God's Pirate

Chapter 22 Salted Fish 1 Thorn

"It's ridiculous, how could I envy you humans? I'm a noble fish-man. Don't think you've won!" Aaron stared at Al with bloodshot eyes.

Big drops of blood fell to the ground. Aaron ignored his wounds and thrust forward again with his hands on the ground.

"But you are about to be killed by me, a human, so don't you think it's too weird to say that?" Al easily dodged the thrust, and Al's face was full of disdain.

After all, he was seriously injured and had no energy stored in the water, so it was impossible for a thrust of this magnitude to hit Al.

"Damn human being!!! I want you to look good!" There was madness in the language, and it was obvious that Aaron had no intention of giving up.

He turned around and took up his stance, planning to stab him again.

Qiang, Baiyuan unsheathed.

Al's eyes showed warning, and the pain in his waist reminded him that it would be uncomfortable if he suffered this attack.

He exerted force on his back, rotated his spine, and was about to slash towards Aaron, but


With a ferocious look on his face, Aaron's body fell to the ground, with his hard nose pointing down, carving a small hole in the ground.

"Hey, this. Is this the legendary sting of salted fish?" Holding the Baiyuan, Al couldn't help complaining in his heart.

After all, he was seriously injured, and the attack just now had made this evil dragon incapacitated.

Looking at Aaron lying on the ground, he took back the long knife in his hand and walked towards him.

Halfway through, my steps suddenly stopped and I suddenly thought of a possibility:

"What if he's pretending?"

His arms and waist were frantically warning something. Following his heart, Al pulled out Bai Yuan and hit Aaron hard on the back of the head with the back of the knife.


The back of the knife made close contact with the back of Aaron's head, and the saw-like nose pierced the ground again.

With a click, B-level power blessed Aaron's sawnose, successfully cracking the ground.

"Well, it seems there should be no problem!" He nodded with satisfaction, bent down and carried Aaron's dorsal fin towards Nami.

Looking at Al coming, Kasa scratched his yellow hair and said:

"Why are you in such a mess!"

"Forgive me, I was a little careless." Al said casually, glancing at Casa in fish-man form.

Then he threw Aaron in his hand to Xiaobachu next to Garu, ignoring Nokigao and Ajian who had strange expressions on the side, and said solemnly:

"Nami, I made the promise. It's up to you how to deal with him next."

What will you do next. Now the enemy is right in front of you, and the only one who can make the decision is you!

I'm looking forward to your performance! However, I must not be able to take action on your words.

"I, I" Nami's eyes were filled with confusion and she was speechless.

The person you have wanted to kill for many years is right in front of you, and you are the one who makes the decision, so what should you do?

Thinking of her mother who died in front of her and the villagers who were killed in Cocosia Village, Nami's eyes became firm.

He staggered to Al's side, constantly instilling strength into his trembling hands, and finally pulled out the white sword with a black blade.

Holding tightly the tachi that was half her body length, Nami walked up to Aaron and mustered up the courage to slash at Aaron's neck.


"That's enough Nami, don't continue." Jian came closer, held Nami's wrist tightly, and said in a low voice.

Can you stand it so quickly? Being a father is really hard. If I hadn’t come here, I wouldn’t be able to do it at my age, right? I don’t know if she will be a cute princess or a handsome young master. But the prerequisite is to have a wife. Al's thoughts spread unconsciously.


Nami's tears couldn't stop flowing as she clenched her rough but warm hands.

Covering his face with his hands, the long knife in his hand fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry Al, I couldn't hit Aaron because you were injured!" Nami said in a sob.

"It's nothing, that's fine. After all, if you cut it down, you can never go back." Al retracted his thoughts and answered quickly.

He slowly approached and put Bai Yuan away, then pressed it and put it over Nami's head, right? I don't want to see you cry anymore! "

Looking at the three people on the side, Ajian said in a deep voice:

"Thank you for hitting Aaron, but if nothing happens, please come back!"

"Hey, you are too quick to kill a donkey." Kasa's mouth twitched and he said unhappily.

"That's not possible. The agreement between Nami and I has not been completed yet! Right Nami!" Al said bluntly.

"Well, give me three days, okay?" Nami stopped crying, and her tear-stained face showed a charming smile to Al.


Al looked around, glanced at Ajian from the corner of his eye, smiled and gave instructions:

"Then Kasa, while your condition is still there, drag the three of them back and tie them up. In two days we will go to Rogge Town and sell him for money!"

"No problem." Kasa's blue eyes lit up.

"Garu, let's go to the village to find a doctor together later. It looks like you're seriously injured too."

"It's a small injury, no need for it." Garou looked at Al with his black eyes, his tone remained calm.

He glanced at the dense knife marks on Garu's body, and at a rough glance, there were probably at least thirty.

You don’t have to, but I do!

Al's cheek twitched inadvertently, and he said righteously with a straight face:

"That's not okay. How can I look at you like this and remain indifferent. Well, that's it!"

"Okay." Unable to overcome Al's insistence, Garu reluctantly agreed.

"As for you, just help me take care of Nami for the time being! Do you have any objections?" Turning his head and staring at Ajian, Al threatened in a pretentious manner!


Nami hit Al on the head with her white fist and said dissatisfied:

"These two are my relatives, can you be polite to them?"

Then she rubbed her fists. After all, Al's head was harder.

Although it doesn't hurt, should I say that he is becoming more and more familiar with me, or that he doesn't take me seriously anymore? Well, it must be the former. Al silently cursed in his heart.

He stretched out his hand and dragged Aaron's feet, smiled at Nami and said:

"I know, I know. Really, it's up to you to explain the situation to them. Then let's go first and see you in the village later!"

After saying that, he asked Shanggaru and Kasa to go to Cocosia Village.

"Nami, does it really matter? If they dare to force you, I will not let them go even if it costs my own life." Looking at the backs of the three people leaving, Jian asked in a deep voice.

"It's okay. Although they behave rudely, they are all gentle at heart. I will also fulfill my promise with Al." Nami said with a blush on her face.

"El?" Nokigao asked curiously.

"Well, the person holding the long knife just now is their captain. The guy who talks to himself, the bastard who makes his own decisions. Let me tell you." Recalling the scene when she was threatened by Al, Nami said fiercely clenched his fist forward.

The man with the knife? Nokigao quickly flipped through the memories just now, remembering the scene of the three people he had peeked at just now.

That guy who looks like a fishman? Absolutely not too disgusting

That strong man with wounds all over his body? He doesn’t seem to use a knife, right?

As for the last person, he has black hair and brown eyes, and his facial features are particularly perfect. His fair skin is all over his body and the claw mark on his left eye cannot stop him from looking handsome.

That’s right, it’s him! If it were him, Nokigao's eyes calmed down after thinking about it. As for Nami's words behind

"You" looked at Nami, who was getting more and more excited as she talked, and seemed to understand something. Ajian's lips opened and closed, but he said nothing more.

"Have you seen Bellemere? Nami has reached this age too!" He sighed with some melancholy in his heart, and his whole soul drifted to the distant heaven with his thoughts.

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