Marvel's I am a poisonous spider

Chapter 32 Personality Coexistence

"Hello, I'm Norman, Norman Osborn, you should have heard my name."

In Stanley's Pizza, under the introduction of Li Ang, Norman greeted Bruce warmly.

Yes, the psychological counselor Li Ang mentioned was Norman.

In Li Ang's view, Norman, who is somewhat similar to Bruce, is the most suitable psychological counselor.

"Hi, my name is Bruce Banner, nice to meet you."

Bruce is also very happy. Bruce agrees with successful researchers like Norman and Leon.

"I have read the paper you published, and your insights into biological genes are very unique."

"You read my paper? What an honor."

The two of them shook hands enthusiastically, as if they regretted meeting each other so late.

"Are you the psychological counselor that Mr. Li Ang said? I didn't expect Mr. Norman to have research on psychology."

The two sat down and talked face to face.

"No, no, no," Norman shook his head, "I don't know anything about psychology."

"Then you are..."

Bruce wondered.

"I just have the same situation as you."

Norman said bluntly.

"You also have a split personality!?"

Bruce was very surprised. He didn't expect that Norman Osborn, the president of the Norman Group and a top expert in biological genes, also had "split personality disorder"!

"Yes," Norman nodded, "so I think we can have a good chat."

"I think so," Bruce's eyes lit up, "how do you see another personality in yourself."

After finally meeting a "patient" who had the same condition as himself, Bruce was very anxious and wanted to have a good discussion with Norman about each other's conditions.

"What do you think?"

Norman thought for a while, but suddenly fell into deep thought.

"what happened?"

Bruce, who sensed something was wrong, hurriedly asked.

"It's nothing." Norman shook his head. "If I really want to say it, I feel very sorry for him."

"What?" Bruce was taken aback, "Who? Are you talking about your other personality?"

Bruce was very surprised and didn't understand why Norman said this.

In fact, the current Norman really thinks so.

When the evil personality was born in Norman's body, a large number of negative thoughts were absorbed by him as nutrients to strengthen himself.

This caused Norman's main personality to have all positive thoughts and become a real kind personality.

It can be said that the real Norman died at the moment of split personality.

What is left is the complete personality split into two, and the evil personality and the good personality appear.

"Yes, I'm sorry, it was my fault that he appeared."

"However, I want to make him suffer the pain caused by his mistakes and lock him up. Isn't it too unfair to him?"

What Norman said reminded Bruce of himself.

Similarly, it was the fault caused by my own experimental mistakes.

Similarly, it was I who let Hulk suffer all this in order to escape.

In the same way, after he achieved his goal, he tried every means to lock Hulk up in exchange for the normal life he wanted.

Are you... a little too selfish?

Bruce couldn't help but ask himself.

When you think about it, no matter what Hulk does, no matter what kind of damage he causes, he never seems to hurt himself.

On the contrary, she always protected him when he was in danger.

Even Bruce himself has developed a habit subconsciously, thinking of Hulk immediately when there is any danger.

The existence of Hulk makes him not afraid of all dangers. This is a kind of trust and a kind of dependence.

It's just that Bruce himself has never noticed this kind of emotion, nor has he thought about it.

Now when I communicated with Norman, I suddenly realized that I had been wrong all along.

Hulk has never been a poison, but an antidote for his healing!

"It's really unfair."

After thinking it over, Bruce agreed with Norman's statement.

"However, we cannot let them move freely because of this. You also know what kind of damage they will cause."

Bruce is clear and clear, and he is still very rational in his heart.

Although he would feel guilty about Hulk's situation, he doesn't regret what he has done now.

He is too aware of Hulk's power. If Hulk is not controlled, he will definitely cause great damage to human society.

"I know, and I have experienced it, he is really scary, he will hurt the people around you and destroy everything you have."

Norman also understands that the evil personality within him is indeed dangerous.

"But I think we can get along as peacefully as possible. There is no need to lock him up tightly. After all, we share the same body, so we can let him live with us."

As he spoke, Norman's expression suddenly changed, revealing an evil smile.

"Just like this."


Bruce stood up excitedly and looked at Norman in shock.

"What? Surprised?"

Norman smiled evilly and stood up gently.

"He is still so naive. He thinks that letting me come out for air will influence me? Naive!"

Although Evil Norman was very dismissive of Norman's remarks just now, Bruce could feel that Evil Norman did not dislike Norman's behavior.

Moreover, the evil Norman who appeared in front of Bruce's eyes did not make any destructive actions.

It seems that Norman's statement is really useful?

Evil Norman would probably die laughing if he knew what Bruce was thinking.

It's not that he doesn't have any evil thoughts, it's all because Li Ang is sitting beside him.

It would be okay if he could transform now, even if he couldn't defeat him he still had to resist.

Now he is only able to come out because of Norman's permission, and the fundamental control is actually still in the hands of Norman.

The personality of Evil Norman has been connected with the power of the Green Devil. Just like the Hulk in Bruce's body, if he wants to come out completely, he can only come out with the power of the Green Devil.

However, Bruce didn't know, he didn't even know that Norman had a powerful power hidden in his body, and was also controlled by the sub-personality in his body.

"Like this, I think there's nothing wrong with letting him come out and see more."

With that said, Norman's expression returned to normal again.

"He went back?"

Bruce raised an eyebrow.

Seeing other people's personality switching so easily, he was really not used to it.

"Yes, he said he was annoyed and went back."

Norman smiled softly.

Bruce nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the pizza shop.

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