A journey through all the worlds starting from Marvel

Chapter 86 The unusual daily life in the inn

Li Yue opens a shop here, and every two or three days he has to go to a distant market to purchase ingredients, so there are always one or two little flies that escape Li Yue's attention and come here from other places.

Just when Li Yue went out, the space here began to fluctuate again, and soon a "person" fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

The cosmological constants in each world are different, and this person couldn't adapt to it all of a sudden, so he fell over and landed on his face, making him very embarrassed.

"Bah, where is this? Why am I here after the origin wall broke? Are the coordinates I received from another universe?"

This "man" is half as tall as Hulk. Although his muscles are not as explosive as Hulk's, his lines are more smooth. He wears a helmet similar to Steppenwolf's on his head. The most interesting thing is his Beard, two slender strands of beard drooping from the corners of his mouth. If it weren't for his "I am a villain" face, he would definitely be considered a fairy.

That face full of violence now had a trace of confusion. He followed the coordinates passed to his hand and came here, but found that these were not the coordinates of his original universe at all.

Moreover, the laws of the universe in this world are very different from the laws of his original universe. After arriving here, he could not even display one-tenth of his original strength, which made him, who was extremely confident in himself, a little uncomfortable.

"Humph, who cares? There are countless people in the universe who can match me. Even if I am one-tenth of the strength, I can dominate this world." He decided to dominate this world first, and then lead his army back Go to your own universe and embark on a journey to conquer everything.

He had just made up his mind when he heard the sound of a bell shaking in the distance, and the sound was still approaching him.

"It seems that he is a local native. Let me start my journey by understanding the world." The man was extremely confident and strode towards the place where the bell sounded.

It was already evening, and he saw a man sitting on a donkey cart from a distance, holding a long wooden stick in his hand. There was a rope tied to the end of the wooden stick, and a rope tied to the end of the rope. A carrot.

The cart was piled with all kinds of food. The man on the cart kept talking to the donkey, regardless of whether the donkey understood it or not.

"I said, little guy, can't you be more thoughtful? I've been hanging carrots in front of you for almost two hours. Why are you still so eager to eat carrots? You are not a pig in my world. .”

That man was Li Yue who had returned from the market. When he looked up, he saw the giant striding towards him.

"Mortal, kneel down and answer my question!" The man's voice was like a loud bell, which made Li Yue and Little Donkey's eardrums hurt.

"Brother, who are you? Why are your lines so mediocre? No, you are not from this world. People from this world don't speak English." Li Yue suddenly realized that this guy turned out to be a foreigner who traveled through time, but what about his outfit? Does it look so familiar?

"Mortal, you also know that I am a god from outside the realm, but you dare to... huh huh."

Li Yue thought he was annoying, and his loud voice made him upset, so he threw the carrot on the stick into his mouth. Logically speaking, the carrot was so small that it should only make him shut up for a while. But why is this guy squeezing his neck with a painful look on his face?

"Ahem~" The carrot was coughed up by the man. It seemed that Li Yue's swing just now stuck in his throat and choked into his trachea.

The donkey pulling the cart's eyes lit up when he saw the carrot that fell on the ground, and he didn't mind the saliva on it. He ate the carrot in a few mouthfuls, and then looked at Li Yue provocatively. Did he see it? I finally It’s not like I’ve eaten carrots yet.

"What is this? It can actually suffocate me!" There was a look of fear on the man's face.

"It's just an ordinary carrot." Li Yue looked at the man's expression and felt that he should be a big shot in Yanyi.

"What kind of creature is this? It can actually eat a 'carrot' that can hurt me?" He pointed to the donkey that Li Yue had just bought.

"It's just an ordinary stupid donkey." The donkey glanced at Li Yue and kicked his legs a few times to show his dissatisfaction.

"Ordinary? Is this world so dangerous? Unfortunately, I still want to rule this world and return to the original universe. It seems that my plan has failed before it even started." Sighing, Li Yue felt a trace of something from him. lonely.

But those few blows just now were completely coincidental. Brother, why don't you struggle a little more, so that I have a reason to take action. My hands are already itching.

Li Yue stared at the man in front of him, trying to figure out what kind of boss he looked like in the universe.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Zonos, and I am the previous ruler of Apokolips!" Although the plan failed, this man still did not lose his arrogance as the overlord of the universe.

"Zonos? Why is this name so similar to Thanos? Apokolips...you are Yuga Khan!" Li Yue finally figured out who this guy was. He was Uncle Da's father. In order to find Origin has stuck itself to the wall of origin. The group of people at the top of the world's power pyramid are even stronger than the five indigenous gods in the Marvel world (according to the setting, they are indeed ridiculously strong).

However, his power is based on the use of the laws of the universe. Without the laws for him, he would be nothing more than a superman with strength comparable to that of Golden Super. His recovery power far exceeds that of Wolverine, his defense power approaches infinite, and his flying speed exceeds that of Superman. Just ordinary gods...

That's it?

In a world with low combat power like Naruto, he is already invincible. Li Yue has made up his mind to either send him back or turn him into fertilizer. He must not be allowed to interfere with the operation of this world.

"So my name has been spread to other universes?" Li Yue saw a hint of pride on his face.

Brother, aren't you the ultimate boss? Why can't you hide your thoughts so much? If Uncle Da knew that his father was like this, he would definitely be frightened.

Too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, Li Yue sensed the approximate coordinates of his stay in the universe, then grabbed Yuga Khan's "head" and tried to send him back with all his strength. As for him after he escaped from the Origin Wall Li Yue doesn't care about the disaster it brings to the entire universe.

But obviously Yuga Khan is different from Steppenwolf. He can't get rid of his helmet no matter how much he moves. Li Yue just pulled off his helmet. Yuga Khan still stayed in the world of Naruto. Li Yue just Sent a helmet back.

Li Yue knew something was going to happen when he felt something was wrong. As expected, the result of his sudden diversion of attention was that the helmet was transported to another place. Although it was also the universe, it should have been sent to a parallel universe.

Li Yue and Yuga Khan started looking at each other awkwardly. Yuga Khan touched his bald head and felt that if he couldn't beat this guy, he would definitely tear him into pieces with his hands.

Li Yue was also super embarrassed. He thought that the helmet and head were connected together and could not be separated. Who knew that not only were they not connected together, Yuga Khan's biggest secret was also exposed.

This guy actually has a bald head, he is indeed a boss~

After a moment of silence, Yuga Khan grabbed a rock on the ground, took out a helmet with his hand, and put it on his head.

After Li Yue waited for him to complete these actions, he patted Yuga Khan on the shoulder and sent him to the universe. It couldn't be that the shoulders were not connected to the torso.

At the same time, one of the universes~


In the cutting-edge laboratory and underground particle accelerator, Flash Barry Allen looked at Albert Swann beside him and felt a headache.

This guy in front of him is traveling through time for the first time. The consequence of his inexperience is that he travels late. In order to prevent the timeline from being disrupted, Barry must send this guy who he hates so much back to the future.

Barry promised that if the chaos in the timeline hadn't caused big problems in the entire world, he would definitely beat this guy up first. As for killing him? Forget it, how could a man like Barry kill someone.

Barry is sure that it was this time that Reverse Flash saw Dr. Wells on Earth 2, which gave him the idea of ​​replacing him next time he traveled through time.

Barry, who was wandering in his thoughts, was brought back to reality by Cisco's voice. He was ready to run with Swann and send him back to the future.

But just as he and Swann were speeding up to open the time wormhole, something unexpected happened.

The time wormhole began to deform and vibrate irregularly. Just in case, Swann did not enter the wormhole immediately, but stayed outside the wormhole with Barry to observe the changes.

The time wormhole seemed to be constipated, and finally a strange-looking helmet came out of the wormhole.

"What does this mean? The last time the wormhole spat out was the helmet of the Flash from another parallel space. This time it belongs to the Flash from which universe? This guy has really weird aesthetics." Barry saw the helmet that looked like a bull's horns. Helmet couldn't help but complain.

But after seeing Swann's expression, he knew that even Reverse Flash didn't know what this thing was.

Reverse Flash thought for a few milliseconds, and then resolutely jumped into the wormhole. He needed to go back to the future to check the information and see what the appearance of this helmet meant.

None of them expected that such a strange-looking helmet would bring them a series of bad things in the future, disrupting the development of the multiverse.


Li Yue clapped his hands. Except for a few footprints on the ground that were obviously larger than ordinary people's footprints and a missing stone on the side, there was no evidence that a big boss had ever been here.

"Let's go, little donkey, the sun is going to set if we don't hurry up."

Li Yue looked through the things he bought on the donkey cart and suddenly found that there were not many carrots left. He could only take out a potato and tied it to the rope again.

But to Li Yue's surprise, the little donkey didn't know whether it was stimulated by something, and had no interest in potatoes, and even snorted twice to show disdain.

After checking up and down, Li Yue finally figured out what happened. In ancient mythology, there are many animals that became spiritually intelligent after eating heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Now there was a donkey in front of him who became spiritually intelligent, but It didn't eat ginseng and Ganoderma that were thousands of years old. Instead, it ate some saliva from Yuga Khan. It was so disgusting.

But as expected of Youjia Khan's saliva, the effect is better than thousands of years of natural treasures. Li Yue just kicked the little donkey twice, and it actually learned to speak:

"Can you please stop kicking me? It's not like you don't know how strong your feet are. It hurts me to death."

"This is so unscientific. The structure of donkeys' throats determines that they cannot speak!"

"I can activate my spiritual intelligence. What else is unscientific?"

"It seems so. Go back quickly. It will be difficult to walk after dark."

"I know, why rush? No matter how much you push, it will only be at this speed."

In other words, Li Yue has a strong receptive ability, and others will definitely be frightened if they come.


The little donkey used the fastest speed and finally returned to the inn before the sun set. He led the little donkey to the stable and added some feed to the food trough. Li Yue started the unloading project. Fortunately, he had the power of magic and stood there. With a "flying spell" in the kitchen, all kinds of ingredients will fly into the kitchen.

After packing up the things he purchased from the market, Li Yue noticed the fluctuations in the space outside the store and walked from the back kitchen to the front desk.

It seemed that he was another visitor from the outside, and he didn't know what kind of surprises he would bring. Li Yue found that he already liked this kind of life full of uncertainty.

In a world with unbalanced development like Naruto, lamp oil is considered a luxury product for poor civilians. Li Yue has a character that takes things as they come. He can even do such things as sleeping in a bridge hole, so naturally he won't Spending too much money on lamp oil, there are only three lamps in the entire inn, one in the kitchen, one in the dining hall, and one at the entrance of the store near the counter.

A foot stepped out of the shadows, and then a strange-looking young man stepped out of the shadows.

He had orange hair, a black Japanese robe, and many wounds with bandages on his body. He looked like he was jumping around a few days after the injury. He had two broad-bladed knives, one short and one long, on his waist.

"Hey, hey, if you're so seriously injured, don't come out and jump around. Won't your family be worried, young man?" Looking at the blood-stained bandage, Li Yue felt that this guy was a cruel person.

"Uncle, have you seen a bearded man who looks like a villain?" The young man seemed to feel something and looked around and asked Li Yue.

"No matter how I think about it, I feel like you are talking about me." Li Yue touched the beard on his chin, feeling that the kid in front of him was criticizing Sang and Huai.

"I'm not talking about you anymore, but why do you think you look like a villain? How insecure are you about yourself? That villain man has a black beard." The boy couldn't help but complain.

"Well, I think I've seen him before. What's that guy's name? Maybe I have some impression."

"His name is Yhwach. He is a super dangerous guy. Can you tell me where he is going?"


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