A journey through all the worlds starting from Marvel

Chapter 55 The Invincible Divine Vehicle!

"So my partner and I acted in a play and beat up those bad invaders." Li Yue danced in the driver's seat and recounted his heroic deeds in the battle against the Chiritans in Chernobyl, and The four hobbits behind him were listening attentively to Li Yue telling his story. Li Tianle on the passenger seat was constantly sweating for Li Yue. He was afraid that Li Yue would overturn the car. After all, the road conditions here were Not good.

"What happened to the invader overlord?" the hobbits asked curiously. Li Yue pointed to Thanos, who was drinking with Liangchen in the tavern: "Later we became partners."


What the little hobbits want to hear is the story of how Li Yue and the others defeated the alien overlord after their hard work, but is this turn too fast? How could they become partners after they were fighting life and death before? The twist in this story left them unable to react for a moment.

"You must know that sometimes, as long as we share the same goals, enemies can become friends, just like me and..."


"Eh? Tianle, did we hit something just now?" Li Yue only felt that he hit something. He might have heard a loud noise outside the car, but he could only hear a soft noise inside the car. , the vibranium shell and the car glass mixed with a small amount of vibranium absorbed most of the sound.

"Oh my God, Mr. Arnold, you seemed to have hit a guy wearing black clothes and riding a white horse just now. Do we need to see if he is seriously injured?"

"Oh, no need, it's just a Ring Spirit." Li Yue calmly continued to tell his story, and everyone listened with interest.

"That silver guy attracted a weirdo who could devour an entire world, and then I..."


"Damn it, can those Ringwraiths stop interrupting my story all the time? It's so annoying!"

The Witch King of Angmar was also desperate. He wanted to force this strange vehicle to stop before, but Li Yue obviously didn't notice him, so he knocked him away. This time he wanted to show off to Li Yue. , riding a horse and slashing at the sacred chariot with his sword, and then. . .

Got knocked away again~

Although as long as the injury is not fatal, it is just an itch for the Ring Spirit, but it hurts. Try it if you were hit by a Wuling Hongguang driving at high speed.

As the leader of the Nine Ringwraiths, the Witch King of Angmar was so angry that he blocked all the Ringwraiths in the middle of the road, hoping that they would block the driving Wuling Hongguang. Li Yue had been interrupted from telling the story and saw what was ahead of him. The ring spirits lined up in a row stepped on the accelerator in anger, and then heard a series of "bang", "bang" and "bang" ~

Wuling Hongguang wins.

Looking at the extraordinary chariot riding on it, the Witch King of Angmar was so desperate. The Ringwraith himself was unable to do anything about a strange vehicle. Although his mount was faster than it, he just couldn't force it to stop. What a strange means of transportation.

But if they couldn't complete the Demon Lord's mission, they would be attacked. In desperation, they once again used their lives to stop Li Yue and the others.

At this moment, Wuling Hongguang finally slowed down and stopped. It was just that he slowed down. Li Yue rolled down the window and stuck his head out:

"Are you guys bothered? If you don't give way, I'm going to blow my horn!"

The Witch King of Angmar stood there like a stake: "Hand over the Ring!"

"I≈(◣д◢)" Li Yue was completely angry now.

He took out a speaker from somewhere, opened it and put it to his mouth: "frah!"

Looking at the Ring Spirits flying into the sky, Li Tianle just wanted to say "P", God's horn, aren't you just shouting with a horn? I asked myself why I didn’t see the horn when I was driving last time. It turned out to be here!

This dragon's roar was so effective when played through a loudspeaker that Angmar and the others felt like the world was spinning. Then they fell to the ground and felt pain all over their bodies. Then they came to a strange place. How did they end up at a lake?

Then a few tentacles stretched out from the lake, dragging him into the water while he was still confused.

Seeing that all the Ring Spirits had disappeared, Li Yue nodded with satisfaction and raised the car window. Even though it was cold outside, it was still warm inside the car.

In this way, the terrifying Nazgul will no longer cause trouble to the Fellowship of the Ring for a period of time. But Frodo and the others didn't even feel the terror of the Nazgul, and regarded them as weak chickens who could roar away with just one voice.

Two days later, 5 kilometers away from Rivendell~

"I asked you, are you bothered? If you don't bother me, I'll be bothered. Can you stop being so haunted?" Li Yue looked at the nine dusty Ring Spirits in front of him with disgust. Several Ring Spirits were on his body. All the clothes were damaged, King Angmar was the worst. His clothes and sleeves were torn to pieces, exposing the bones underneath. Now Frodo felt scared for the first time. Why could the bones still move?

If the Witch King of Angmar hadn't been a skeleton, he would have cried a long time ago. Fortunately, he was an undead skeleton, otherwise he would have performed "The Tentacle Monster's White Turbid Hell" that day, and it would have been a heavy male version. Now he only has I want to tear the man in front of me to pieces, well, before he takes out the prop that can amplify his voice.

Li Yue stretched out his hand to grab something, and then twitched his hand to find a wisp of white Qi appearing in his hand, and the nine Ring Spirits seemed to have been weathered and turned into ashes and disappeared with the wind. One hand made the hobbits very happy and applauded, but among them all, Thanos was the only one who knew what Li Yue had done. Li Yue took away their "existence", and their disappearance was only the first step. Soon A series of changes will follow.

For example, Sauron, who was furious about who killed his Ringwraith, was stunned for a moment: "What is the Ringwraith? Why am I so angry? It seems to be something very important to me?"

The hobbits in the car didn't know why they were applauding. The only ones who could remember the existence of the Ring Spirit were Li Yue, who had just taken action, and Thanos, whose soul had reached a certain level. Wang Hao could only remember some fragments, and the others. People have completely forgotten the existence of the Nazgul.

Li Yue put the white mist into a glass jar with the words "The Existence of Nine Ring Spirits" written on it, and then this thing became Li Yue's new collection.

The female elf who felt the evil aura stepped out of Rivendell and forgot what she was going to do. She scratched her head and said, "By the way, go meet those hobbits!"

Then she came outside the forest and found Li Yue and the others who were getting off the car. After all, no matter how powerful the car is, it can't hit a tree directly, right?

"Hey beauty, this is the handsome guy we met on the road. I gave it to you." Li Yue pulled Aragorn out of the carriage. Until now, Aragorn thought Li Yue was a super powerful wizard. This blond wizard It's amazing that a small shop can be hidden in such a small space.

The beauty Alwen's face turned red immediately. This man was so annoying. How could he tell his lover directly? Don’t you know that girls are very concerned about face?

So she ignored Li Yue along the way and just rubbed her hair with Aragorn, leaving Li Yue confused.

Li Yue didn't find Gandalf in Rivendell. It seemed that he hadn't escaped from Saruman yet. Gee, it was quite miserable to be locked up in a high tower and blowing the cold wind even at a very old age.

Two days later, Li Yue finally saw Gandalf who had escaped from the trap. At this time, he was dusty and had a scar on his face. He looked really miserable.

Li Yue seemed to have caught a savior: "Gandalf, hurry up and have a meeting to decide who will destroy the ring. The food the elves eat is too bland. Now I just want to eat a good pork elbow."

Li Yue did try to make soy pork elbows here, but when the elf found out, he was scolded. Pigs are so cute, how can you eat them?

If Li Yue hadn't become a slave to power, he would have used space teleportation to go to other places to eat meat. Now that he sees those elves, they want to go up and take a bite. The vegetarian life these days has been very worrying. Li Yue, who is not happy with meat.

Gandalf grinned. He had been locked up in a high tower for so many days in the cold wind, without even having anything to eat, but you were here to dislike having no meat to eat. It seemed that he had to stay here for a few more days to punish Li. More.

Li Yue didn't know that the sauce elbow was further away from him. All he could think about was what to eat after leaving Rivendell. Why not try the braised Balrog's Hoof? I always think it will be very fragrant. The big octopus hiding in the water also looks great, and the wasabi octopus sashimi must have a great taste and texture.

As for Orcs and Orcs? He won't eat such dirty food. However, the dragon mounted by the Witch King of Angmar should taste good, and the legs of the Spider Queen must taste great when roasted. The elephants of the barbarians who attacked Gondor should also be good ingredients.

Thinking of this, Li Yue's saliva dripped to the ground, and the powerful vitality in the saliva directly caused a small patch of grass to grow on the ground.

Gandalf, who was walking in front of Li Yue, noticed an extremely strong vitality and thought that some god of life had come here. However, when he turned around, he saw small patches of grass behind Li Yue. He was able to confirm that there was no such green grass here just now.

"Tick" Li Yue drooled again. He was now imagining what the other parts of the Balor's body would taste like. He didn't care at all that he was also part of a Balor Balor.

Gandalf looked at the green grass that grew instantly on the ground in shock. Is this guy so vital?

But what Gandalf didn't notice was that these grasses had developed wisdom and could become a new race. When Li Yue and Gandalf walked to Rivendell's meeting hall, the grasses lifted themselves out of the ground. It was pulled out, and there were two calves-like roots growing under its feet. They gathered together immediately and left Rivendell.

These little guys carry Li Yue's obsession with eating, so they have independently evolved a set of abilities to obtain energy. They can not only provide themselves with energy through photosynthesis, but can also hunt down prey in a swarm, and then use their roots to They suck their prey into mummies, and in line with Li Yue's point of view, their prey can only be Li Yue's enemies.

Three seconds of silence for those creatures, who may be extinct from Middle Earth.

But there was also a small group of grasses that felt the aura of Li Yue's creator, so they happily ran towards Li Yue. These grasses that could feel Li Yue's aura had evolved more successfully.

"If this is the Lord of the Rings, why don't we just destroy it!" A hot-tempered dwarf stood up and hit the Lord of the Rings with a long-handled war hammer, but he obviously underestimated the ring. , the warhammer shattered into pieces, but the Lord of the Rings was undamaged. The shock wave hitting the Lord of the Rings directly knocked him to the ground.

"Oh my god, my waist." Jinli was stunned by the shock wave and couldn't get up for a long time.

"This ring cannot be destroyed by ordinary methods. It can only be destroyed by throwing it into the Mount Doom where it was originally cast. So we need to form a ring guard team to escort it to the Mount Doom and destroy it."

"But Mount Doom is in Mordor. Didn't we give the ring to the Demon Lord? I think it's better to give the ring to us to use against the Demon Lord."

"No one can resist its temptation, it must be destroyed, we just need to elect the people who will escort it... What is this thing?"

There was a circle of grass under the feet of Li Yue, who was imagining food in a daze, but this was not the point. The point was that they were holding hands and dancing around Li Yue, and Li Yue, who was immersed in his own imaginary world, did not notice anything strange at his feet. . Gandalf asked this question just after seeing these cute grasses. He had never seen similar life forms before.

Now everyone's attention was no longer on the Lord of the Rings, but they all saw the grass dancing around Li Yue.

"They are so cute." Frodo looked at them with stars twinkling in his eyes. No one can refuse cute things unless there is something wrong with his aesthetics.

"Hey, hey, hey!" A small grass made a sound, attracting the attention of Li Yue who was in a daze: "Hey, hey, hey? This familiar smell, when did I turn the grass green?"

Although Li Yue has not been intimate with his wife for almost thirty years, he is not going to have sex with her! His thoughts were confused for a moment, and it wasn't until Gandalf pointed at the saliva at the corner of his mouth that Li Yue realized what had happened.

Did you create a whole new race with your saliva? So exciting.

He stretched out his hand and took these grasses into his own kingdom. As his creations, of course he couldn't let them suffer. Since he had never had suitable creatures to join his kingdom, he let these grasses become his own. The first residents of the Kingdom of God.

Everyone saw Li Yue's actions, and Jin Li pointed at Li Yue: "He is so powerful and can do magic tricks, so just let him deliver the ring."

"I won't. I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it and give the ring to the Demon King."

"Why, with your strength you should be able to resist the temptation of this ring?"

"No, I just think it would be fun if he came back to life. He would definitely have a good fight with me." ()

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