As soon as he arrived at the entrance of Lanba Academy, Qin Ming immediately found the reception desk next to the gate. Qianqian says Recruitment Registration Room.

Flanders and the receptionist quickly agreed that as long as they passed the test, not only could they become teachers in the academy, but Gu Yelan and the others could also study in the academy.

Walking into Lanba Academy, the receptionist introduced the environment and architecture inside to everyone.

He led everyone to a steeple building. The receptionist asked everyone to wait here, and then left. Not long after, a total of three soul masters walked in from outside.

The three of them walked to the inside of the hall and stopped. The leader said, "Every soul master participating in the assessment, please accept the assessment one by one. Who comes first?"

Everyone looked at Flanders, who smiled slightly, waved to Qin Ming and said, "Xiao Ming, you go first."

Qin Ming nodded, walked forward, and asked the three soul masters, "Excuse me, how do you conduct an evaluation?"

The soul master who spoke before said, "Please release your martial soul. As long as it exceeds level 40, you can fight with one of the three of us for ten minutes and you will be qualified."

"Okay." Qin Ming was holding his breath today because of the matter at Tiandou Imperial Academy, and he didn't hold back his breath at all, and directly released his martial soul.

Two yellows, three purples, and one black, the Soul Emperor's powerful aura covered the three test teachers, and their eyes were full of horror.

Qin Ming said in a deep voice, "Level 62 Fiery Wolf Fighting Soul Emperor, Qin Ming. Qianqian Strong Attack System." Qin Ming raised his right hand and made a gesture of invitation, "Who can give me advice?"

advice?What the heck, level is facing a level assault system soul master, and he is still a mutated martial soul, so is it still necessary to beat him?

"Uh, this, there is no need for actual combat evaluation. The academy has regulations that soul masters over level can be exempted from other additional tests." The soul master who was in charge of the evaluation headed by Lanba Academy secretly wiped his sweat and said in his heart , today will be a great one.

Qin Ming took back his martial spirit, lost all his momentum, and everything returned to normal.

Flanders said, "Since there is no need for additional evaluation above level 60, we don't need to waste time. Brothers, open the soul ring."

In addition to the master, the five teachers from Shrek Academy simultaneously activated their martial spirits that would make ordinary spirit masters look up to them.

"Level Dragon Marked Stick Weapon Soul Emperor, Li Yusong, strong attack type."

"Level Xingluo Chess Soul Emperor, Lu Qibin, control system."

"Seventy-one level sugar bean weapon soul saint, Shao Xin, food department."

"Seventy-sixth level powerful Vajra Bear Fighting Spirit Saint, Zhao Wuji. Powerful attack type."

"Level Cat Eagle Fighting Soul Saint, Flanders, agility attack type."

From weak to strong, five members of Shrek Academy, including the two deans, reported their strength and names one after another.

The three teachers responsible for the evaluation were completely stunned at this time.

"Is it okay?" Flanders's voice contained a hint of soul power, awakening the three extremely surprised soul masters.

"Ah, of course it's fine. Seniors, please accept your martial soul." The three of them obviously became respectful.

Taking a deep breath, the teacher headed by Lan Ba ​​Academy said respectfully, "I'm writing this letter. Level 54 assault type battle soul master. I can't assess the levels of your seniors. What do you think of this? I'll take you to see our academy. Commander, let her decide your rank and treatment."

"Then let's go." Flender smiled slightly.The teachers of Shrek Academy are also in a much better mood.After all, being respected is much more comfortable than being despised.Although the environment here is not as good as Tiandou Royal Academy.But it also has its advantages.

The three Lanba Academy teachers led by Yin Shu walked in front, exited the steeple building, and walked directly to the back of the academy along a side path. Soon, they entered the forest outside the main campus.

The master asked doubtfully, "Don't your dean live in the campus area?"

Yin Shu said, "The dean is usually not in the college. She prefers to be quiet. She lives alone in the forest. The daily affairs of the college are handled by the teachers. Only major matters need to be consulted by the dean."

When he mentioned the dean, the music teacher's eyes showed sincere respect, which was completely from the heart.

"So that's the case." The master didn't ask any more questions, but he didn't know why.There was always a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

After walking for about ten minutes, everyone was walking in the forest with fresh air. Suddenly, a faint singing voice came from the front.

The singing is euphemistic and beautiful, with lingering grievances, like weeping and complaining, which makes people feel sad.The tune spins back and forth.It is so soft and beautiful,

The singing passed away quietly, and Flanders and Master, who were walking at the front, had already stopped when the singing started. At this time, Flanders looked a little strange. The master was already in tears.

Seeing the weird looks of Flanders and Master, everyone couldn't help but stopped in surprise. Gu Yelan also paid attention to the master's reaction.

Suddenly, the master turned around abruptly, and was about to run towards the way he came, but Flender grabbed his shoulder.

Flanders shouted, "Xiao Gang, how long do you want to escape? She's already here, can you really bear not to see her?"

"Flender, did you already know she was here? Lanba Academy, Lanba Academy, Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, I should have thought of it long ago."

Flanders made a helpless gesture, "How did I know she was here? It's just a coincidence."

"Liar, you discussed something with Xiaoye before." The master's words made Flanders a little embarrassed.

"Master, there are some things that cannot be solved by simply avoiding them. No matter how uncomfortable you feel, you must give people an answer for the sake of the people around you." Gu Yelan said. There was a light of struggle in the master's eyes.

Seeing his expression, Gu Yelan said, "Master, I don't know exactly what happened to you back then? But, it's been so long, and it's time for you to make a choice. If you continue, it will only make the three of you... Everyone is sad.”

The master struggled for a while, and finally made up his mind, sighing, "Let's go!" After saying that, the master took the lead and walked forward.

Seeing this scene, most of the others, except for Zhao Wuji, who was most familiar with Flanders, and Tang San, who was closest to the master, had some guesses, they didn't understand what was going on, and could only follow behind in confusion, heading towards Go ahead there.

Continuing a few hundred meters forward, the scenery in front of everyone suddenly changed.

Next to a slightly wider pool that looks like a mirror, there is a simple thatched hut made of wooden boards and thatch, completely integrated with the surrounding environment. There is a fence around the hut, and various flowers are planted in the fence, vying to bloom, colorful and beautiful.

Just among the flowers, a woman was standing there. She was a mature and beautiful woman who looked to be in her thirties. She was holding a kettle in her hand and watering the flowers. Perhaps because she heard the footsteps, her eyes unconsciously looked in the direction where the Shrek Academy group was walking. It seemed that he was frowning slightly because he was disturbing the tranquility here.

However, when her eyes fell on Flanders and Master, her whole body instantly became stiff, her hand loosened, and the kettle fell to the ground with a bang. Let the pot of water flow freely, but she had completely forgotten it at this time.

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