A journey through all the worlds starting from Marvel

Chapter 78 The strongest security guard in history~

It can only be said that after Li Yue killed the dragon, Professor Mance and his group of students all trusted Li Yue 100% and became his little fans. As for Li Yue turning into a Balrog? That's the Explosive Transformation, you know? Saiyans have Super Saiyan One and Super Saiyan Two. Isn't it normal that our Professor Arnold has Enma One and Enma Two?

When Li Yue flew back with the dragon corpse in one hand and a knife in the other, everyone burst into cheers and ran to the deck to cheer, not noticing Li Yue's ugly face at all.

If you don't clear the deck, where will I put the things on my hands? You just let me float in the sky like this? Do you know that as a Balrog who is not good at flying, flying like this is very tiring!

Li Yue angrily swept some of the students who were blocking his work into the water with his tail, and then placed the dragon corpse in his hand on the cleared deck. All of a sudden, the atmosphere of celebration was completely wiped out by Li Yue's tail. After being destroyed, these students all returned to their original posts in despair, fearing to make the professor who was said to be taking office next week angry, and it would be bad if he remembered to wear small shoes for them.

That's right, as the newly appointed head of the "Ghost Agent" department of Kassel College, Li Yue also received the title of professor at Kassel College and had to take elective courses every Friday, which made him feel extremely Headache.

Although he has countless knowledge in his head, he is not the material to be a teacher. Believe it or not, if he becomes a mathematics teacher, more than half of the people will sleep in class. Plus, he has not been trained as a teacher, so there will be no one in class. It sounds good.

But then he thought, his fighting skills were at the ax level, why not teach these little guys how to fight?

After sharing his thoughts with Ange, the two hit it off immediately. Moreover, Li Yue was also an old ruler. He taught in the whispers of the old days. He did not believe that these students could not learn the knowledge he gave them.

So Li Yue became the lecturer of the practical analysis class every Friday, and had permission to use the "Garden" and other places in Angers.

The so-called garden is an underground plant collection room with terrain similar to dense forests and grasslands. There are many places similar to "gardens" underground at Kassel College. These places will become the places for Li Yue's practical classes. The class location strives to create a team of students capable of conducting multi-terrain operations.

However, Li Yue now feels that he still has the demeanor of a teacher when he was in school. As long as these students see him now, they will either transform into good children and dare not look at him, or they will secretly see what Li Yue wants to do.

Li Yue had no idea that he was actually almost naked. He took off most of his clothes when he got into the water. After he transformed, he used the will of the universe to keep his pants, but the pants also became tattered. Those students in this state It would be strange to have a normal reaction.

The students who turned into good children all held the idea of ​​"see no evil, see no evil~" and did not dare to look at their Professor Arnold's body again;

And those students who secretly looked at Li Yue? Most of them are nymphomaniac girls, their minds are full of thoughts such as "Wow~ Professor Arnold has a great figure", and some of them are even drooling.

Of course, most of them are nymphomaniac girls, and of course there are also a small number of nymphomaniac boys, but this topic ends here~

Taking a cigar handed over by Mance, Li Yue lit the cigarette with a snap of his fingers, relying solely on the sparks produced by snapping his fingers.

Ye Sheng and Ya Fei were saved, and Professor Mance also escaped. The girl named Thelma was also indirectly rescued by Li Yue. In the end, there were almost no casualties in this operation. The only wounded person was Professor Mance. , his face was burned by the hot glass, and there were two or three small blisters. As for the injuries of Ye Sheng and Ya Fei, they had long been cured by the healing technique used by Li Yue.

Taking a deep breath of the cigar, Li Yue suddenly felt that he should quit smoking and drinking. Always doing this kind of thing in front of his children would bring them down. Since he wanted to be a good father, he should give him a home from an early age. Son sets a good example.

Looking at the cigar in his hand, Li Yue couldn't help but take a sip before throwing it directly into the river at his feet.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you look so melancholy?"

"I never told Ange that I became a father. Do you think I should quit smoking and drinking?"

"Being a father? Congratulations. If you can quit this kind of thing, you can quit it. If you can't quit drinking, you'll get drunk. You see, I still can't quit this thing." Mance raised the cigar in his hand. .

"I think you can quit if you make up your mind. They all say that educating children should start from childhood. It would be good to be a role model." Li Yue recalled the way Maria held the child, and suddenly felt a little like them. Yes, in the past, when they were clones, they mainly had their clones accompanying them, but now that they are all merged into one, they can no longer see them. I always feel like I miss them.

"I always feel that my clone is my destiny. I have to protect my dependents and take care of my wife and son at the same time." Li Yue couldn't help but think, and then decided to cut himself in half again, half of which went home to be a housewife~

When Mance wasn't paying attention, Li Yue divided himself into two slightly smaller Li Yues like a slime, and then one of them stepped into the portal that appeared around him and went home.

Mance looked back at Li Yue, wondering if there was an illusion and that Professor Arnold had become shorter.

But this feeling is not very obvious. Li Yue, who was a full 2.3 meters tall, has become 2.2 meters tall, which is almost the same for Professor Mans, who is only about 1.85 meters tall, because whether Li Yue was separated before or after the split, For him, it's all about looking up to him, there's not much difference.

As for the education of his children, Li Yue feels that since he can freely switch between two personalities in two bodies, he can come to the world of "Dragon" to relieve himself when he is addicted to cigarettes or alcohol.

While still thinking wildly in his head, he saw a black helicopter landing in the sky. At first, Li Yue thought it was a helicopter from the Maritime Safety Administration, but when he saw the old man in the cabin who had transformed from a top-notch old man into a top-notch handsome guy. After that guy, Li Yue knew that this was someone from Kassel College.

As for a certain so-called extremely handsome guy, of course I am talking about Angers. Only he can look so coquettish, wearing a black suit with a rose on his chest.

Now that Angers has come to take over the rest of his work, Li Yue has a week to be a salted fish. This is the benefit of being a professor on a mission. Li Yue can also take this opportunity to prepare for lessons. I thought about what I should teach next week so that students would not go to Manstein to complain.

Li Yue came back to the United States just as he came from China. Anyway, he felt dizzy as soon as he got on the plane. He fell asleep every time he got on the plane. Only in this way could he feel better.

The day after returning to Kassel College, Li Yue felt that he was completely unsure of being a good teacher. You must know that the so-called practical classes he taught overlapped with many other courses, such as the practical classes. Fighting and shooting, he can't just teach the students what other teachers have taught him, right?

"How about teaching them how to make fireballs? The magic element content in this world is not weak. Maybe I can create some kind of 'Five Fireball God Cult' in this world?" Li Yue's mind was filled with random thoughts.

In the end, Li Yue decided that he should eat his food one bite at a time, and he couldn't move too fast while holding on to his eggs. He should teach those students the righteous backstab first.

For this reason, he also asked people from the equipment department to build a small pile of wooden daggers to use in class. As for the cost, of course he would report it to Angers and let him wipe his ass~

Time flies, and soon it’s Li Yue’s first class, but it’s obvious that Li Yue is a new lecturer, and it’s his first time teaching. There are only two or three big cats and kittens who choose his class. Look. Sitting in a class with less than 40 people, Li Yue only felt his temples bulging. The "garden" in Angers was so big. In actual combat, was he going to play hide-and-seek?

However, the lessons that should be taught still have to be taught, and Li Yue used the old whispers. These students did learn quickly, but there were still some side effects, because many students who were not determined looked at Li Yue His eyes have changed from concentration to fanaticism.

"So backstabbing must pay attention to the angle and strength, as well as the direction of force. Our backstab is best to pierce the heart directly from the back or directly cut off the spinal nerves to achieve the effect of killing with one blow." Li Yue said on the side In class, he held up a corpse that had been soaked in formalin and used his words and deeds to stab the corpse with the dagger in his hand. Within a few minutes, the corpse became tattered.

"Hey~ This professor must be a pervert. He held the corpse's head with one hand and stabbed it wildly. "This is a red-haired witch. She came to Li Yue's class out of curiosity, but Li Yue obviously It’s a wonderful flower for Teacher’s Day, and it taught the students a very interesting lesson~

But after careful study, our classmate Chen Motong figured out Li Yue's background. What this professor taught them was exactly how to kill people from behind with the least effort and fastest. What he taught them was very useful in battle. It's quite practical, but brother, we come to school not to learn how to become a professional killer. What do you want to do by teaching us this?

Then when Li Yue went to class next time, he found that the number of students in the class had increased. Most of the students came to observe because they wanted to meet the so-called perverted lecturer and killer trainer~

However, Li Yue's lesson was about how to cut the enemy in half with the heavy weapon in his hand, and let these students who came to join in the fun to chop down the tree in the lesson~

As for asking Li Yue to chop people, the medical students said that they would never provide Li Yue with corpses again. After sending them back, they wouldn’t be able to do research, okay? They were all stabbed to death by you~

Therefore, the students who came to join in the fun not only did not see the corpse torture scene of the perverted lecturer Li Yue, but they were also dragged to cut down the tree for one class. After that, Li Yue's name spread throughout the campus and became a legend.

Not all professors have such wonderful brain circuits~

And Angers was a little worried that Li Yue was acting like a monster in school. His garden repair costs doubled every week. If he hadn't gotten younger, he would have had a heart attack.

But this is far from the limit of Li Yue's troubles. In the following days, he even placed the "World Destroyer" in the system space collection room, which is the final plot line of defeating his teammates in the game Resident Evil 6. The boss was released, and the students under him were allowed to fight against the boss, while he was on the sidelines. As long as a student wanted to kill him/her, he would be fished out. The whole scene was like a chicken and a dog, crying for father and mother~

And then there is nothing more. With only cold weapons, these students are no match for the "Destroyer of Worlds". After all, not everyone can beat the level with a knife like the "Tempers", and kill the big boss with random knives. .

After the "Destroyer of Worlds" was defeated and put away, no more than one person could stand up on the entire battlefield. Even Caesar had his nose broken, and his handsome face would have to be bandaged for a long time. .

So Li Yue's elective course was ordered to be stopped by the school board. Li Yue didn't even teach sneaking and making fireballs. This class was just thrown away, making him sigh with his palms and call out "Sorry~".

After proving that he could not be a good teacher, Li Yue could only openly become a campus security guard, and secretly lead his family members to increase their strength, striving to achieve the goal of conquering the world without relying on the protagonist or relying on others, and the Dragon King would conquer the world. All the troops were released, and there were no casualties among our soldiers.

After knowing that Li Yue was "exiled" to guard the gate, Caesar held a banquet in Amber Hall and even sent invitations to all the students who had taken Li Yue's class, including Chu Zihang. The result was Everyone came, and this was the first time that Chu Zihang and Caesar found a common topic, which was to celebrate a certain professor who jumped into the street to see the gate.

Fingel even planned to take a picture of the two giants of the Student Union and the Lionheart Club chatting, euphemistically calling it "class diplomacy", which has a flavor of the original "ping pong diplomacy".

Of course, the only person who came to the banquet with Fingel was the good-for-nothing male protagonist Lu Mingfei. Caesar and Chu Zihang both "invited" Lu Mingfei to join their student organizations at the same time again, but after Lu Mingfei In his eyes, this was simply forcing him into the palace, not to mention the two bosses looking at him with such burning eyes, which made him worry about his butt.

But obviously today was Lu Mingfei's lucky day, because within 3 seconds after the two bosses forced him to go to the palace, everyone's phone rang. Just like in the original work, they were "invaded by dragons".

With an ugly look on his face, Caesar put his phone on speakerphone, and a voice with an altered voice came out: "...Please go to the window, look in the direction of the school gate, hold your breath, the guests are here..." ····Get out of the way, don’t block the road!!!”

Everyone: "???"

A huge roar made everyone lose their hearing for a moment. The large carved iron door was directly swept high into the sky by the air wave during the explosion, and then was captured by gravity and slammed to the ground.

Then there were a series of explosions outside the campus, and finally six figures wearing black combat uniforms rode motorcycles into the campus, but they were in a strange state and kept looking behind them in the direction they came from. , the motorcycle was still accelerating, as if something was chasing them from behind.

The sirens rang through the campus, but as the sirens buzzed, a huge ax flew into the campus from the direction of the school gate, directly smashing a motorcycle. The explosion's fire wave directly engulfed the rider, and then everyone Everyone could see the blood and flesh flying out, and even an arm flew to the gate of Amber Hall.

"..." Everyone was shocked. Norma's voice of "Dragon invasion, everyone is ready for battle" still echoed throughout the campus. As a result, these so-called "dragons" were knocked down with an axe. ? Moreover, the previous explosion outside the school gate was exactly the same as the sound of the motorcycle explosion just now. Regardless of what happened, they all knew that the so-called "dragon invasion" was immediately minimized by a violent professor who was guarding the gate.

"Gudu~" Caesar couldn't help but swallowed. Fortunately, he was holding everyone together to celebrate the appointment of a certain professor. If the professor gave him such an axe, he could not guarantee that he would survive.

After throwing an ax and smashing up a motorcycle, Li Yue appeared at the school gate. Behind him was a burst of fire, illuminating everything outside the school gate red. Without even thinking, it must be those The unlucky "dragon clan".

Some girls even stared at Li Yue with their eyes shining, and suddenly they felt that Li Yue was more handsome~

However, Li Yue had no such awareness at all. He just glanced at the few intruders who had fled, and then turned back to the duty room. He was still fighting in a group, and he would definitely be scolded by his teammates after he returned. Well, It's all those intruders~

"Isn't he chasing the enemy?" Lu Mingfei ran out of Amber Pavilion and looked at Li Yue dumbfounded. He had long recognized that what Li Yue just threw was his "Blood Roar", but the problem was Boss, why don't you just throw the ax here and not pick it up?

Lu Mingfei and a group of students ran to the place where the explosion had just occurred. In addition to the wreckage of a motorcycle, they could also see a ferocious big ax. This ax struck directly on the fuel tank. It is not difficult to imagine that this ax It killed the driver first and then hit the fuel tank through his body. No wonder the body was blown to pieces. ()

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