!" Ye Xiaobei scratched the back of his head. Suddenly he seemed to remember something important. He jumped up and took out a detonator from the messy ninja tools. symbol.

Ye Xiaobei was very sure that the symbols on this detonation talisman must be in the same language as those on the space scroll!

He was suddenly very lucky. In his previous life, he was very interested in various natural languages ​​and machine languages. He had dabbled in Chinese, Japanese, English and even Klingon. He was also familiar with Java, Python, etc. So he has an instinctive sensitivity to language.

There is always the word "explosion" in the middle of the detonating symbol, which is really confusing. Only now did Ye Xiaobei realize that the word "Explosion" was meaningless, and those ghost symbols next to it really worked.

The circle in the middle of the detonating symbol is obviously composed of six major parts, and is matched with some auxiliary symbols. The circle of the space scroll is composed of five major parts, as well as some auxiliary symbols that are exactly the same as the detonating symbols.

"I understand! I understand!" Ye Xiaobei was so excited that he slapped his thigh.

The detonating talisman looks like a piece of paper, but it is actually made of two pieces of paper put together, and the symbols on the detonating talisman are all drawn with gunpowder. In other words, the symbol of the detonating talisman represents a powerful fire escape, which is combined with gunpowder to achieve an explosive effect. The Hao Fireball Technique is a powerful fire escape. By coincidence, its seals are exactly the six hand gestures of "Si-Wei-Shen-Hai-Wu-Yin"!

As for the psychic technique, the psychic technique to summon psychic beasts requires sealing, but the psychic technique used every day to summon dead creatures does not require seals but requires scrolls!

Ye Xiaobei made a bold guess. The seals of these two kinds of spiritualism are actually the same. However, because Tiantian edited the seals into the scroll in the form of codes with these mysterious symbols, as long as Use chakra to activate the program, so you can activate psychic techniques without forming seals!

The seals of spiritism are "Hai-Xu-You-Shen-Wei", which is exactly five, corresponding to the number of code segments on the scroll.

Shen, Wei, and Hai are both used in Hao Fireball and Psychic, so their codes should have three sections that are almost identical!

Ye Xiaobei couldn't restrain his excitement. He picked up the space scroll and compared it with the detonating talisman. It was just right. The three code segments were really exactly the same!

The codes connected to the Jieyin code are also exactly the same. Ye Xiaobei understood that this must be the interface for calling the Jieyin method!

The extra parts of the space scroll than the detonating talisman must be the interface connecting the holder and the interface connecting the storage space!

Ye Xiaobei scratched his head and sighed. Unexpectedly, after traveling through time, he would still have to work as a programmer!


Thank you, it's a pity that you will not waste the eternal flow, Tianyuan Road, pigeons will not get money, book friends 20190512..., Shan Ke, Linghe waste fish, isatis root that can cure all diseases, Nolan, although the novel is good to read... ( Sorry, my mobile phone does not display all the information), book friend 20180222..., recommendation vote!

Alas, the collection never grows. Maybe it would be better to change the beginning... I have been quite busy at work recently...

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