Douluo's soul handwriting

Chapter 131 Douluo War Chapter (7) Dream Showdown Part


"How can we defeat a million-year-old soul beast? Li Xuan, this is what you said." Oscar asked in horror.

A mandala snake more than fifty meters below the cliff opened its huge mouth. In an instant, strong winds roared like thunder, lightning flashed, and the strong suction sucked in the forest trees under the cliff.

"What is it looking for food for?"

The horror is suffocating. Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun, Ye Lingling, these timid ones were startled and hid.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the waves were violent... Li Xuan put Lu Cailing on her back, and tightly hugged her hands and feet to seal Li Xuan's body.

The strong wind caused many people to retreat behind the huge rocks on the mountain. Li Xuan glanced at the few remaining people, with red eyes... red eyes that could see everything.

"Are you ready? It's about to start, Jiuxin Begonia... Soul Hunting Storm."

Li Xuan jumped up suddenly and Lu Cailing also cooperated with her to let go and stood on the high cliff. Then a pair of giant wings appeared behind Li Xuan, and the purple petals in her hands spread out.

The strong wind hit from the side, flying against the headwind, the two wind currents collided, the mandala snake raised its giant tail high, flew up and hit Li Xuan, its small wings gave the mandala snake the ability to fly for a long time.

"What's going on, the mandala snake has grown wings? Why does Li Xuan have two wings?" The confused faces of everyone reflected the current problem.

"I definitely didn't wake up, I didn't wake up..."

"The reason why a dream is called a dream is because the owner of the dream can control the development of the entire dream. In the dream he made, he is invincible." Lu Cailing explained.

"What do you mean he came up with that monster himself?"

"Li Xuan is confused, why did he come up with this thing..."

"You are the only one who has a dream. It is a nightmare, not what my husband thought up... There are many kinds of nightmares, and this nightmare is just one of many. It belongs to the nightmare that controls the dream of the designated person, and is responsible for solving the people who are trapped here.

My husband figured out on his second night that as long as the crack was there, he could control any skill in his dream. "

Li Xuan hid while checking the cracks in the underground mandala snake when it appeared. Ordinary people could not crack the nightmare soul master and many people died in the dream. However, it was not ruled out that the soul master who defeated the nightmare and left.

The second day after Li Xuan arrived here, she didn't know that she was dreaming. In order to wake up from the dream, Li Xuan tried many methods to no avail. Until the second night when Li Xuan was doing something with Lu Cailing, the ground cracked slightly and followed the cracks. .

Li Xuan took Lu Cailing to this mountain peak, and saw a monster more than fifty meters long, and found a way to defeat him with purple and red eyes. In the following days, Li Xuan and Lu Cailing did not do it together Something to do is to observe and verify his findings.

"Go help him quickly, Shrek will never abandon anyone..." Lu Cailing begged in a low voice.

Tang San took a few steps back and suddenly ran towards the Mandala Snake. Tang San's whole body changed the moment he stepped out of the ground. He held the trident tightly in his hand and was surrounded by whirlpools. There was also a special mark on his head, which was extremely handsome.

Seeing that the giant tail of the mandala snake was about to hit Li Xuan, Tang San held the trident and chopped the mandala snake away directly, and helped Li Xuan up with one hand.

"How about my imagination?" Li Xuan laughed.

In my dreams, as long as I have unrestrained imagination, anything can come true. The reason why a nightmare can control someone’s dream is because the dream owner does not have the courage to fight against him. When encountering a nightmare, the dream owner is nothing but fear. Can't tell if it's a dream or reality.

The nightmare of a person caught in a sweet dream will silently devour that person. However, this mandala-like snake-like nightmare does not follow common sense and insists on making a big noise in the sweet dream. When he meets Li Xuan, who has super powers of awareness, If he doesn't die, who will die?

"Yes, what's the name of this thing?" Tang San waved the trident with one hand and flew over. The mandala snake swung its tail and knocked Tang San away instantly.

"Look at my martial soul Tianteng, my soul skill...Oasis giant vine"

The petite green vine of the martial spirit in Li Xuan's hand opened, and several vines fell from the sky, tightly wrapping around the body of the mandala snake.

"Oh, you are stupid. A weak soul master actually dares to resist the devouring of the God of Dreams. You will all die..."

The hardness of the Datura Snake's body caused cracks on its body, and suddenly the Datura Snake's body exploded, with giant claws emerging, a huge one-eyed body, a fat and huge body, and a behemoth of hundreds of meters.

"This, is this what he really looks like?"

"The seven treasures have names, the first is: strength, the second is: speed, the third is: soul, the fourth is: defense, the fifth is: attack, the sixth is..."

Nine rays of light gushed out from Ning Rongrong's body and implanted into Li Xuan and Tang San's body one after another.

"Leave it to me later, you guys continue... I have to say it's really cool..." Ning Rongrong glanced at the butterfly-shaped wings behind her and looked at the mandala snake with a smile.

"Rongrong, wait for us..."

Several people behind Li Xuan showed their soul rings that did not belong to them one after another, and none of the dozen or so people pulled down the ones that did not belong to them.

"The white tiger slashes instantly, and the fat man burns him."

Dai Mubai moved his steps slightly to avoid the feeling of being trapped in his true body, the Mandala Snake. The split claws of the white tiger beside him were of no use hitting the huge belly. Tang San used all the hidden weapons to no avail.

"I can't hit it...the skin is too hard."

"Hidden weapons are useless, Li Xuan, quickly see what his weaknesses are."

The huge one-eyed radiates purple light, and suddenly eyes appear everywhere in the space, and the purple light shoots out from the eyes, and instantly sweeps 360 degrees without dead ends.


The mountain accidentally collapsed. Lu Cailing was swept by the purple light and turned into nothingness in front of Li Xuan. Li Xuan shed blood and tears from the corners of her eyes and muttered in a low voice in confusion: "Dream, this is just a dream...Cailing, Cailing, I... .”

Even though he knew it was a dream and that it would disappear as soon as he woke up, Li Xuan still stayed here until their arrival, two days outside the dream and two years or more in the dream.

Li Xuan's red pupils were dripping with red blood. In Li Xuan's eyes, the monster in front of him was just a small monster of centimeters, but the speed of eyes shooting in all directions was especially slow.

Swish, swish, bang, Li Xuan's dodge speed was surprisingly fast, and Li Xuan dodged all the 360-degree blind-angle fire. Li Xuan seemed to be unaware that his red pupils had changed and were well strengthened.

Before the red pupil is enhanced: insight "soul power reaches level ten", clairvoyance "soul power reaches level 30", and temporary freezing of space "above level 50". After red pupil enhancement: danger perception "insight enhanced version" has the ability to sense danger. , "Note: It is only useful if the soul power is the same as or lower than the own soul power."

"You...what kind of monster are you and can you avoid this?"

"Should I be happy to be called a monster by a monster? Still happy? Still happy?"

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