Continue to be a panda in Douluo

Chapter 11 The Ghost Tiger Attacks

This ghost tiger is as old as five hundred years. Apart from the owner of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm and the dark gold giant claw, it is the oldest soul beast that Ye Xi has ever seen!

"Da da da..."

Guihu's domineering eyes didn't even glance at the sickle-headed sheep corpse on the ground, but stared at Ye Xi closely, approaching step by step. net

Its goal is not to snatch food, but to look at this century-old fat bear that looks harmless to humans and animals.

This area of ​​several kilometers around the river was originally its territory and hunting ground.

It has been very restrained in hunting for many years, so many spirit beasts are willing to take risks to come to the rivers in its territory to drink water, feed, or even live.

But these days, it has found that there are fewer and fewer spirit beasts in the territory, and many ethnic groups are unwilling to come again. In the past, the limelight of roaring by the river when drinking water was gone forever.

After several days, it finally figured out the reason - a shameless big eater came to its territory!

How can it tolerate this? For the Ghost Tiger Clan, any soul beast that dares to invade their territory must fight to the death!


The ghost tiger roared violently, swung its sharp claws, and bared its fangs, charging straight at Ye Xi.

"So fierce!"

After many days of hunting and consolidating, Ye Xi's soul power cultivation has reached a level of more than 270 years, but it is still nearly twice as low as this ghost tiger, so he immediately chose to activate the Holy Spirit. The ability of the Phantom Ape - Illusion!


The moment the illusion started, the ghost tiger's forward pounce stopped instantly.

Its two-meter-long majestic tiger body involuntarily prostrated on the ground, its body trembled violently, and the white king character on its forehead shrank into a ball, and it no longer had the power of the king of beasts.

The sky at this time seemed to be clear in Ye Xi's eyes, but in Guihu's eyes, there was a giant dark golden claw that covered the sky and the sun!

The most terrifying scene in its life a few days ago reappeared before its eyes, frightening it to the extreme.

And the current situation is much more terrifying than the scene a few days ago.

This dark golden giant claw is like a dark cloud, with a surging momentum like the power of nature, quickly pressing down, as if to catch it in the palm!

All of this is naturally an illusion, but at this moment, in reality, there is really a huge sharp claw waving in front of the ghost tiger.

At the same time as he activated the illusion, Ye Xi flew towards the ghost tiger in front of him at full speed, waved his five-clawed bear paw with cold light, and slapped the ghost tiger's head with all his strength.


The next moment, he successfully hit the opponent on the head!

However, there was no such thing as the skull shattering and brain matter exploding as imagined.

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