In any case, it was a big help for Li Yue to kill the trap of the raptor. As compensation for robbing the monster, he borrowed the girl's barbecue machine and grilled the raptor meat with the girl.

"Don't throw away the bones after you've chewed them. This is the best material for the bone system." The girl was very thrifty and didn't care about the drool on the bones.

"No wonder I was deceived by a pervert. Is this girl so cute?" Looking at Wendy with a serious look on her face, he felt that it would be a pity if such a good girl was fucked by a pig. He might as well help her if necessary.

Thinking of all sorts of things, the girl asked, "Are you a hunter from another village? I haven't seen you around here."

"Well, I come from a place called Konoha Village. The people in it are better than the others. There are many people better than me." Li Yue started to talk nonsense.

"Really? If you have a chance in the future, you must go and see it, get some scriptures and so on." The girl looked serious.

"..." Seeing the serious expression on the girl's face, Li Yue suddenly couldn't make up any more.

Fortunately, the girl didn't ask further, otherwise Li Yue felt that it was possible to make up something strange based on his character.

This girl was not alert at all and took Li Yue back to her village without any hesitation.

Well, it’s the famous Jieyun Village.

This village is built on a hill. The village is in the shape of a staircase. The top building is the assembly hall, the next floor is the training ground and the hunter's home, the bottom floor is Yuyun Farm, and then there is the entrance to the village. When the girl hunter returned to the village, she saw a lot of people greeting her, which showed that her popularity was quite good. After that, the villagers looked at Li Yue curiously and asked the girl, "Is this the new hunter? "

"Well, I met him when I was hunting velociraptors. He was very strong. He killed a velociraptor with just a dagger without wearing any armor."

"Really, it's so awesome!" The villagers had surprised looks on their faces. They actually didn't have much doubt about the girl's words. After all, this girl hunter was famously upright in the village, lying and so on. almost impossible.

"Of course it's true. When have you ever seen me lie?" The girl seemed to know that she was straightforward.

Li Yue stood aside and sighed. This girl is so upright and cute, no wonder perverts are targeting her.

"Anyway, this mission is considered a success. Let's go to the hot springs to celebrate!" The girl wrote the word "excited" directly on her face.

"Shouldn't the celebration be about eating and drinking? Why soak in a hot spring? Is it just because Jieyun Village is famous for its hot springs?"

Then Li Yue knew how awesome the hot springs in Jieyun Village were.

"I...I'll go, it feels like I've taken medicine, my whole body feels so comfortable!" Li Yue felt relaxed all over while soaking in the hot spring.

"The real enjoyment is to eat Yuzumo hot spring eggs while soaking in hot springs." The girl kindly handed over a Yuzumo hot spring egg, but as soon as Li Yue turned around, he felt a nosebleed and lay down.

This girl is wearing a bathrobe, and her good figure is clearly visible. Her skin is as white as milk, and her career line on her chest is almost bottomless. The bathrobe only covers the upper part of her thighs, and her pair of long legs are simply inviting people to commit crimes. .

"With her appearance and personality, she is the perfect target for perversion." Li Yue thought to himself.

The girl had no intention of protecting herself from others, and ate the hot spring egg with enjoyment. Li Yue put a spoonful of hot spring eggs into his mouth thoughtfully. He felt very strange why the system had not issued a task yet.

"Well, this thick and smooth texture that explodes from your mouth is so delicious!" Li Yue's eyes widened instantly, and he was deeply impressed by the food in Monster Hunter World.

In fact, the laws of this world are very different from the laws of the main world. If the food in this world is done well, it will be like Shiquan Dabuwan. Apart from the fact that these dishes cannot shine, they can be called the food of gods. .

The drinks and hot springs in Jieyun Village in "Monster Hunter 3" also have the same effect. According to the comfort level of hot spring bathing, this girl is probably going to complete all the hot spring tasks and reach the full level of the hot spring. Otherwise, how can she let the hot springs reach the maximum level? Li Yue felt relaxed.

Li Yue was enjoying the hot spring when he found two guys wearing Marutori masks secretly discussing something in another pool. Li Yue was immediately stunned.

"Why did Brother Tyrannosaurus and Baron Qilin run out? It turns out that this world is really the world of Monster Hunter."

Li Yue was heartbroken and planned to intervene to change the direction of the plot, otherwise the good cabbage would be taken over by the pig. After the perverted duo left, Li Yue got up and drank a glass of beer, then followed them away.

Li Yue, who had reached full stealth level, followed the two of them, eavesdropped on their conversation, and then his face turned cold.

"These two guys have really set their sights on Wendy. It seems that I have to be the hero to save the beauty." Li Yue planned to stop the two of them when they were about to succeed, so that he could also brush up on the hunter girls. Sensitivity.

As a result, the development of the situation changed due to Li Yue's intervention, and the two took action in advance.

"Assholes, I'm going to turn them both into eunuchs!!" Li Yue yelled angrily, and when both of them started to laugh lewdly and were about to take off their belts, he jumped out from behind the stone, and then gave each of them a blow to cut off their children and grandchildren. "Now you can't harm other girls." Li Yue thought happily before venting his anger on the two little brothers. As a result, when I was about to untie Wendy, I discovered something terrible. Wendy had her own underwear stuffed in her mouth and was completely stripped off!

"Ahem, I didn't see anything." Li Yue said seriously, covering his face while peeking out between his fingers.

In the end, Li Yue helped Wendy loosen her bonds, and in the process he "accidentally" wiped a lot of oil, which made him feel a sense of physical and mental pleasure.

As a result, the girl thanked her without knowing it, which made Li Yue embarrassed.

As a result, a system message was belatedly sent to his mind.

World "Monster Hunter 3"

Killing Lanlong in the main mission will reward you with 15000 reward points;

If you kill the Tyrannosaurus in the side mission, you will be rewarded with 10000 reward points, along with hidden rewards;

Kill the collapsing dragon and receive 10000 reward points, along with hidden rewards;

Killing the Huangheilong will reward you with 10000 reward points;

Killing the Tyrannosaurus Rex will reward you with 10000 reward points;

Killing the Steel Dragon will reward you with 7000 bonus points.

Killing Qilin will reward you with 7000 reward points;

Killing the Fengshan Dragon will reward you with 7000 bonus points;

There is no time limit for missions and no time limit for return. You can return at any time after completing the main mission.

Li Yue was stunned for a moment, and then felt a burst of ecstasy. The rewards for these tasks were so generous. They were just a brush map. Moreover, the task time was not limited. As long as the effort was ground into a needle, he didn't believe that he could still complete it. Can't complete the task. After passing through this world, he will definitely receive a wave of strengthening.

Then he teamed up with the hunter girl to challenge various difficult tasks.

Three months later~

"Huh~" Li Yue lifted up the visor on his helmet and wiped the sweat from his head. He looked at the figure as huge as a mountain under his feet and slowly exhaled. This was the first mission he completed, hunting the Fengshan Dragon. Although it was just the simplest side mission, he was still given 7000 reward points, which made Li Yue feel that his efforts over the past three months had not been in vain.

"The tasks in this world take too long. It took three months to solve the first side task. If this continues, it will last for years and years." Li Yue sighed, while helping the hunter girl cut off the Fengshan Dragon. material.

It's not that the mission is too difficult or anything, it's just that the appearance of monsters depends on chance. If monsters don't appear, your strength will be of no use. As a result, Li Yue spent most of his time looking for monsters, so his days were spent hunting for and killing monsters day by day.

Li Yue stayed in this world for two full years before completing all the tasks. If someone unfamiliar with him saw him, he would not be able to recognize him at all. His face was covered with stubble, and his eyes were full of vicissitudes of life. A whole uncle.

At this time, he was wearing silver armor, and there were obvious spikes on the joints of the armor. He was so handsome. This was the Silver Fire Dragon suit.

He carries two tachis on his back. His physical fitness is completely different from other hunters. He can pick up the tachis held by others with two hands with one hand. This makes the old dragon blacksmith in the weapons house call him a monster.

He brought Lan Long's materials back to the village and was greeted with cheers from the villagers.

"I knew Li Yue was the most powerful. Even the god who controlled the storm was killed by him. Is there anything else that can resist him?" The crowd was talking about it. Li Yue asked the blacksmith mother-in-law in the weapon house to help him create it with the materials of Lanlong. A big sword, this sword is the famous fierce sword Congyun.

"Let's go back to the main world tomorrow. It feels like it's been a long time and everything in the main world is unfamiliar." Li Yue thought in his mind.

"Are you leaving?" The hunter girl looked at Li Yue with tears in her eyes. After these two years of teaching, Wendy was finally not as cute as before, and she immediately felt that Li Yue wanted to leave. idea.

"Well, I will leave as soon as my fierce sword Congyun is finished." Li Yue did not hide his desire to leave.

"Oh." There was a look of disappointment in the girl's eyes.

"You have to take good care of yourself while I'm away. Maybe I'll come back. Don't be so sad."

Li Yue was not comforting her. Li Yue really wanted to come back a few times if he had something to do. First, the technology for forging equipment in this world was simply black technology. Using a hammer to knock monster materials can produce armor comparable to vibranium armor, and The power of the weapons is rare in all worlds. Secondly, there are many monsters here, and the monster materials are inexhaustible.

When the girl heard that Li Yue would come back, she immediately burst into laughter and made a promise to Li Yue, "You must come back to see us."


Three days later, Li Yue secretly left the world after getting the fierce sword Congyun.

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