Death of the dark night in Douluo continent

Chapter 48 Eat sausages and leave school

Everyone in the field can see that the punch of the Holy Heart is not simple. Fang Heng can naturally see it even more clearly. In his eyes, the punch of the Holy Heart has brought all the strength and all the muscles and bones to it. The flesh and all the spirit and will are all integrated into it.

This is said to be a punch, but in fact it is not as simple as a punch. What it contains is terrifying and boundless power, and it is the entire martial arts of the Sacred Heart!

This kind of fist cannot be caught by strength alone.

"Seamon's true form!"

Similarly, just when Fang Heng clearly realized the terror of the Sacred Heart's punch, Yuan Gang, who was standing in front of the Sacred Heart, immediately transformed into his true form of the Sea Monkey without saying a word!

He is a monster, and his sense of danger is extremely keen. Therefore, even if he does not have Fang Heng's insight and calculation ability, but he can feel the threat from his life, how dare he not use his true skills.

A humming vibration appeared from Yuan Gang's body, and blue brilliance covered Yuan Gang's whole body in an instant. In just a few breaths, Yuan Gang's body suddenly transformed into a body full of infinite spirituality, exuding blue brilliance. At the same time, at the moment when he transformed into this ape, he raised his fist and punched the Sacred Heart's fist!


It's like a thunderbolt struck out of thin air! Visible to the naked eye, as the Sacred Heart collided with Yuan Gang's fist, the entire hall was violently shaken at this moment. In an instant, it was filled with endless cracks. The space in the hall was like glass, shattering one after another and covering it in an instant. Attracted the whole audience.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of everyone present became solemn. At the same time, the energy in their bodies began to circulate, and they were ready to leave.

They know that this kind of energy collision is the most terrifying, and even the aftermath can be extremely destructive. If they want to protect themselves, of course they have to stay away.


Just when everyone was about to retreat, suddenly, a word came out of Fang Heng's mouth. As Fang Heng's voice sounded, a colorful brilliance suddenly rose from Fang Heng's body, immediately covering the whole body. field!

Seeing this golden brilliance, everyone in the palace was stunned, but the next moment, their bodies began to vibrate. They could all clearly see that as this golden brilliance spread, soon, the endless In the cracked hall, you began to quickly repair the cracks at this moment, and the countless violent spaces began to heal at this moment.

Everything seemed like nothing happened.

If they hadn't seen with their own eyes the confrontation between Sacred Heart and Yuan Gang in the field, they would have thought it was a dream.

At this time, everyone admired Fang Heng even more. If he didn't publish a book, he would change the entire environment with just one move. This method was really miraculous.

"Haha, everyone, please feel free to watch the battle. As long as I am here, the aftermath of this battle will definitely not hurt anyone."

Fang Heng smiled at this time and said something. After hearing this, everyone in the hall nodded immediately and gave up on continuing to run their own energy.

Fang Heng is so strong and has such a high status. Every word spoken by a being like him is very credible. Of course, no one will doubt it.


At this moment, a sound of vomiting blood began to sound in unison, and both Sacred Heart and Yuan Gang were seen spitting out a mouthful of blood at this moment.

have equal shares!

Seeing this scene, the thought flashed through the minds of everyone present. They were all masters, so naturally they were aware of the state of Sacred Heart and Yuan Gang. Neither of them took advantage.

"did not expect."

At this time, Shen Yan, who was sitting next to Fang Heng, suddenly said, "It's actually evenly matched. I thought that Sacred Heart would suffer a little loss."

"Based on pure chakra strength, the Sacred Heart is indeed at a disadvantage, but this is not a pure strength fight, it is a fist fight mixed with one's own martial arts and one's own spirit. There is a saying in martial arts that when the mind is strong, its power Like the sky, the Holy Heart has brought out his martial arts and spirit, so these shortcomings in strength will naturally be made up for."

Fang Heng also smiled at this time.

"Oh? So, do you think your brother will win?"

Shenyan asked at this time, and Fang Heng immediately nodded with a smile, "Is there any need to say that? My brother will win for sure!"

"Is it?"

Shenyan's eyes flickered, and she never expected that Fang Heng had such strong confidence in her brother, which surprised her and made her very excited at the same time.

Warriors always hope to see the weak defeat the strong. This is a miracle, not to mention that the Sacred Heart and she are already friends, so she is naturally looking forward to the victory of the Sacred Heart.

"Well, you are worthy of being a divine ape tribe among the sea tribe. Their strength is really extraordinary. This punch of mine is the embodiment of my martial arts spirit and soul. But you can withstand such a fist. It shows how unique your tribe is." ”

Just when Shen Yan and Fang Heng finished talking, the Sacred Heart in the field also looked at the blue divine ape in front of you and said with a faint smile, which immediately made the eyes of the blue divine ape begin to twinkle.

"I didn't expect that your punch would be so heavy and strong."

Looking at the Sacred Heart in front of him, Yuan Gang said lightly at this time, "But with this kind of fist, you should only be able to deliver one blow."

"If I want to escape unscathed, then I can only burst out with one blow. However, now that I have been injured, this is retreat, and it is not an escape. If this is the case, then I have to let you pick me up again even if I fight with my hands. Two strikes.”


After Sacred Heart finished speaking, his other fist suddenly broke through the air and hit Yuan Gang's cheek again.

This movement was extremely simple, and at the same time it was extremely fast. In just an instant, he was in front of Yuan Gang's face.

"Good! He is indeed a genius of the Xuantian Holy Sect! The so-called decisiveness and resoluteness are nothing more than that. He has to fight me head-on even if he is injured. This alone is worthy of admiration."

Seeing the punch coming from the Sacred Heart, Yuan Gang suddenly shouted, "But the more you admire me, the more I will try my best, so you should be prepared!"


After finishing his words, Yuan Gang's other fist suddenly struck at the Sacred Heart's fist.

Seeing Yuan Gang's punch, the eyes of everyone in the field flashed, and they could all see that at this time, Yuan Gang's punch was slower than that of Sacred Heart.

Logically speaking, in a battle between warriors, one side is a little slower than the other, and that is the difference between life and death. However, Yuan Gang's slower fist hit the Holy Heart's fist at an extremely fast speed!

Everyone didn't know how to describe this sense of disparity, and there were doubts and puzzlements in their eyes.

"What's going on? It's obvious that the attack came later, but why did it come first? The Sacred Heart is the peak of the intermediate divine martial arts, and this Yuan Gang is also the peak of the intermediate divine martial arts. Although he has touched the threshold of the high-level divine martial arts, he is not a high-level one. How can Shenwu be the last to arrive first?"

Shenyan also asked Fang Heng at this time, but Fang Heng smiled faintly, "He didn't come first, it's just his movements that made him look like he came last."

Hearing this, Shen Yan was stunned and his eyes flickered. After a moment, Shen Yan's eyes lit up, "Illusion?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

Fang Heng smiled and nodded, looking at Yuan Gang with a flash of disdain in his eyes, "Illusion martial arts is a martial arts with magical effects. It is just an illusion martial arts, not an orthodox martial arts. It is a side martial arts. The fist that my brother's Sacred Heart is punching now contains everything about him. His soul, spirit, and martial arts are all integrated into it. This is the upright martial arts! And although this Yuan Gang is also confronting my brother head-on, he just But he used this sideways method and acted as if he was the last to arrive first, in order to influence my brother at the critical moment and make my brother unstable, and then he would seize the opportunity to fight back directly. He is too whimsical. If my brother could be shaken so easily, how would he be able to achieve his current level of cultivation?"

After spitting out a series of words, Shen Yan also nodded blankly. At this moment, the bang sounded again, the hall trembled again, and countless spaces began to explode rapidly.

Fortunately, the explosion and vibration lasted for a short time. Under Fang Heng's suppression, these powers soon disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, a loud sound of vomiting blood was heard.

At this moment, Yuan Gang, the blue ape in front of the Sacred Heart, suddenly started to vomit blood!

His fist was still in contact with the Sacred Heart's fist, and his breath was entangled with the Sacred Heart's breath.

But he vomited blood, but the Sacred Heart was intact!

"Oh my God!"

"what happened!"

Seeing this scene, countless people in the palace began to exclaim. No one expected that the Sacred Heart, a human race, and Yuan Gang, a member of the Haiyuan clan, would gain the upper hand in an instant due to their strength!

"Haha, Yuan Gang, you are really powerful, but it's a pity that you can't show your greatness."

At this moment, the Sacred Heart in the temple also smiled and looked at Yuan Gang who was vomiting blood in front of him, and said, "Perhaps this is the difference between humans and monsters. The martial arts that monsters think of is the law of the jungle, but the martial arts that we humans understand , but it is the way to have a clear conscience, what is the way to have a clear conscience? You punch, I punch, you punch, I punch, let's go point to point, line to line, see who is stronger, I punch first, You received the punch very well and uprightly, but for the second punch, you used illusion. This is not martial arts, this is a strategy. It is not true that martial arts cannot use strategies. It is normal to plot against each other in life and death situations, but you and I are facing each other now. You used this kind of trick to fight for strength, which is equivalent to giving up your advantage to me, so how can you win against me?"

A series of words were uttered, and the stunned people in the palace were stunned when they heard these words, but the next moment they nodded quickly. Indeed, what the Sacred Heart said was so right. The so-called martial arts means being dignified and genuine, with a clear conscience. Tao, if you can't do this, it's not martial arts at all, it's a demon heretic.


Hearing this, Yuan Gang also cursed secretly, and the next moment he said coldly, "Okay, Sacred Heart, so what if what you said is reasonable? But this is only the second punch, there is one more, and the last punch , is the real victory or defeat! I will let you see the power of my last punch!"

"You are wrong again."

Sacred Heart shook his head at this time and said calmly, "You used a trick with this punch, that is, you gave up your own advantages and opportunities. Now all the advantages and opportunities are mine. Even if you want to change your ways and confront me head-on, It's already too late for you, because I won't be like you, who will use any means at this time, I will defeat you in the third punch."


After finishing speaking, the third punch of the Sacred Heart hit Yuan Gang's chest hard!

This punch, like the previous two punches, was so simple and concise.

The only difference was that this time the Sacred Heart's punch rubbed the space with his fist and created sparks.

Seeing this spark, everyone in the audience also changed their expressions.

They knew that this punch must be extremely terrifying. Legend has it that only high-level divine warriors could pull out flames in space with one punch. See more! Prestige official account: hhxs665

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