Continue to be a panda in Douluo

Chapter 13 The confused scaled beast

Ye Xi has never had the idea of ​​​​these scale beasts before. On the one hand, his lack of ability in the past made it difficult to succeed and break through defenses. On the other hand, once he was discovered by other scale beasts, he would no longer be able to survive in this section of the river. If you eat and drink around in the domain, you will become the target of the scale beasts, and they will be attacked by the group!

But these are not problems now. He is strong enough and is not ready to stay in this area any longer. It doesn't matter if he offends the scale beasts.

"You are the one!"

Ye Xi watched with thief eyes for a long time, and finally determined the target.

It was a century-old scale beast that was far away from the herd of scale beasts. Judging from the intensity of the yellow light on its body, it was estimated to be nearly two hundred years old.

Although the ten-year scale beast is easier to deal with, the abilities and soul power that can be given to it are extremely limited. And from the perspective of position, it is easier to succeed with the hidden century-year scale beast.


Ye Xi tiptoed towards it and quietly approached it. At the same time, he used the tracking ability obtained from the Netherworld Wolf and successfully arrived seven or eight meters behind the scaled beast.

This kind of soul beast's five senses are relatively poor, and it didn't detect Ye Xi's approach at all.

Ye Xi waited and watched for a moment, and after finding nothing unusual, he stopped waiting, grabbed the ghost vine and jumped out of the grass, rushing toward the scaled beast.


The distance of eight meters was approaching in an instant. Ye Xi's heavy and huge body sat directly on the back of the scale beast. He exerted force with his right palm and pressed the opponent's head into the river sand to avoid causing damage. It opens its mouth and roars, alerting others of its kind.

The scale beast looked extremely panicked at this sudden attack.

In the many years since it was born, no soul beast has ever attacked it. After all, their scale beast family is famous for their rough skin and thick flesh. Soul beasts of the same level are almost unable to break through defenses, and high-level soul beasts often Don't bother eating them.

Where did this weird thing come from that he actually came up with his own idea?

This century-old scaled beast was filled with confusion and fear.


It could only roar for help while twisting its body wildly, trying to escape from Ye Xi's claws by moving and turning.

Not only does the scale beast have extremely strong defense, but its strength is not weak among its peers. Ye Xi was caught off guard and was almost knocked over by this guy.

But after all, Ye Xi's strength is much greater than it!

After Ye Xi sat firmly, the scale beast was no longer able to resist.

Although its four claws are sharp, they are too short to attack the enemy sitting on its back. The tail is also very thick and powerful, but it can only swing from side to side without taking into account the back.

As for its bloody mouth, it has already been killed by Ye Xi.

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