God's Pirate

Chapter 4 The First Battle

In the East China Sea, an unknown sea area, it was noon, the scorching sun shone on the sea, and a small boat sailed slowly following the gentle sea breeze.

"Ahhh! Where is this place? It's been a week, why haven't I seen an island yet? I'm almost vomiting after eating this fish. Can you do it, Casa? Are you lost? Woolen cloth?"

Sitting cross-legged on the bow of the boat, Al held a live fish with a livid face and complained unhappily to Casa, who was now working part-time as a navigator.

"What are you talking about? I am an excellent fisherman who can go fishing by myself at the age of eight. How could I get lost like this? It's not that this boat is too small and too slow!"

Casa replied angrily, while controlling the ship to move towards the route he expected, he continued to say to Al:

"Speaking of which, this is different from what we imagined. Why did we still encounter a pirate ship after so long?"

"How do I know? Maybe they smelled the smell of strong men in us and were scared away." Al jumped on the wooden box containing supplies and answered casually.

"What are you talking about? You don't even look at how poor you are. Maybe they have smelled the poor air in you and stayed away." Kasa replied disdainfully, squinting his blue eyes.

In fact, it is no wonder that they quarreled. At first, Al planned to use a small sailboat to go to sea first, and if he encountered a pirate ship on the way, he would take it as his own by force.

The week-long voyage exhausted their few supplies, and now they can only survive on sea fish.

Fortunately, they all have the ability to dive for a long time, otherwise they wouldn't even be able to eat sea fish.

It's no wonder that Al would think so, because Hongye Village is just a small village and there are no larger ships at all.

Just as the two were bickering with each other, suddenly a huge sailboat in the distance was cutting through the sea and slowly approaching them.

Fifteen meters long and three meters high, the ship has a log-colored hull, three sly poles that are slightly raised by the breeze, and a huge skull on the canvas that is dancing in the wind.

"Hey, isn't this coming?" Al turned his head and said with a slightly surprised smile.

"It's such a coincidence that we were transferred!" Kasa looked at the pirate ship that appeared in front of him with a speechless expression.

He stared, as if criticizing the timing of the other person's appearance.

"Here we come." Garu, who was taking a nap next to him, opened his eyes at this moment.

The pirate ship finally arrived in front of them, and they saw pirates holding swords and guns revealed on the ship.

Then a man wearing a captain's hat, a black vest and a beard walked out. He stretched out his left hand, pointed the revolver at the three men, and said with a grin:

"Listen, you three, hand over your things to me. Then squat down obediently. Otherwise, I'll shoot you in the head."

Glancing at the pirate who was threatening him, Al turned to the two people around him with an indifferent expression and asked:

"These pirates are still really rude. Who among you is going to deal with them?"

The voice just fell.


The casual attitude obviously angered the leading pirate. The smoking bullet penetrated the plank of the ship next to Al, splashing sawdust all over the ground.

His eyes widened and he said angrily:

"I said, kid, didn't you understand what I said? Do you want me to say it again?"

At the same time, Garu, who was sitting on the boat, stood up, turned his head and said to the two people around him:

"Then let me come and meet them. I haven't moved my muscles for a long time, so let me do some exercise today."

After finishing speaking, he jumped up without waiting for the other party's reaction. His whole body turned into an afterimage and reappeared on the pirate ship.

Then jump to Captain Beard.

He stretched out his left hand and waved lightly, and slapped Captain Beard on the shoulder, knocking him into a splint.

"What did you just say? Can you say it again?" Garu asked flatly.

"Bang, bang."

Garou responded with the sound of gunfire from a distance.

Dang, Dang

Facing the bullets fired from a distance, Garou calmly raised his left hand and easily blocked it with the gauntlet hanging on his left arm.

Then he punched the pirate who was close to his body with a punch, sending him flying backwards and falling into the sea.

"Weird, monster!"

Seeing the uninjured Garou, the minions became frightened.

After all, no matter how low the penetration power of the musket is, it can still knock people flying backwards, but it is completely useless against Garou.

Ignoring the pirates' fear, Garu ran around the ship like a tiger among sheep.

He showed speed that was inconsistent with his huge body, and unilaterally killed the first wave of pirates who went to sea.

He nimbly dodged the sword and blocked the musket with his gauntlet.

One punch could cause the opponent's body to explode, and before long the plywood was covered with pirates.

"Uh, uh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Red liquid stained the splints, broken limbs and broken arms were scattered, and the moans of pirates filled the entire ship.

"Still so cruel, Garu."

Al jumped on the boat, glanced at the scene on the boat, his expression showed no change, and said to Garou who was stained red with blood as usual.

When I was in Hongye Village, pirates often came, and every time Garou defeated them, the scene in front of him would appear.

"Pirates don't need sympathy." A cold voice came from Garu's mouth. Covered in blood, he walked up to the leading pirate, took him out of the splint, threw him at his feet, and kicked him hard in the chest.

"Poof!" The pirate leader who fell to the ground spat out a mouthful of blood. Looking at the giant man in front of him with fear on his face, he said in a trembling voice, "You, who are you? I'm a wuwu."

"The person who will take your life." Interrupting the other party's words, Garou picked up the pirate who wanted to say something else, punched the other party on the head, and at the same time let go of his hand, the explosive power was breathtaking. The explosion knocked it out of the ship and into the sea.

At this time, Kasa, who was carrying two wooden boxes, also walked to the boat, threw the boxes aside, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he was dissatisfied and accused Garu: "Oh, why did you make it so dirty again? This is ours." Ship! It’s hard for Al to get it so dirty.”

"Sorry, I can clean it up by myself." Calm words came from Garou's mouth. As he spoke, he grabbed the pirates on the ground one by one by their necks, took them to the side of the boat, and threw them into the sea. After doing all this, he left. Arriving next to Casa, he skillfully took out an extra-large towel from the luggage case and began to clean the plywood. His skillful movements made people wonder how many times he had practiced to do this.

After all, every time you defeat a pirate, you will gain a ship. If you want to change money, you have to at least clean it up, and you get used to it over time.

As for the money they got in exchange, Garu gave it to the villagers, so the three of them could only set sail on the small boat in despair.

"There's really nothing we can do about you. If that's the case, then you clean up first. Kasa, you go check the condition of the ship and then continue sailing. I'll go to sleep for a while and help you update your ability values ​​at night." Al's eyes flickered slightly. , After saying that, he yawned and walked towards the cabin without knowing it.

"Hey, hey, don't be so open and lazy, we still have a lot of things to do." Looking at the captain who walked straight to the cabin without looking back, Casa shouted from behind.

Hearing Casa's voice, Al moved faster

"I'll just do Al's share. Kasa, stop complaining and get to work! It'll be over as soon as possible." A slightly expectant voice came from Garou who was wiping the splint.

"Really, why is it like this every time?" Kasa glanced at his mouth and said nothing more. He walked up and down and started inspecting the ship.

Al walked into the cabin, found the captain's cabin, opened the door and ignored the desk on the left. He went straight to the bed on the right and took off the knife, and put away the pungent bed sheet that was full of sweat and unknown odor. He threw the quilt cover into the sea and fell asleep quickly while lying on the bed.

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