Marvel's I am a poisonous spider

Chapter 52 Symbiont Model

"Original? The beginning of everything?"

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, "Then why don't you call me Qidian?"

Original: "…………"

"I'm sorry!"

Say the most cowardly words in the strongest tone.

Li Ang was very speechless. After all, it was the first symbiont to appear on the earth, and it was the only existing symbiont. Why are you so cowardly?

"What are your abilities?"

Li Ang wanted to know if his symbiosis was the same as the symbiosis he remembered.

"I can strengthen the various body functions of the host, and I can also create various weapons through the shaping ability."

The original tone sounded a little proud.

"Don't your symbionts also have a learning ability? They can obtain different evolutions based on the host's abilities."

This characteristic of being able to continuously evolve according to the host's abilities is what Li Ang really cares about.

"No, no more..."

Yuan Yuan suddenly became a little aggrieved.

"Gone? What do you mean by gone?"

Li Ang asked curiously.

"It means that the genes for this ability have been taken away, and I have lost the ability to evolve."

It turned out that the original was just a "semi-finished product" formed after being absorbed by the spider mark!

As for the original gene, where is the ability to learn and evolve?

Needless to ask, it must have been absorbed by the spider mark.

"That is to say..."

Li Ang suddenly realized that he only cared about the original situation just now. After absorbing the genes of the symbiont, the changes in the spider imprint itself have not had time to see.

Thinking of this, Li Ang put Yuan Chu aside and calmed down to feel the changes in the spider mark on the back of his hand.

A message came from the Spider Mark, and Li Ang raised his head in surprise after receiving it!

Li Ang once again mastered a new transformation form, the symbiosis mode!

All the abilities possessed by the symbiont can be used by Li Ang after it is born.

And under the optimization of the spider mark, the weaknesses of sound waves and flames also no longer exist.

Most importantly, the ability to copy and learn to evolve has been greatly enhanced.

It seems to be a special enhancement with a spider mark, and this ability to replicate can even be described as terrifying.

Facing the characteristics of his new form, Li Ang suddenly thought of a magical operation.

In symbiosis mode, transform into other forms!

The ability of the symbiote is a pattern. It does not have a fixed form, but is more of a use of an ability.

In this mode, Li Ang can transform into other forms.

In other words, he can not only use the symbiote mode in the basic state of the poisonous spider, but also in the form of the scarlet spider and even the green poisonous spider!

Moreover, through the symbiont mode, it has super learning and replicability of the host's ability.

It seems that Li Ang can, probably, maybe, be able to use two or more different forms of abilities at the same time!

For example, in the form of the green poisonous spider, use the various abilities of the scarlet spider!

Moreover, with the increase of Li Ang's transformation forms in the future, the combinations he can have will become more and more varied.

It is even possible for three or four abilities to appear at the same time.

Thor·Frost·Green Venom Spider?

Scarlet·Despair·Dark Spider?

Thinking of this, Li Ang couldn't help being excited, and couldn't wait to activate the symbiosis mode to try it out.

Symbiote mode!

With the activation of Li Ang's symbiosis mode, a large black-red liquid suddenly emerged from his body surface.

Soon his whole body was wrapped in it, turning into a classic black and red spider silk battle suit.

As the symbiotic organization covered Li Ang's whole body, a mass of silver-black object was directly squeezed out from Li Ang's body.


A cry of pain!

Yuan Chu, who was thrown out, looked at Li Ang in confusion, feeling like he was abandoned.

Li Ang had all the abilities he had, and Li Ang also had abilities he didn't have. Yuan Chu suddenly felt that he was so useless.

However, now is not the time to think about these things!

After being stripped from Li Ang's body, Yuanyuan returned to his basic form.

Without the dependence of the host, the direct exposure to the oxygen-enriched environment caused the energy in the original body to begin to be consumed rapidly.

It is itself a new body after gene integration, where there is so much energy to consume.

Seeing the energy in the body continue to decrease, the original urgently needed a host for symbiosis.

In the lab, besides Li Ang, there was only Carlton with a shocked face.

Originally, there was no choice, and in order to survive, there was no choice.

He shrunk his body on the spot and immediately rushed towards Carlton.

The shocked Carlton didn't even have time to react, and Yuan Yuan fused into his body.

"Huh? It's quite suitable!"

The sound of original surprise came from Carlton's body.

"Who are you? Are you the alien creature from just now?"

Carlton was shocked and asked in a panic.

Although he had been watching from the side, he did not understand the whole thing.

He only saw Li Ang stretch out his left hand and place it directly on the body of the alien creature.

Then, the entire body of the alien creature entered Li Ang's body.

Not long after, a black and red spider silk suit "grown" on Li Ang's body.

At the same time, a new alien creature was also thrown out of Li Ang's body.

Different from the previous one, this one has a silver-black appearance.

Before Carlton could take a closer look, the silver-black alien creature rushed towards him.

Before Carlton had time to dodge, he was rushed by it.

Watching the alien life form with my own eyes, gradually integrating into my own body.

"Are you asking me? Tell you, you are lucky!"

Yuan Yuan suddenly shouted exaggeratedly.

"I am the first and only pure symbiote on this planet. With me, you can instantly have superhuman physique, amazing recovery power, and at the same time be immune to various diseases!"

"How is it? Do you feel very happy and excited!"

Faced with the original self-promotion, Carlton said that he would not be moved and it was unrealistic.

"Is what you said true?"

He has always been envious of Li Ang's abilities.

"You won't know until you try."

Yuan Chu curled his lips and was too lazy to communicate with Carlton anymore.

Directly forcibly took over the control of his body, and completely integrated himself into his body.

I saw that following the original movement, a large ball of silver-black liquid immediately began to emerge from Carlton's body, and soon spread to his whole body.

As the silver-black liquid deformed, a figure wearing a silver-black spider silk suit appeared in the laboratory.

"How? I'm right."

Yuan Chu raised his head proudly.

"That's right, but... why are there two balls of this thing on the chest!"

Carlton looked at the towering "breasts" on his chest and roared angrily.

"Ha, haha... don't care about these details."

Yuan Yuan laughed awkwardly.

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