Such an obvious change in the concentration of soul power, even if it does not enter the range of the mixed zone, is at least within the junction of the outer zone and the mixed zone.

Just listening to Tianmeng Bingshu's dictation before, he still didn't have a clear idea of ​​this mysterious area in his mind.

It was only now that he experienced it in person that he felt deeply about it!

"No wonder high-level soul beasts would choose to risk their lives and go deep into the Star Forest. This is a completely different experience!"

Ye Xi greedily took a deep breath of the fresh air full of energy, and felt that every pore in his body was involuntarily relaxing, receiving nourishment, and the almost exhausted soul power in his body was quickly replenished, making him Extraordinary enjoyment.

This area is actually a primitive forest landscape similar to the Ghost Tiger Territory. The species growing there are basically the same, but the richer soul power makes everything here unique.

The giant lin tree is so tall that it seems that it can really reach the sky. The entwining vines are like dragons and snakes. There are thick grasses and mosses and ferns everywhere. Even the weeds with blue and gold patterns that resemble watermelon seedlings are not here. There are two blades of grass, and there are many five, six or even more. Some even grow to dozens of blades, and have slender grass stems, making them look slim and graceful.

Tianmeng Iceworm once told him that this plant is called Blue Silver Grass, which is the most widely distributed and common plant on Douluo Continent and has extremely tenacious vitality.

No matter where you go, you can judge the intensity of local soul power and life energy by the growth of local bluesilver grass.

However, strong soul power will not only make the environment more beautiful and superior, but also mean that it will breed more dangers...

Ye Xicai rested for a moment, but before he could recover much of his soul power, his ears moved slightly and he noticed a strange sound coming from the bushes behind him.


He quickly stood up alertly, held his breath, and focused his attention in that direction.

In his current state, he couldn't deal with an enemy that was too strong, and he didn't even have much room to escape, which made him extremely nervous.

As time passed by, the movement in the bushes became louder and louder, and it got closer and closer to him.

He could even see the dark green diamond-shaped leaves begin to tremble slightly, and the purple berries continued to fall.

"Xiao Xue Suo Suo..."

Finally, a slender light blue figure emitting white soul light crawled out from under the bush and coiled around the top of a tree not far away.

This is a one-meter-long snake with thin blue scales covering its entire body.

It didn't seem to notice Ye Xi's existence. It climbed leisurely on the treetops, looking around curiously with a pair of green bean-sized eyes.

" turns out to be just a ten-year cold python."

Ye Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and her heart, which had almost reached her throat, gradually dropped again.

A mere ten-year-old soul beast with ordinary bloodline is nothing to worry about.

But at this moment, there was a sudden and louder movement from the direction where the Ten Years Cold Python came!


A ferocious giant python emerged from the depths of the dark forest, flattened the large bush, and swam quickly towards the area where Ye Xi was!

The appearance of the giant python is very similar to that of the ten-year cold python. It is obviously of the same kind and may even be related by blood. However, the length of the former is eight or nine times that of the latter, and some of its scales are white and triangular, like stars. Little bits of snowflakes, sometimes emitting misty white steam. net

And the light emitted from it is even more faintly bright purple.

This is a thousand-year-old cold python that is about 1,700 years old!

On normal days, it would be no problem for Ye Xi to deal with such a soul beast, but for him at this time, it is a big trouble!


Ye Xi forcibly raised his energy and roared violently, not letting himself show any signs of fatigue, and reluctantly forced out a few clusters of flames from his mouth and nose to build up his momentum, hoping to intimidate the opponent. .

But in fact, he was unable to even use the Flame Body, so he didn't have enough confidence.

He glanced around hurriedly, trying to grab some rocks and debris to test and delay his opponent, but in his haste, he couldn't find such items at all. The vegetation here was too lush. , there are no exposed rocks on the surface, they are all wrapped in lichens, ferns and vines, completely indistinguishable.

Ye Xi glanced at Hu Yanfeng, who was still unconscious under the giant lin tree, and suddenly had an idea.

"It's your turn to use your remaining energy!"

He grabbed him by the neck and smashed him headlong into the Millennium Cold Python that was confronting him!

Perhaps because he was on the verge of waking up, coupled with the stimulation of the roar and throwing movements, Hu Yanfeng suddenly opened his eyes and woke up the moment he was thrown out by Ye Xi.

At the moment when he woke up, Hu Yanfeng felt filled with excitement and joy.

Unexpectedly, he was not directly killed by the spirit beast, but managed to survive!

But the next second, his face turned pale, and he was almost frightened on the spot.

He found that his body was thrown into the air uncontrollably, flying towards an eight-meter-long light blue giant python at high speed!

A trace of astonishment flashed across the thousand-year-old cold python's blood-colored vertical pupils. He didn't expect that the century-old soul beast on the opposite side would actually throw this human towards it.

Without any hesitation, it greedily opened its bloody mouth and bit Hu Yanfeng in one bite.

The cold python has no teeth, so after biting Hu Yanfeng, it directly swallowed him alive in its belly.


Hu Yanfeng struggled desperately to crawl out of the cold python's mouth, but his efforts were all in vain and he couldn't break free at all.

Soon, his lower body sank into the throat of the Thousand-Year Cold Python!


This was so frightening that he burst into tears, even lost control of his bowels, and screamed in despair.

He looked at Ye Xi in the distance with resentment through the slit of Han Boa's mouth.

It's all this beast's fault! If it hadn't been for this beast, how could he have fallen into this situation! Wait, you wait, you will be the next one to be eaten!

Hu Yanfeng was filled with fear and resentment, and wanted to open his mouth to utter the most vicious curse.

However, before he managed to utter even half a word, the Millennium Cold Python had already closed its big mouth and swallowed him forcefully...

Looking at Hu Yanfeng's tragic situation, Ye Xi didn't feel any sympathy or intolerance.

Is it possible that Hu Yanfeng is only allowed to kill soul beasts and hunt for soul rings, but the soul beasts are not allowed to swallow him as food?

Now that you have entered the Star Forest, you should know the rules of the Star Forest and face the threat of death at any time!

Ye Xi did not think too much about this problem. The top priority was how to deal with this thousand-year-old python.

While it was devouring Hu Yanfeng, Ye Xi had used the environment in the mixed zone to recover more of his soul power. He was barely able to survive the last two attacks. His mental power had also been relieved, and he might be able to use the illusion skill again. .

But just when he was ready, the Millennium Cold Python swallowed some scarlet snake messages at it, made a hissing sound with a strange frequency, and then flexibly turned around and crawled away.

The ten-year cold python in the distance let go of the branch, landed on the top of the thousand-year cold python, and left with it...

"What's going on, sticking your tongue out at me and running away?"

Ye Xi looked at the retreating figures of the cold pythons and rubbed his big head in a daze.

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