"This is a piece of whale glue!"

Tianmeng Iceworm said in surprise, seeming to be quite surprised by the appearance of this thing.

"Whale glue? Is it made from whale skin and meat?"

Ye Xi asked.

Judging from the name, it seems to be similar to something like donkey hide gelatin. I heard that it is made from donkey skin.

Tianmeng Iceworm quickly vetoed, "No, no, no. Whale glue is such a good thing that it cannot be extracted from the essence in the skin and flesh. This is a treasure that can only be produced in the brains of whale-like sea soul beasts. It can be called It is a treasure of heaven and earth. It cannot increase the soul power too much, but it can strengthen the muscles and bones, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality. It has hundreds of benefits and no harm!

Your piece of whale glue has been stored for too long, and the surface essence has faded away. You can use your purest flame to burn it and refine it, and remove the impurities before consuming it. "

"Let me try."

Ye Xi nodded and placed the whale glue in the palm of the bear.

Then, he used the Blazing Claw, causing clusters of condensed hot flames to appear in his palms.

Although the Blazing Dog that gave him this skill is just a relatively ordinary soul beast, the flames it can produce are the most condensed except for fire bombs.

Naturally, the destructive power of explosive bombs cannot be used to refine whale gum, so the former is undoubtedly the best choice.


After burning for a while, the jet-black whale gum suddenly began to soften and deform amid a strange sound, and small black bubbles appeared on the surface one after another.

These bubbles did not gather for a long time, but continued to explode and fragment, disappearing into the flames.

After a while, the volume of whale glue shrank by a circle, but the outer black substance finally disappeared, revealing a ball of golden glue, shining like natural amber in Ye Xi's palm. For magnificent.

After this refining, its fishy smell did not become stronger, but completely dissipated, replaced by a particularly alluring fragrance.


Smelling this smell, Ye Xi suddenly moved his index finger and couldn't help but swallow hard.

The eyes of the crested crested snake and the powerful ox lying not far away were also full of desire, but they did not dare to have the slightest thought. They could only wiggle their noses and sniff hard to get their fill of pleasure.

Ye Xi wanted to stuff this whale glue into his mouth at this moment, but he restrained himself for the time being.

Tianmeng Iceworm had already introduced the function of this thing to him in detail, but the effect of the dark silver cone-shaped metal on the side was unknown.

In order to avoid confusing him with similar effects between the two, he decided to try eating the piece of metal first.

"It's heavier than I thought!"

Ye Xi picked up the piece of metal that fell to the ground and weighed it. He clearly felt the weight that was inconsistent with its size, and it felt like a heavy pressure.

If it were steel of the same size, the weight would probably be less than one-tenth of it!

After looking at it again and again, and confirming that neither he nor Tian Meng could understand the texture on this piece of metal, he swallowed it in one gulp.

Ye Xi knows very well that pandas have been known as iron-eating beasts since ancient times.

There are many theories as to why it got this nickname. Some scholars believe that pandas often come to villagers' homes for food and will chew up iron cooking utensils, hence the name. Others think that pandas lick the iron pots when there is no salt to eat. salt, so the ignorant villagers thought they were eating iron.

There is also a rumor that it was discovered in ancient times that pandas had the habit of swallowing copper and iron hardware. Sometimes they would even climb up city gates and eat the iron sheets and copper nails on them.

In the past, Ye Xi naturally believed that the former conjecture was more reliable.

Now I feel that the latter statement may not be just a fictitious legend.

Why else would he have an appetite for a piece of metal that looked like a silver ingot?

The strong bull and the crested crested snake, who also coveted whale gum, did not show the slightest interest in this thing. Ye Xi vaguely felt that they were peeking at him with a look of care for the mentally retarded.

If you don’t want to eat the good natural treasures, why do you have to chew a piece of iron?

Ye Xi didn't care about the opinions of these two uneducated idiots, and just waited for the reaction in his stomach.

As he expected, soon after he swallowed the piece of metal, a strange and strange feeling gradually developed in his abdomen.

This means that he is digesting the piece of metal.


After a while, his whole body began to magically emit strange lights of white and black!

Rather than saying it is light, it is actually very similar to a kind of misty smoke, but it seems more like some kind of flocculent mixture of two colors.

They spread out from Ye Xi's black hair and white hair, entangled each other and gathered at his feet, but finally separated clearly, like two agile swimming fish.

In the end, Ye Xi was horrified to find that they turned into a large black and white circle under his feet with a diameter of about six meters.

And the pattern presented by this big black and white circle was extremely familiar to him.

A curve that rises and falls in the center perfectly divides the two into two hook shapes of equal size, one black and one white. There is a dot in each hook shape, and the black hook contains white dots. There are black spots hidden among the white ticks.

"Isn't this the Tai Chi diagram?"

Ye Xi secretly said in shock.

"Is this the ability of the panda species itself?"

He suddenly remembered Tianmeng Bingsi's point of view not long ago.

It believes that the ability to devour and absorb is the mutation produced by the combination of its human soul and the body of a soul beast, and the panda body itself should also contain amazing blood, no less than top soul beasts such as the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear. It's just that this talent has never been discovered.

"Could it be that swallowing this special metal can stimulate the talents hidden in the panda's bloodline?"

Ye Xi's eyes suddenly flashed with a strange look of excitement.

His conjecture had just arisen when the Tai Chi Diagram under his feet melted and dissipated as quickly as ice and snow meeting fire, as if it had never appeared before.

Ye Xi quickly made various attempts to activate the Tai Chi diagram again, but he still couldn't find a way. He even chewed other parts of the dagger into metal scraps and swallowed it, but he still couldn't make it appear.

It seems that only eating the dark silver rare metal again can trigger this strange phenomenon.

But the problem is that the metal has been eaten up...

"Forget it, I can only wait until I have the opportunity to try it again in the future, and finish eating the whale gum first."

Ye Xi shook his head with great regret, and then couldn't wait to stuff the golden sticky object in his hand into his mouth.


He deliberately chewed loudly in a malicious manner, as if he was eating deliciously, which made the two soul beasts who were enjoying the delicious blood food suddenly feel the same.

In fact, this whale gum is really different from the natural treasures that Ye Xi has eaten in the past.

Not only is it not as unpalatable as dark cuisine, it is actually surprisingly delicious and sweet!

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