Douluo Dalu: Legend of Blood and Ice

Chapter 7 The 1st Soul Skill - Flame Claw

&nb"What did he say? He wanted to investigate?" After hearing this, the short middle-aged man did not directly answer Lu Xuan's words. Instead, he turned around and looked at the audience, grinning as if he had heard some funny joke.

&nbThe next moment, his face was stern, and he laughed and asked the crowd of onlookers: "The staff of 12315 have tested the results, and he still wants to investigate, as if I deliberately brought someone to the door and smashed their store."


&nbAs soon as the short-inch man said this, the seven or eight followers or horsemen around him opened their mouths and laughed, as if they had heard some funny joke.

&nb"It's a joke that our brother Kun would cheat their company for such a small amount of money!"

&nb"Our brother Kun can make tens of millions every minute with every move, otherwise he wouldn't have bought the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart Jade Pendant worth tens of millions casually."

&nb"That's right, I'm really out of my mind to think that our brother Kun will lie to him. You can check it if you want. It's useless even if you watch the surveillance video a hundred times. Anyway, what happened at that time, the camera will know It’s clearly recorded, I believe your company’s management has read it dozens of times, right?”

&nb"Hahaha, it's really funny."

&nbThe seven or eight people on the side of the troublemaker all grinned and laughed, and they all scolded Lu Xuan as much as they could, as if the guy in front of them was the grandson invited by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

&nbAs soon as they scolded him, the other unreasonable onlookers all opened their mouths and began to make a fuss.

&nbLu Xuan ignored their cynicism and said coldly with an expressionless face: "What, the surveillance footage at that time was not intercepted?"

&nbAs soon as he finished speaking, a staff member from a jewelry company nearby stood up and responded loudly: "Mr. Lu, we have intercepted it for observation. However, in order to better cooperate with your work, our staff at this moment , we are moving up to the conference hall on the third floor to move the large display screen used for meetings so that more people can watch and find out the problem."

&nb"Well done!" When Lu Xuan heard this, he didn't rush to urge him, but praised him out loud.

&nbAfter a few minutes, the staff finally moved the large screen used to open the conference room. It was two and a half meters long and one and a half meters high, just like the wall of a room.

&nbAs soon as the large screen was clicked, the staff immediately connected the data cable of the multimedia player.

&nbAfter everything was done, someone came to Lu Xuan and reported softly: "Mr. Lu, everything is done, I'm just waiting for your orders."

&nb "You go down first." Lu Xuan waved his hand lightly and said softly: "Okay, let's play it now."

&nb"Yes!" The staff member was ordered and immediately ran over, turned on the phone and played back the surveillance footage recorded at that time.

&nbThe short middle-aged man saw that Lu Xuan was completely serious and was not just joking, so he couldn't help but grinned and said, "Okay, then I just want to see how your jewelry company clears its name."

&nb"It should be an excuse." As soon as the short middle-aged man finished speaking, there was a young man beside him who answered with a playful smile.


&nbThe two men mocked Lu Xuan and the jewelry company in unison, causing the onlookers to burst into laughter.

&nbLu Xuan didn't say anything. He didn't know what happened at the scene and how the jewelry sold turned out to be fake. He didn't want to express any more opinions. Even if he said it, it would be nonsense.

&nbAt least, when he understands and sees the whole thing, he can solve the problem in a targeted manner.

&nb"Hello, how much does this Qiqiao Exquisite Heart cost?" The surveillance screen was suddenly adjusted to ten o'clock in the morning. A short-skinned middle-aged man entered the jewelry company and asked the staff in the exhibition hall.

&nbThe jewelry company is not a specialized sales store. It just sets up an exhibition hall to let visitors to the company know about the products it sells. Therefore, there is no dedicated salesperson to sell in the exhibition hall.

&nb"Thirteen million." Upon hearing the short-inch man's voice, the staff near the exhibition hall replied.

&nbThe next moment, the department manager of the marketing department left his desk and walked over to the short-inch man.

&nb"Is it an authentic piece carved by Master Nong Tianyu?" the short middle-aged man asked.

&nbHearing this, the department manager immediately swore: "You can rest assured, it is definitely a work carved by Master Nong himself. And our company focuses on high-quality products. This product series bears the name of Master Nong, so we will not hire anyone else to carve it." The same product is sold using the name of Master Nong to defraud consumers."

&nb"That's good." The short-skinned middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "In that case, give me a Seven-Orificed Exquisite Heart."

&nb"Wait a moment." The department manager responded, opened the cabinet in the showroom, took out the jewelry from inside, and handed it to the short middle-aged man.

&nbThe short-inch middle-aged man took it over and looked at it carefully, and then couldn't help but said angrily: "Damn, you actually used fake goods to deceive me. Do you really think I'm a fool?"

&nb"What?" After hearing this, the department manager couldn't help but look stunned, and asked with confusion: "Sir, what did you just say?"

&nb"What are you talking about? Don't pretend to be stupid with me. You dare to use this guy to deceive consumers, so you don't have the face to admit it?" Hearing this, the short middle-aged man became even more angry and yelled at the department manager.

&nbThe department manager scratched his head in confusion, and asked in a low voice in confusion: "Sir, you said that the Qiqiao Linglongxin salesman is a guy. Is that impossible? After all, this product of ours, Everything is carved and made by Master Nong himself, so it cannot be faked.”

&nb "Hmph! How dare I quibble with using scraps to deceive, you see for yourselves." The short middle-aged man cursed angrily, and then threw the seven-hole exquisite jewelry towards the department manager with a wave of his hand.

&nb"This is impossible. I think you are deliberately causing trouble." The department manager took the jewelry and without even looking at it, he directly questioned the short middle-aged man with a straight face.

&nbThe next moment, not only the department manager, but also many staff members in the jewelry company stood up and left their positions, gathered around the short-inch man, and accused him of causing trouble one by one.

&nbHowever, the short-inch man insisted that the items were fakes, and kept saying that the jewelry company was a scammer. He wanted to bully others with the power of numbers, and called the helpers, which were the few followers beside him at the moment. .

&nbThe jewelry company had no choice but to call in the only appraiser left behind in the company to appraise the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart, which was said to be a fake.

&nb"This thing is real. You are clearly slandering and deliberately trying to ruin things." The appraiser observed carefully for a while and quickly came to a conclusion, angrily accusing the short-term middle-aged man of deliberately ruining things.

&nbBut the middle-aged man insisted that it was a fake and said it was a shady company and wanted to call 12315 to protect his rights. In order to preserve evidence, he also snatched the piece of jewelry.

&nbAbout half an hour later, the 12315 staff came over and took the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart jewelry for inspection.

&nbLu Xuan was observing the whole process attentively, not daring to relax at all. He saw that the jade pendant was held in the short-inch man's hand from beginning to end, and he did not see him secretly tampering with it.

&nb12315 The staff inspected it for about ten minutes and issued an inspection report indicating that the piece of jewelry with seven orifices and exquisite heart was fake. Then the two parties immediately started to quarrel.


&nbSeeing this, Lu Xuan directly waved his hand and called the staff of the jewelry company to pause the playback.

&nbAs for the subsequent quarrel, he didn't want to watch it.

&nbThey only had three hours to prove themselves. It took more than an hour for the short-inch middle-aged man to appear and examine it carefully.

&nbIf the surveillance footage had seen the moment Lu Xuan appeared just now, the time would have run out long ago.

&nb "Cut the screen back and play back every time the other party touches the jewelry. It must be in slow motion." After the staff stopped, Lu Xuan immediately started to order again.

&nb"Yes." After receiving the order, the staff responsible for playing back the surveillance footage immediately responded, flipped the surveillance footage back again, and replayed the key points highlighted by Lu Xuan.

&nbAt this moment, everyone held their breath and wanted to see the truth of the matter. They did not laugh because they did not find any heresy the first time.

&nbSlow-motion playback, the short middle-aged man holds Qiqiao Exquisite Heart's hand, still quite well-behaved, without making any small moves, Qiqiao Exquisite Heart always appears in front of everyone.

"Where is the appraiser? Come out here!" Lu Xuan withdrew his gaze, looked at several jewelry company staff standing together, and asked in a cold voice.

&nb"I'm here." After listening to Lu Xuan's words, before anyone else could look for him, a middle-aged man with eyes came out of the crowd and raised his hand to answer.

&nbLu Xuan looked at the middle-aged man sharply, looking directly into his eyes, and asked in a cold voice: "Are you sure you have carefully identified it just now, and that jade pendant, as shown in your surveillance video?" As it says in the picture, it is the real thing, not the current scraps.”

&nb "I am sure, and I dare to swear on my personality, that the piece I verified before is indeed carefully produced by Master Nong." The middle-aged man answered with a serious look on his face, patting his chest confidently.

&nb "Then how could it be fake now? Made of scraps?" Lu Xuan still stared into the other person's eyes expressionlessly, asking in an icy tone.

&nbThe appraiser shook his head and said innocently: "I don't know what's going on. When I appraised it, it was clearly genuine. How come it turned into a fake in just a short time! I dare I swear, I will never be dazzled when I appraise it."

&nbLu Xuan nodded slightly, and then said softly: "I believe you, you go down first."

&nbThe surveillance video playback is complete, and the appraiser in charge of the appraisal has finished asking questions. It seems that the ins and outs of the entire case have become much clearer.

&nbAt this time, the short-skinned middle-aged man looked at Lu Xuan and sneered in a playful tone: "You have also seen the whole process. I did not do anything. No one has replaced the faulty jewelry. Now I admit that you are liars." Is it a company?"

&nb"That is, you have to be a bitch and build an archway at the same time. Do you think your company dares to do this?"

&nb "It's really disgusting. Since they are using scraps that are no different from waste and pretending to be good goods to deceive consumers, the staff of 12315, please close their company."

&nb"Yes, seal their company."

&nb“We must shut down this deceptive company and eliminate the bad habits in society!”

&nbAfter the short middle-aged man finished speaking, many people in the crowd responded with gusto and started attacking the jewelry company.

&nbAt this time, the staff of 12315 could not stand the scene anymore and came over to Lu Xuan and said: "Sir, the time to prove to you is coming soon. Since you can't produce evidence, then we can only seal this place. company."

&nb"Haha." Hearing this, Lu Xuan just smiled faintly, and then said: "Actually, I already know the truth of the matter. This is not a quality problem with our company, but was framed by others!"

&nbThis novel comes from reading books. See more! Prestige official account: hhxs665

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