Continue to be a panda in Douluo

Chapter 78 Rodent Weasel?

For direct disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect who possess diamond mammoth extremely mutated martial souls, the most suitable soul ring is naturally an elephant-like soul beast. .biquge

However, this type of soul beast is very rare and difficult to find.

Therefore, strength or defense-type pigs, cattle, rhinoceros, etc. are generally used instead.

Among them, the powerful bull is an excellent choice. If the age is right, it is no worse than the soul ring of an elephant-like soul beast!

"Director Hu Yanhai, how about we hunt down that powerful bull first?"

A young man begged with burning eyes.

"Well, since there are some suitable soul beasts, you shouldn't miss them. Let's put aside the search work for the black and white monster bears first."

A rare smile appeared on Hu Yanhai's gloomy face.

One of his favorite students was in urgent need of a suitable thousand-year soul ring. Originally, he planned to hunt a thousand-year-old gray rock wild boar entrenched in the volcanic landform based on the information obtained from the soul hunting town.

The area they are currently in is the territory of that soul beast.

It's a pity that they arrived too late after all. The gray rock wild boar had already been hunted by other unknown spirit beasts, leaving only a white corpse. The flesh, blood and internal organs had been eaten away, and the territory was also destroyed by the salamander just now. occupied.

Hu Yanhai was having a headache because of this, but he never thought that a powerful bull with better bloodline would come to his door!

"Leave one Soul Sect to protect this student, and the others will follow me."

He assigned one person to stay here with the Flame Snake Spirit Master who needed to absorb the spirit ring, and then led the others towards the hillside where the powerful bull was...


The powerful bull on the nearby hillside is the one under Ye Xi's command.

Because it ran slowly, it was unable to participate in the "Dragon Palace Borrowing Treasures" plan, and was ordered by Ye Xi to carry the century-old rodent weasel back to the preset rendezvous point to wait.

That is the territory of the gray rock wild boar.

A large number of mineral crystals are exposed on the surface of this area, and one of the special crystals has a high salt content and is rich in substances that promote digestion, which is loved by many spirit beasts.

The powerful bull is no exception.

At this moment, it kept raising its hooves to crack the surrounding gravel, chewing on the special crystals hidden in it.

It feels so good not to be ridden by a fat devil!

The strong bull was chewing crystals and taking a leisurely walk, feeling extremely comfortable.

But the rodent weasel on its back didn't dare to relax at all. It was currently lying on the back of a thousand-year-old soul beast. The slightest movement by the other party would make it tremble in fear and not dare to move.

However, none of them noticed that the danger was gradually approaching...


In a ravine hundreds of meters away,

After several direct disciples of the Elephant Armor Sect clearly saw the cultivation of the powerful Barbarian Bull for nearly two thousand years, the fiery color in their eyes suddenly became stronger.

They all asked the teacher to help them hunt, but Hu Yanhai stopped them.

"Why are you so anxious? Is the soul ring or safety more important? You're so young and you don't know how to be prudent."

Hu Yanhai pointed into the distance with a cautious expression and said,

"Look, that powerful bull carries a century-old rodent on its back. Doesn't anyone think this situation is abnormal?"

"The two should be in an alliance. The teacher once said that there are many soul beasts that form cross-race alliances."

The most enthusiastic young man answered first.

Another young man objected, "No, the cultivation level between the two is several times different. There is absolutely no possibility of an alliance. The rodent weasel must be a vassal of the powerful bull."

The accompanying teacher also said, "That's impossible, hoofed spirit beasts will never let other spirit beasts ride on them easily..."

For a time, everyone put forward all kinds of speculations about this strange scene, and some even thought it was an interracial love affair.

But these conjectures undoubtedly have more or less loopholes.

After hearing this, Hu Yanhai carefully eliminated all the possibilities that everyone thought of and made his own judgment.

"Well...according to my experience, the rodent weasel is not a weakling. The powerful bull is likely to surrender to the rodent weasel."

"how can that be?"

Everyone felt unbelievable about this bold idea, and only a few people became thoughtful after hearing it.

Hu Yanhai chuckled enigmatically and said, "Haha, you young people's vision is still too narrow. My guess is that it should have surrendered to a very powerful thousand-year-old rodent with a cultivation level of at least five thousand years." , according to the talent gap, only rodent weasels older than this age can have the strength to take over the powerful bull.

And the century-old rodent weasel on the back of the powerful bull is probably the descendant of the thousand-year-old rodent weasel, relying on the power of its elders to fake the power of the tiger. "

Hu Yanhai's revelation immediately made everyone suddenly realize.

I have to admit that this is the only way to explain the strange scene in front of me.

"A rodent weasel that is over five thousand years old is just right for my fourth spirit ring!"

A skinny young man said excitedly.

Hu Yanhai nodded and said, "Classmate Lin, I checked your information when I left the academy. The Millennium Rodent Weasel does match your Thorn Rat martial spirit. Don't worry, the teachers will do their best to hunt down that spirit beast for you.

You are this year's graduate, and your studies at the Elephant Armor Academy will end in less than a month. By then, you should think more about joining our Elephant Armor Sect.

After all, there are too many dangers and ups and downs in the outside world, and only our sect can help you sincerely..."

He spoke earnestly, with a kind smile on his face.

However, such an expression appeared on his rough face, making it look a bit ferocious no matter how you looked at it.

"Old, teacher, I have long planned to join the Elephant Armor Sect."

The skinny man swallowed and quickly agreed.

"Ah, very good."

Hu Yanhai nodded slightly and then named two people in the crowd.

"You two, follow me and chase the powerful bull together in a moment. The rest of the people will follow behind. It doesn't matter if you can't keep up. You must not get separated."

Then, he rushed out of the hiding place with the two soul masters, and at the same time released their respective martial souls.

The three of them were all the purest diamond mammoth martial arts spirits. After being released, their bodies suddenly grew more than half a meter taller. Their bodies were covered with translucent shining crystals. Their hands and feet were as thick as pillars, and a pair of two-foot-long swords came out of their mouths. Sharp fangs.

Two of them had four soul rings surrounding their bodies and were from Soul Sect cultivation, while Hu Yanhai had five soul rings surrounding his body.

He is a five-ring soul king!


The rapid approach of the three immediately attracted the attention of the powerful bull. It stamped hard with its iron hooves and roared menacingly at them.

But after seeing their cultivation levels clearly, it lost its arrogance and quickly turned around and ran away with its tail between its legs in fear.

The Soul King is powerful enough to kill most soul beasts that are under ten thousand years old. It is simply unmatched!

The Diamond Mammoth Spirit does not have an advantage in terms of speed, but Hu Yanhai is actually able to catch up with the powerful bull with his soul power cultivation and one of his soul skills.

But he didn't do that, not even very closely.

He wanted to force the powerful bull to take them to find the thousand-year-old rodent weasel that it had surrendered to!

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