Continue to be a panda in Douluo

Chapter 58 The Cultured Panda

This messy scene illuminated by torches made everyone in the patrol stunned. .biqugev

The steel fence of the Soul Hunting Forest, which used to be indestructible, unexpectedly opened a huge gap several meters in diameter!

"what on earth is it!"

The captain of the patrol looked at the gap and growled with a livid face.

He hurriedly came closer and took a closer look, and found that it was obviously caused by a soul beast, with deep tooth marks remaining in every fracture.


Looking at this detail, the captain's anger temporarily subsided, and he shuddered and swallowed into his dry throat.

Although the intermediate soul hunting forest in Fasno Province can only contain soul beasts that are less than ten thousand years old.

But even spirit beasts that are ten or twenty thousand years old can only escape over the steel fence. It is difficult to destroy them. After all, they are not simply and roughly made of fine steel. They are also known as The secrets contained in the Soul Hunting Wall were impossible to know based on his level in the Spirit Hall.

It was broken open with just its strong teeth and sharp teeth. How terrifying is the cultivation level of this soul beast.

Forty thousand years? Eighty thousand years? hundred thousand years!

It is not that similar things have not happened in the past. In the Star Luo Empire, a forest of soul beasts was attacked by a thorn-bone demon mastiff with a cultivation level of 60,000 years. The reason was that one of its descendants was hunted by the Spirit Hall. The soul team was captured and transported there.

It is said that the Spiny Bone Demon Mastiff tore and deformed a large area of ​​the Soul Hunting Wall with just the power of its claws, but it took the Spirit Hall a long time to repair it afterwards.

Thinking of this, the patrol leader quickly carefully counted the steel bars scattered on the ground.

"One, two, three...four, huh? Why are there only four!"

Like the other people who were doing the counting, he couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded for a moment.

After a moment of astonishment, he became furious again.

"Okay, not only are you running wild on the territory of my Spirit Hall, but you also dare to steal my Spirit Hall's belongings. It's really unreasonable!"

If the soul-hunting wall was merely damaged, there would be ways to repair it at a high cost.

However, nearly half of the steel bars in the gap were missing, which undoubtedly made the problem more serious and difficult. This cannot be repaired with the same amount of fine steel.

"Hurry up and notify the station to send more manpower and lighting soul guides to come over and search carefully together. Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find the culprit! Anyone who finds effective clues will be rewarded with gold soul coins. If he cannot find it, You all need to be held accountable!”

The patrol captain shouted to everyone in shock and anger.

After saying that, he carefully touched the badge of four crossed swords on his chest with his trembling right hand, and felt a chill in his heart.

He didn't even know whether the murderer was stranded in the Soul Hunting Forest or had escaped. How easy was it to find him and make up for his mistakes?

My future is so worrying...


At this moment, Ye Xi, the culprit, was like a wretched thief who had just stolen a bundle of steel bars from a construction site, running desperately towards the distance under the cover of the dark night.

From time to time, he would be extremely sensitive and stop suddenly due to some slight disturbance.

But in the end, it turned out that it was all just because of nervousness.

Rao was running and stopping like this. By the time the patrol found his "crime scene", he had already run several kilometers away!

Ye Xi was running due east, from where he would reach the edge of Fasno Province, then turn southwest, continue along its junction with Rodas Province, and finally reach the border with Fasno. Kingdom of Rak, heading to the southernmost point of Barak.

Naturally, this is not the fastest way to return to the Star Dou Forest, and it requires a lot of detours.

But the benefits are also obvious, being able to avoid those cities and main roads as much as possible.

His speed was much faster than the black-scaled horse pulling the cart from Wuhun Palace. According to his estimation, he could reach Star Dou in just two or three nights by bypassing roads and towns and only traveling at night!

After all, the technological and social development of Douluo Continent is still relatively backward. Even in the relatively prosperous Tiandou Empire, a large part of the land is still a barbaric landscape inhabited by wild beasts, and there are even some sporadic areas where spirit beasts inhabit. Fierce place.

Therefore, the empire must rely on dotted hub cities and roads extending in all directions to control its huge territory.

As long as he is careful and Ye Xi only travels in the wild with rugged terrain, he should not encounter much danger.

However, he overlooked one point after all.

There were no detailed records of those rural areas on the maps he had seen.

In a few hours, he passed through five or six villages in a row, and almost ran into one of the hidden mountain villages with a lot of vegetation around it.

Fortunately, after seeing the farmland ahead and the low buildings in the distance, he quickly stopped without disturbing the sleeping villagers.

He did not continue walking, but took this opportunity to rest here for a while, and curiously looked at a stone tablet standing at the entrance of the village.

Although this stone tablet is dilapidated, it is extremely clean. There is no moss on it, and there is even very little dust. It is obvious that someone has been carefully scrubbing and cleaning it from time to time.

There were also words engraved on the stone tablet, but after just taking a look at it, Ye Xi was a little confused.

"What the hell is written, I can't understand it at all..."

The interlaced lines on the tablet were so complicated that he couldn't even distinguish the words on them, let alone figure out their meaning.

Come on, I am completely illiterate in this Douluo Continent!

"That's not okay. To be a panda, you have to be a cultured panda. You can't suffer the loss of being blind..."

Ye Xi seriously reflected in his heart.

But when he thought that he had not even passed CET-4 in English in his first life, he gave up the idea for the time being.

"Hey, you can't understand."

Tianmeng Bingcan looked at Ye Xi's confused look and started teasing him.

"Do you recognize this?" Ye Xi asked.

He didn't recognize the characters of the Tiandou Empire, but he could tell that they were completely different from the characters on the map used by the Skylark Soul Sect.

"This million-year-old soul beast has wandered around the Star Dou Forest for hundreds of years, searching for countless souls. It has mastered more than one and two languages. This is an ancient script that was abolished after the Tiandou Empire was unified decades ago. Looking at such a long list, there are actually only three words - "Holy Soul Village"."

Tianmeng Bingsi said rather proudly.

"Holy Soul Village? This name is pretty cool. Could it be that there was a Soul Saint in this village?"

Ye Xi used his night vision to take a look at the rows of dilapidated houses in the village.

How could such a big shot come out of such a barren land?

Ye Xi was not sure and had no time to think too much. A few minutes were enough for him to take a breath. He stopped staying here and quickly got up and ran in the planned direction.

However, he only continued running for about ten minutes before he suddenly stopped again...


The author has overhauled Chapter 55 and added 3,000 words, mainly about the simple fight with Tang San and others. Interested book friends can go back and refresh it. If you feel it is not good, just pretend it has not been revised.

That chapter is not included in the update, there will be another update later.

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