Douluo Dalu: Chengfeng Yujian

Chapter 41 Duel with Black Tiger

The decisive battlefield is a high platform, half the size of a football field, with nine steps on each side.

The decisive battle platform was made of black rock, as hard as steel, but there were many sword marks on the platform, as well as pits corroded by venom or caused by huge collisions. Anyone who can leave traces on the final stage is the genius soul master of Aoki Academy over the years.

Li Yu stepped onto the decisive stage with a calm expression, not paying any attention to the comments of the students in the audience.

At the same time, a strong young man stepped onto the decisive stage. He was a head taller than Li Yu. He was dressed in gray and rough shirt, and his strong arms were covered with scars.

The two stood proudly on the stage, neither of them looking down on their enemy at all.

"Chang Tai, martial soul black tiger, level 16 assault type battle soul master"

"Li Yu, Wuhun Qingfeng Sword, level 14 attack type battle soul master"

The two people clasped their fists and saluted, and then the referee lit a stick of incense on the incense burner nearby and said, "The duel begins. One party loses combat effectiveness, or one party admits defeat, or the incense burns out to determine the winner."

The duel begins, and the audience's eyes are on the No. 1 duel stage.

"Chang Tai, beat him"

"Chang Laohu, don't let yourself go."

Li Yu smiled lightly at everyone's ridicule. He didn't know what these people would say when he defeated Black Tiger and slapped everyone in the face.

"Black Tiger, Possessed"

Chang Tai shouted low, and instantly completed the possession of the martial spirit. His body became taller and stronger, with tiger claws stretched out. His thick arms were covered with a layer of black and yellow tiger stripes, and the soul power on his forehead condensed into a black The word "king" is used, with ferocious fangs and fierce eyes.

A yellow soul ring pulsated under his feet, menacingly.

Facing Chang Tai, who was two years ahead of him, Li Yu did not dare to underestimate the enemy at all, and held on to the Qingfeng Sword with all his energy.


Chang Tai shouted loudly, clenched his hands into fists and rushed away.

Facing a hard punch with a big face like his own, Li Yu calmly moved and dodged sideways.

The Black Tiger Spirit is an excellent beast spirit. It gives the spirit master extremely powerful defense and strength, but it also has a weakness, which is speed.

Chang Tai's attack speed was much slower than the flying rocks thrown by Li Ye. Li Yu calmly dodged one move after another.

"Damn it, can't you backhand?"

Li Yu easily dodged more than a dozen punches in a row, and Chang Tai cursed in anger.

"Haha, this piece of trash doesn't even have the courage to backhand."

"I didn't expect that the dignified top scorer in the second grade was beaten so hard by Chang Laohu that he didn't even dare to fight back."

"That's right, you're too weak. Surrender quickly."

There were sighs one after another from the audience stage, and no one was facing Li Yu.

Martial spirits have the advantages of martial arts, and soul masters have the weaknesses of soul masters. To cater to the enemy's advantages is undoubtedly to compete with the enemy's rhythm, which is a fatal failure point.

A duel, a confrontation, rhythm is extremely important

Li Yu knew this very well, so he kept dodging Chang Tai's attacks and only occasionally swung his sword to counterattack.

The more he beat Chang Tai, the angrier he became, and he cursed, "Can you stop being like a bitch and always avoiding me?"

Hearing this, Li Yu smiled lightly and said, "Okay."

"Wind Shadow Slash"

After the words fell, the light of the Qingfeng Sword in Li Yu's hand increased sharply, and he suddenly stepped forward and slashed down suddenly.

In the flash of lightning, Chang Tai stepped back fiercely.

I saw the sword edge scratching his arm, and then slashing hard on the decisive battle platform, leaving a deep sword mark.

"Chang Huhu, kill him"

"Fight back, Chang Tiger"

Everyone shouted angrily, it seemed that what Li Yu hurt was not Chang Tai, but their hearts.

"Yes, the lethality of this soul skill is terrifying." Chang Tai covered his arm, blood flowing from his fingers.


Suddenly, Chang Tai's soul ring flashed under his feet, and he opened his mouth and roared.

The transparent sound waves condensed with soul power spread out and expanded from his mouth, and Li Yu felt a stinging pain in his ears, followed by a feeling of dizziness.

"Oops, I didn't expect his first soul skill to be spiritual attack."

Li Yu secretly screamed something bad. He originally thought that his first soul skill was boxing or kicking, but he didn't expect that this tiger roar actually contained a spiritual attack, and he was caught off guard and suffered a big loss.

Immediately afterwards, Chang Tai rushed forward, charged up his fist, and punched Li Yu in the ribs.


Li Yu groaned, his body was knocked away by a punch, and he almost fell off the final stage.

The severe pain made him curl up, gnashing his teeth and sweating profusely.

Blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, okay, good job"

The audience was excited and clapped their hands and applauded.

"I won again."

Chang Tai showed a confident smile on his lips and waved his hands towards the students in the stands.

"Win, where is your mother?"

Just when everyone thought Chang Tai had won, Li Yu gritted his teeth and staggered up from the ground.

"Sword Comes"

Li Yu shouted angrily, waved his hand, and the Qingfeng Sword not far away made a soft "ding" sound and flew back to Li Yu's hand.

"Oh, I can still get up."

Chang Tai twisted his neck and clenched his fist again with fierce eyes.

At this time, Li Yu's body's reaction speed slowed down a lot, and he could clearly feel that at least two of his ribs were broken.

Meditate, meditate

Li Yu reminded himself time and time again not to relax and to keep the calmest mind.

Even if everyone on the stage doesn't think highly of him, so what, winning this duel is enough. All the contemptuous looks and all the mocking words will be slapped back on their faces.

Next, every punch and move of Chang Tai turned into gravel hit by Li Ye in Li Yu's eyes.

Either avoid the gravel, or slash it down with your sword.

After dozens of rounds, Chang Tai received several sword wounds and blood flowed out.

The incense in the incense burner has burned more than half, and at this moment, the battlefield is almost silent. Everyone is watching Li Yu and Chang Tai.

A melee weapon soul master was punched in the ribs by a powerful beast martial soul master, but he could still continue to fight, and the more he fought, the more fierce he became.

What kind of monster is this? Doesn’t he feel pain?

"The Beast King Roars"

Chang Tai used his soul skill again. This time, Li Yu was well prepared. He put his feet on the ground and somersaulted back a few meters.

The remaining power of the sound wave still affected Li Yu, but the problem was not big.

"It's my turn," Li Yu narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"Wind, Shadow Slash"

The soul power poured into the Qingfeng Sword, the blade flashed with cold light, and the sword body was filled with a green halo.

Li Yu locked on Chang Tai, endured the severe pain in his ribs, raised his Qingfeng Sword and charged away.

The strong wind blew Chang Tai's clothes. He mobilized all his soul power to dodge, but Li Yu's full blow could not allow him to dodge easily.


At this time, the referee moved and quickly rushed to the center of the final stage.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment. In the silent audience, the students had their mouths wide open and their eyes were so shocked.

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