Pirate god level combat power

Chapter 73 Winning Rules

At this moment, Lao Cai, a martial artist in the Kingdom of Flowers and the thirteenth generation pillar of the Eight Treasure Navy of the Poly Group, looked solemn.

Seeing these eight victorious contestants, he knew that something was not good about Alabasta this time.

He stood up directly and walked towards where Cobra and Vivi were.

As an important guest of Alabasta, even King Kobra received him very politely and asked about the current situation.

"That guy named Solendas is simply too scary. I'm afraid no one else is his match. That blow just now was definitely not his full strength." Lao Cai concluded.

Princess Vivi and King Kobra looked at each other, and finally fell silent again.

"You two are from the royal family of Alabasta. It is rumored that your royal family, the Neferutali family, was once one of the several world noble families that founded the world government. There must be a reason for this guy to come to your country!" Lao Cai was not a fool and guessed some problems.

However, it seems that neither Princess Vivi nor Cobra are willing to tell the secret.

"The matter is very important, related to the fate and history of our entire family. So I'm sorry, Mr. Cai, there are some things I can't tell you." Kobra apologized.

Lao Cai's face was still solemn and he said: "If we don't even know what the reason is, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop everything for this country! We know that you are Mr. Luffy's friends, so we are willing to come and help!"

However, even though Lao Cai said something serious, Cobra was still unwilling to reveal anything.

In fact, it was difficult for Cobra to believe Lao Cai and his eight-treasure navy.

After all, the Babao Navy was originally a violent group, no different from pirates.

Although he is a powerful combat force under Luffy's Grand Fleet, he has still done many bad things.

When they come to Alabasta, they may not necessarily want to help Alabasta.

People are ambitious, and Cobra also understands that some people can believe it and some people can't.


Mulan always wears a black ring on his left hand.

In fact, the ring inside this ring was the one Im gave him at that time, but later, Mullen felt unsafe and made a different ring to cover his original silver ring.

Solendas stared at Mullen's ring for a long time, but didn't see any reason.

Alabasta officials finally announced how the competition will continue once the eight players are out.

What is surprising is that these eight people will no longer decide the outcome through fighting, but through another method.

"Rules: Find a lost ring in the ancient underground city covered by sand. The person who finds the lost ring will have the opportunity to propose to Princess Weiwei with that ring!"

Soon, Alabasta officials also disclosed the appearance of the ring, which was very similar to the silver ring covered by a black ring on Mullen's hand.

"What does this mean? Is that ring in this city covered by the desert?" Mullen squinted, feeling more and more weird.

The ring that was revealed was the ring that Mullen was looking for.

"What? These damn guys, let me chop them all to death, can't Princess Weiwei marry me? Why are you looking for the damn ring? I don't like looking for things, I can take mine Are the eight hundred men going in to look for it together?" Centaur Goulart asked.

"No, there are only eight people who are qualified to search for items deeper in this underground desert city. Others cannot enter. Even if they enter, they will probably die in the underground desert city based on their strength!" Alaa replied the Bastan official.

Mullen stood up slowly, thinking rapidly.

What happened to the ring?

Was it known?

In fact, even Mullen doesn't know what the specific function of that ring is. According to Lord Im, two rings need to be found together to exert the effect of the ring.

Could it be that the purpose of coming here is to find the ring?

He has already penetrated into the Kingdom of Alabasta in advance and may have reached a deal with King Kobra.

In fact, Solendas had already explored the entire desert dungeon and arranged everything in advance.

The contestants looked strange and seemed not to adapt to such rules.

"We are only suitable for fighting and killing, why are we allowed to look for things?"

"After all, it is a rule stipulated by the kingdom. If you want to marry the beautiful Princess Weiwei, you can only do this."

"But, is this all Alabasta revealed? In that case, the ring may not be so easy to find."

The scale of the entire desert underground city is not inferior to the Albana capital on the ground.

Trying to find a ring here is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And Mullen always felt that all this seemed to be a conspiracy planned by Solendas behind the scenes.

Solendas sneered as he looked at the central palace of the underground desert city. His eyesight was extremely high, not inferior to that of a sniper.

He saw at that location a black hole that one person entered for the first time, leading deeper underground.

That "black hole" actually didn't exist when Solendas came last time.

Especially that location is a very solid stone floor, and even if Solendas himself wants to make a hole in it, it will be very difficult.

But now it seems that the hole is very natural, as if it appeared due to natural corruption.

"Natural corruption cannot be so fast. It must be done by people with abilities. Unexpectedly, someone has already entered it in advance, which is really interesting. However, there is no need to let others wander around here now, everyone can pass through that hole Go directly into the deeper parts of the desert dungeon!" Solendas had a smile on his face, as if he was looking forward to what was coming next.

Soon, Solendas communicated with the relevant person in charge of Alabasta, and soon the rule maker of Alabasta notified all eight people to gather at the royal palace in the underground city ruins.

When the rules were announced, Solendas was the first to rush over with a halberd in hand.

Then, Mullen and others did not hesitate and followed Solondas at a very fast speed.

Especially the centaur Goulart, this guy can really run fast on four legs.

Soon, Mulun also discovered the new black cave.

How could he make a hole in such a hard stone?

The cave is surrounded by fine sand, which is almost completely integrated with the ruins of the ancient city covered by the desert.

But Mullen still saw that these sands were new and not ancient sands that had been here for a long time.

Mullen entered into thinking.

"Sure enough, that guy is here! He must have just entered not long ago. Crocodile, the former king of the Shichibukai, a user with the ability of the Shasha Fruit. In such an underground desert city ruins, Crocodile's strength is almost He is invincible." Mullen guessed, "Sure enough, I knew that Crocodile would most likely come here. The news about 'Pluto' was most likely spread by Crocodile. This hero really has a conspiracy!"

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