Douluo Dalu: Legend of Blood and Ice

Chapter 31 The Purple Family

&nb"Dong dong dong——"

&nbJust when Lu Xuan was sinking into painful memories, there was a sudden knock on the door, pulling him back from this unbearable past.

&nb"Huh——" Lu Xuan took a deep breath, calmed down his impatient heart, and slowly loosened his tight fist.

&nbHe stood up and walked towards the door.

&nbNo need to think about it, Lu Xuan also knew who was knocking on the door.

&nb"Squeak——" The door opened, and the three best masters and servants of Tang Mingrui appeared in front of Lu Xuan.

&nb"What's the matter?" Lu Xuan stood outside the door and asked expressionlessly.

&nbWhen Tang Mingrui saw Lu Xuan seeing their sudden appearance, his face was not at all surprised but he was not very calm. It was as if he had known that they were coming for a long time. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Lu Xuan, you saw this young master suddenly visiting me." Why is there nothing strange about your family? Is it possible that you don’t welcome us?”

&nb"Idiot." Lu Xuan rolled his eyes at Tang Mingrui and said coldly and angrily.

&nbWhen Tang Mingrui saw Lu Xuan calling him an idiot, his face suddenly showed an unhappy look. He glared at Lu Xuan and scolded: "Hey, I am the biggest dude in Shengjing City. You scold me like this. Are you afraid that I will find someone if I am unhappy?" To take revenge on you?"

&nb"Idiot!" Lu Xuan's expression remained unchanged and he still cursed coldly.

&nbWhen Tang Mingrui heard this, he was completely unhappy. He put his hands on his hips and raised his chest to glare at Lu Xuan, and said angrily: "Lu Xuan, don't think that you can scold me casually just because you can beat me. You must know that I am a young master. I know many masters, if I call them here, they can beat you in seconds."

&nbLu Xuan was speechless. He no longer wanted to scold this idiot, but said to him angrily: "I'm not your fan, or I admire people who want to curry favor with you. How could I be overjoyed to see you?" Holding your hand with excitement on his face, he was even so happy that he couldn’t even kiss you?"

"Then you can't call me an idiot! You haven't heard of it. If someone is often said to be stupid, that person may actually become stupid." Tang Mingrui still complained with some dissatisfaction.

&nbLu Xuan was too lazy to talk to him anymore, and asked directly: "You came to me suddenly, what's the matter?"

"If nothing happens, can't I come to see you?" Tang Mingrui raised the corner of his mouth and muttered in dissatisfaction.

&nbLu Xuan was speechless and didn't want to talk to this idiot at all.

&nbThe corner of his mouth moved, and when he was about to say something more, Xiao Wu's childish voice came from behind: "Master, dinner is ready, you can eat."

&nb "Okay." Lu Xuan responded, then looked at Tang Mingrui and the three of them and said, "If there's nothing else, I'm going to eat. Have you eaten? If not, come in and eat together."

&nbAfter Lu Xuan finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the living room.

&nbTang Mingrui and the others saw him walking in and followed him.

&nbOn the dining table in the living room, there are four exquisite side dishes and a clear soup. There are minced eggplant, steamed sea bass, twice-cooked pork and stir-fried vegetables.

&nbThe soup is very simple, just tofu and tomato soup.

&nbXiao Wu is a good cook. He made the four homemade stir-fry dishes delicious and delicious. You can smell the aroma from a long way away, which instantly makes people move their index fingers.

&nb"It smells so good!" Tang Mingrui exclaimed after sniffing a few times.

&nbXiao Wu saw three more guests suddenly appeared at home, and immediately greeted him with a polite smile: "Hello uncles, I am Xiao Wu. You sit down first, and I will prepare the dishes and chopsticks."

&nb "The little guy is so polite." Tang Mingrui nodded with satisfaction, and then complained in a low voice: "Much better than his master, Lu Xuan, you are like a stone in cow dung, smelly and hard, let me The young master is very uncomfortable."

&nbLu Xuan was speechless. He turned his head and looked at Tang Mingrui. He muttered in confusion again: "Tell me, why did you suddenly come to see me? Don't keep talking nonsense."

&nb"Hehe." Tang Mingrui smiled, and then said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong. It's just that the stuffed snails I ate at the roadside stall with you the night before was delicious and left me with endless aftertaste. This time, I The young master will come here specially and ask you to have another big meal together. Or, let you take me to eat other delicious things."

&nb "That's it?" Lu Xuan raised his head and asked in confusion.

&nbTang Mingrui rolled his eyes at him and shouted dissatisfied: "If not, what else do you want?"

&nb "In that case, you can go and eat by yourselves. My apprentice has already prepared dinner, so I won't go out. If you don't mind and don't dislike this ordinary meal, it's okay to sit down and eat together." Lu Xuan gave up and responded calmly.

&nb "Okay, I will sacrifice my body again and try the food of this ordinary family again to see if it will cause harm to my body." Tang Mingrui grinned and said in a reluctant tone.

&nbAs soon as he finished speaking, the skinny follower Shouhou also grinned and echoed with a laugh: "How can I bear to let the young master do such a dangerous task alone? I, Shouhou, am willing to accompany the young master through fire and water. Undertake this dangerous mission to test poison yourself."

&nb"Me too, as long as I'm with the young master, I won't hesitate to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire." Big Bear patted his strong chest and responded confidently.

&nbTang Mingrui rolled his eyes at the two followers and murmured dissatisfiedly: "Come on you two, I've been with you for so long, don't I know that little ninety-nine in your stomach? If you want to eat, don't make so many excuses. Well."

&nb"Hehe." Hearing that Tang Mingrui criticized him so unceremoniously, the two followers laughed in embarrassment.

&nbLu Xuan was speechless again as he watched the three masters and servants put on a funny show again.

&nbHe feels that Tang Mingrui doesn't look like the biggest playboy in Shengjing City. He is obviously the most famous funny guy in Shengjing City.

&nbAfter the little warrior put the bowls and chopsticks on the table, he looked at Lu Xuan and asked curiously: "Master, what wine do you want to drink?"

&nbLu Xuan did not answer in a hurry, but looked at Tang Mingrui and asked, "What do you want to drink, liquor or beer?"

"Of course it's white. The higher the degree, the better. Drinking beer is boring, just like drinking boiled water." Tang Mingrui replied in a loud voice.

&nbLu Xuan nodded slightly, and then ordered Xiao Wu: "Bring over the box of Erguotou that your sister Xun'er bought last time."

&nb"Okay." Xiao Wu nodded, walked into the kitchen, and took out a box of twelve bottles of Erguotou from the cupboard.

&nbHe opened the wine bottle and poured wine for everyone in turn, starting with Lu Xuan, and finally for himself.

&nb "You are guests from afar, and as the host, I would like to toast you with this glass." Lu Xuan raised his wine glass and said something to Tang Mingrui and the others. Then the five of them, including Xiao Wu, clinked their glasses and drank directly. Drink it all.

&nbAfter drinking the wine, he picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of eggplant, put it into his mouth and started chewing it.

&nbWhen Tang Mingrui saw this, he also picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of eggplant, and said plausibly: "Now, let me taste it, what is this thing like, and will it cause stomach upset after eating it?"

&nb"Hey, let's try it too." The two followers also picked up the food and started tasting it.

&nbLu Xuan looked at the three masters and servants speechlessly. He obviously just wanted to eat it, and he also found some funny excuse to test the poison on himself.

&nbHe feels that the whole world owes them an Oscar for Best Funny.

&nb"It tastes good, and it is good for the human body." Tang Mingrui said in wonder while chewing the eggplant.

&nbAs he spoke, he raised his chopsticks again, picked it up towards the plate of braised fish, tore off a piece and put it in his mouth.

&nb "Well, it's delicious." Tang Mingrui praised it with a thumbs up while chewing it with relish.

&nbSkinny Monkey and Big Bear also ate the braised fish quickly and praised it.

&nbXiao Wu was very embarrassed to be praised by them, and said shyly: "A few uncles have praised me, I just did it casually."

&nb "Not bad, not bad. It's much more delicious than those in five-star hotels. The food in the hotel is so delicious that I'm so hungry." Tang Mingrui picked up a piece again and raised his eyebrows at Xiao Wu. Thumbs up praised.

&nbXiao Wu was completely embarrassed by their praise. He picked up the wine bottle and poured wine for them to divert their attention and said: "Uncles, I will pour wine for you."

&nb"Thank you." Tang Mingrui said politely, then looked at Lu Xuan and said: "I said your apprentice is pretty good, he can cook a good dish. How about you let him follow me? I will let him Take it back to Shengjing and make sure you have delicious food and drink every day."

&nbLu Xuan rolled his eyes at him and criticized angrily: "I think you want to keep him by your side, and then ask him to cook for you from time to time, right?"

&nb "Hehe. You really understand me." Tang Mingrui laughed a few times, and then said: "But being able to be by my young master's side is not something worth celebrating with gongs and drums, is it?"

&nb "You're overthinking it, this is impossible. Eat the food quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold." Lu Xuan gave him another look and refused without thinking.

&nbIt’s a joke, how could Lu Xuan let such a good seedling as Xiao Wu fall into the hands of others and ruin it?

&nbIn addition, Tang Mingrui's character is not very good. Maybe after hanging out with him for a while, he will become the next dandy in Shengjing City.

& should be Shengjing City's new funny guy.

&nb "Haha, I'm just teasing you. But it seems that I will have to visit your house more often in the future. Who told you to have a disciple who cooks such delicious food!" Tang Mingrui smiled, moved his chopsticks again, and pinched Pick up a piece of braised pork.

&nb "Come if you want, but don't act arrogant in front of me like you are the boss and the third child. I look disgusted." Lu Xuan said calmly with no expression on his face.

&nb"Hehe." Tang Mingrui laughed dryly, then raised his glass and clinked glasses with Lu Xuan: "Come on, let's go. From now on, you are my brother, Tang Mingrui. How can I treat others the same way?" , do this to you."

&nbLu Xuan drank it all in one gulp, put down the glass and looked at Tang Mingrui seriously, with a faint smile on his lips.

&nb"Why are you looking at me like this?" Tang Mingrui asked curiously as he felt his heart tremble at the sight. ,

&nbLu Xuan smiled, and then asked: "To be honest, is it really okay for you to come to me this time?"

&nbThis article comes from Kanshuzhu Novel. Read more! Prestige official account: hhxs665

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