God level choice of Douluo

Chapter 15 Make a choice, Shrek Academy!

The wise woman Zhuge thinks a lot, but eventually makes a mistake. Legolas does not have Gandalf's ability and cannot recognize the ancient elves' writing. Naturally, he cannot pronounce the incantation to open the hidden stone door of Moria's underground palace - "Friend!"

Because the writing and language of ancient elves are all very partial knowledge. Just like the various experts and scholars on the earth, how many of them are proficient in oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions or small seal script? If we can study the methods used by humans for thousands of years, Dialects are even rarer.

The fact that the gray robe wizard Gandalf can understand the ancient elven language does not mean that others can do the same. Although Legolas is an elf, he is only in the prime of life at most and has not lived for many years. If it were him Father Thranduil is here, and it may be possible to open this secret door.

Similarly, the blue-robed wizard Yang Ye does not understand ancient elven literature. Although he is familiar with the plot and knows the password to open the stone door, he cannot pronounce the word. Even though he has a two-level evolved brain, a computer-like calculation speed and memory ability, and a monster-level comprehension ability, he can't help Yang Ye pronounce "friend" in the language of ancient elves!

When Yang Ye was on Earth, he was a scientific tyrant. He was proficient in literature, history, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. He was knowledgeable about astronomy, geography, and even painting, music, photography, and sports. He had great attainments.

Only when it comes to language learning, he seems to be particularly mentally retarded. He often gets half the result with twice the effort, and all the hard work is in vain. Learning Eagle Language was an eternal pain that once changed Yang Ye's life. Because of this, he did not do well in the exam. In the end, he failed to become Professor Yang and could only become a librarian, a very promising career. .

The evaluation of various valuable technical titles in Huaxia Kingdom must be linked to the level of Yingyu. Therefore, no matter how strong Yang Ye's professional knowledge is, as long as he cannot master Yingyu, he will never have any hope of making a breakthrough in technical titles.

In addition, it seems that Yang Ye can't learn any other language except Chinese Yanhuang. No matter how hard he tries, he makes little progress. It's hard to believe that his brain has evolved two levels, and his understanding and wisdom have greatly improved, but there has been no change at all.

It seems that Mr. Yang's language talent is not just poor, but a piece of cake! So no matter how much brain energy is multiplied, the result remains the same—because zero multiplied by any number will still result in zero.

If you can't open the hidden stone door, you won't be able to enter the Underground Palace of Moria; if you can't enter the Underground Palace of Moria, you won't be able to climb Mount Carreras, and you will have no hope of reaching Mordor, and you won't be able to complete the mission of destroying the Lord of the Rings.

Failure to solve the friend problem at hand would mean that Yang Ye's overall plan failed, and they could only return to Rivendell in despair.

Once Yang Ye retreats to Rivendell, it will no longer be possible for Yang Ye to establish high prestige among the various tribes in Middle-earth. Not only does he have no hope of becoming the leader of Middle-earth to deal with Japanese pirates, but there will also be variables in completing the main mission of The Lord of the Rings.

Now it seems that one move has gone wrong and everything is lost.

At this moment, a strange change occurred in the deep pool in front of the secret door. It seemed that there was some kind of monster hiding in the pool, which was violently stirring the water. Circles of ripples sprayed towards the shore, soaking Frodo, Sam and Gimli's skin. foot.

Chen Liqing and Legolas noticed that the situation was abnormal, and they bent their bows and arrows together, assuming a vigilant posture. Although Legolas is not highly educated, his archery skills are superb. He seems to be better than the female flying guards, and has reached the legendary god-level archery expertise.

The bow and arrows worn by Legolas are not inferior to Chen Liqing's Mu An Tian Bow. This is a recurve bow with a simple appearance and structure. It is carved from a whole piece of branches of the Elf Double Sacred Tree. It is engraved with golden, graceful, and The ivy pattern genius overlord that coils along the bow arms. The bowstring on the plate is about sixty inches high.

Yang Ye had secretly used reconnaissance skills to observe Legolas's bow and arrow. This bow was rated as high as double B level. It could deliver critical hits with a high probability and could penetrate the enemy's armor. The lethality of the arrows shot was unparalleled. Weakened by distance.

The attack from the water came at the moment when the two archers drew back their bowstrings. Squeezed by the majestic pressure, countless streams of fishy ink surged everywhere like fountains and splashed over.

Yang Ye's eyes were as bright as a sword, and his clairvoyance broke through the darkness. He looked at a huge octopus approaching from a distance, stretching hundreds of meters. It was larger than a hill and had countless tentacles, just like the legendary Norwegian sea monster!

It was too late, but it was too soon. Chen Liqing gave a sweet shout, and activated the secret move of Tianxiang Crossbow Dark Snow. Countless invisible energy arrows were shot out, forming like a sky net, covering the octopus's sky full of ink, making every arrow Yato goes to be stained with ink and dissolves without trace.

But the octopus's ink attack was just a feint. It had other intentions. Frodo's expression suddenly changed, and a strange thing like a water snake grabbed his ankle. The force was huge and he could pull it at will. He pulled, causing him to scream and fall, and quickly dragged his body deeper into the pool.

Sam hurried to catch up, his feet were not touched by dust, and his feet were not traced in the sand. His short body jumped into the air and shouted loudly: "Master Frodo, I will save you!" There was a blue light flashing in his palm, which was taken from the ancient tomb. The sword of the Western royal family transformed into a lightning-like sword light. It used the wind-chasing sword technique in the Beiming Heart Sutra taught by Yang Ye. It was condescending and chopped hard with the sword.

"Brush", the Eastern martial arts swordsmanship is really extraordinary, and Sam's sword is extremely sharp, so the blue light successfully cuts off the octopus's tentacles, and ink-colored water blooms, and Frodo is able to escape safely.

But this time, it poked a hornet's nest. The tentacles of the big octopus were chopped off, and it was completely enraged. There were dozens of big meat/pillars thicker than an adult's waist, and they smashed down heavily, killing Sam and Frodo in an instant. All retreats.

Seeing that the hobbits were in crisis, Yang Ye sneered: "You little wild monster, how dare you come and take advantage of the situation!" The golden-eyed hunchback under the seat twitched his nose, leaped into the air with his four hooves, and surrounded his steel body with a magma-like aura, as if The electric light crossed the spatial boundary in one flash and intercepted Sam and the others.

The demon gun made a loud bang, and a continuous stream of armor-piercing bullets was shot out from it. The octopus's tentacles were pierced and shot continuously before they even hit the ground. The fabricated summoning spell was also activated by Yang Ye, and the silver holy dragon Daenerys and the two-headed giant snake Xiaoqing appeared in the sky at the same time.

It must be said that this big octopus must be one of the most powerful creatures in Mount Carreras. Except for the Balrog hiding underground, no one can be its opponent. Even if the trolls form a group to beat it, they may not be able to defeat it. Get benefits.

Throughout the entire Middle-earth continent, it is ranked among the ten most powerful monsters. There was a story circulated in the creation space. A certain chosen one traveled across the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, defeated Davy Jones, took over the "Flying Dutchman", and surrendered the pet octopus. Later, he arrived in the world of the Lord of the Rings, and by chance, he faced a huge octopus that looked like the legendary Norwegian Kraken.

As a result, the little witch saw the big witch, and the little octopus met the big octopus and was eaten alive. The whereabouts of the unlucky super-pirate Chosen One are unknown since then, and he disappeared in the space of creation in the dilapidated "Flying Dutchman". Since then, the giant octopus in the world of the Lord of the Rings has been known as one of the ten most ruthless and fierce beasts in the savage world.

However, its situation is not good today. The enemy it faces is too powerful. Especially after the silver holy dragon Daenerys joins the battle group, the status of hunter and prey has completely changed.

The dragon flames, enough to burn all steel, burned the big octopus black and blue. Daenerys relied on the sharp dragon claws to forcefully tear off the tentacles, which were six to seven meters long and stronger than the bear's body, from her body. , turning it from a multi-clawed fish into a round meat ball.

However, this big octopus also has some abilities. It may have developed abilities after eating the body of Davy Jones's small octopus. It actually became immortal, with super strong regeneration ability and strong blood recovery ability. It touched its feet and was killed by the Dragon Mother. It exploded and tore off, and the other side stretched out countless times like a gecko's tail. He cut off this life. Although he was only passively punished, he just refused to die so that I would not be bullied by girls. The latest chapter.

Xiaoqing and Golden-Eyed Camel also came to join in the fun. The two-headed snake venom, fear halo, and brutal collision continued to torture the poor big octopus, but they were unable to eliminate it.

Yang Ye on the shore was too lazy to look at the muddy meat in the deep pool. He just used his smart brain that had experienced two evolutions to consider countermeasures. He projected his mind into the Yin-Yang fish imprint and began to remotely contact the creation child.

This is the new contact method Yang Ye agreed with before entering the Lord of the Rings. Promise can only be used in critical moments, and can be used up to three times in each world.

Yang Ye shouted at the top of his lungs: "Boss, I'm going to rely on your help this time to give you some guidance."

The lazy voice of Good Fortune's Child echoed in the mark: "Did I hear you right?! You asked for help so early? Brothers Calabash, Jieshui Margin, many times the difficulty was hundreds of times higher than today's situation, but I didn't see you asking for help. of."

Yang Ye blushed and said: "This time the situation is different, it is related to foreign language difficulties. Your grandfather's, since I was a child, I have never learned well as long as I take exams and foreign language courses; as long as it is foreign language exams, I have never learned well. Never passed."

Creation's child wondered: "Weren't you a librarian when you were on earth? I checked your background and found that your college entrance examination score was not low, and you seemed to have passed Yingwen."

Yang Ye smiled proudly: "This all depends on my good eyesight. If I do it myself, I will definitely fail!"

"Bang!" the sound of a body collapsing could be heard. Even though the child has experienced many things, he had to be shocked by someone's shameless face.

"Tell me! How do you want me to help you?"

Yang Ye smiled and said: "It's simple, teach me how to cheat! Pass this foreign language test. The requirements are not high, there are not many questions, and you speak in the ancient elf language-------"


Creation Child smiled and said: "This is not difficult. In fact, you already have cheating tools. As long as you are willing to pay the price, your dream can come true. Let alone talking about friends in the ancient elf language, even if you become the number one translator in Creation Space Home, that’s not difficult.”

Yang Ye replied: "Fuck you, who would be so boring as a translator? Can this help me complete the rescue mission? Can I defeat the Japanese pirates and eliminate Sauron? Don't give up, tell me quickly, how should I pass the test? "

The child of creation laughed like a little fox. He said mysteriously: "When you beat King Kong, an intermediate devil's roulette popped up, right? This thing is not just for winning prizes. If It can have enough souls as sacrifices, and it can also allow the user to choose props!"

Yang Ye was shocked when he heard this. The method of using the Devil's Roulette has always been a secret of the Creation Space. Except for the special methods of using it to draw prizes, few people know about it. Today, he has gained some knowledge.

Next, the good luck child carefully told Yang Ye how to use the devil's roulette in a sacrificial manner. The user can throw the heroic spirit of a strong person killed in battle into the devil's roulette, and then he can choose an item that is half a level lower than the sacrificed heroic spirit as a reward.

The Devil's Roulette owned by Yang Ye belongs to the mid-level, and can only select S-level props that are the pinnacle rewards in the legendary world! He has the Underworld Sword Ghost Gate, which contains the souls of two heroes who died in battle, Mo Danzi and Fang Qifu. They are both martial arts masters, and their overall strength happens to be S level.

As long as these two are sacrificed, the dual S-level souls can choose any S-level prop to escape the zombies. There was only one opportunity, and Yang Ye didn't want to waste it. He wanted to maximize his profits. He immediately activated his computer-like memory and carefully calculated various props and information, so that he could not only solve the immediate difficulties, but also create the best possible outcome for future adventures. Excellent function.

Yang Ye thought about it, weighed the pros and cons many times, and finally made a decision. He took out the shrinking tool box containing the cute medical companion Dabai, put it down and looked at the ground. When the cute Dabai had enough energy to stand up, he spoke:

"Babai, it's time for you to be reborn and become a super land warrior from now on!"

In the mysterious space that no one could see except Yang Ye himself, Chen Liqing and Liu Huiniang, the Devil's Roulette suddenly appeared. On it was a demon king from the depths of hell, full of arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, * *, The terrifying aura of the seven original sins of gluttony. Under the devil's feet, there is a gleaming gambling roulette wheel, with various descriptions of rewards engraved in it.

"Little human being, what price are you willing to pay in exchange for the devil's gift?"

Yang Ye didn't say a word, shook his hands and grabbed the ghost sword of the underworld, and instantly released the seal of the fighting soul, completely liberating the two souls of Mo Danzi and Fang Qifu. The ghosts of the two rival martial arts masters were ecstatic, and just about to escape and fly away, the devil had already taken a step forward, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed them all with a squealing sound. From then on, they were wiped out in ashes and their souls were in despair.

"Yes, yes, it turns out they are excellent fighting spirits, two innate martial arts masters with an S-level rating. They taste really good. Human, the devil is satisfied with your sacrifice. Please choose an S-level prop by yourself." Rewards can be obtained from the four major systems of martial arts, cultivation, magic, and technology, and there are no restrictions on divine status, professions, skills, equipment, and special skill scrolls."

Yang Ye gave a long laugh, performed the Nine Transformation Yuan Gong transformation, suddenly extended his right arm to twelve or thirty feet, aimed at a special position on the roulette wheel at the devil's feet, and pressed hard!

Astro Boy Reincarnation Technology: The S-class technology system is strengthened. The user must be a highly intelligent mechanical creature. After using this technology, he will have the seven great powers of Astro Boy, the protagonist of the plot world of "Astro Boy"!

The first kind of divine power is equipped with rocket power under its feet, which allows it to fly freely at high altitudes. At the same time, its flight speed exceeds the speed of sound.

The second kind of divine power is to know how to identify and decipher the words, spells and codes of any world in the creation space; it can skillfully speak any language of 60 races including humans, beasts, elves, dwarves, demons, etc., from different eras.

The third type of divine power is the ability to peer into other people's minds and identify good and evil disguises.

The fourth divine power, hearing is a thousand times that of normal people.

The fifth divine power is that his eyes are powerful searchlights with extremely long sight range and can create light in the endless dark night.

The sixth divine power is that his fingers can shoot lasers, his arms are equipped with light energy atomic cannons, and his butt is equipped with machine guns, and he comes with expert-level firearms specialization.

The seventh divine power, the atomic kinetic energy engine, has a maximum output of 100,000 horsepower and comes with expert-level fighting specialization.

Yang Ye took the strengthening scroll and handed it to Dabai for use, and was surprised to see a bright treasure light.

"Plop!" sounded continuously, the rocket jet ignited under Dabai's chubby feet, and flew into the air with a "whoosh" sound. This lazy and cute god instantly changed his temperament, and immediately transformed from a weak doctor into a Voltron-like one. The peerless strong man.

Baymax, the super-powerful land warrior with 100,000 horsepower and seven divine powers, is born!

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