Chapter 41

on purpose! Dao Simo definitely did this on purpose, just to embarrass Xu Jiujiu!

In this regard, Dai Momo dares to guarantee that it is absolutely true, otherwise he can chop off his head and feed it to the fish! !

Why does he think this way? It's not because Dao Simo and Xu Jiujiu have known each other for a long time, but they just don't deal with each other!

Just because Xu Jiujiu knew Dai Momo a few years earlier than Dao Simo, and due to the close relationship between Star Luo Emperor Xu Jiawei and the Duke's Palace Master Dai Hao, when Dai Momo was born, Xu Jiawei often came to the Duke's Mansion as a guest, bringing his sister Princess Xu Jiujiu with him. Xu Jiujiu was not very old at that time and was still a cute little girl. When he saw the newborn Dai Momo, the little baby was particularly cute, so he often I went to the Duke's Mansion to play with him, but it was only later that Xu Jiujiu grew up and needed to help his brother Xu Jiawei share the family business, as well as his own cultivation, so he never went to the Duke's Mansion again for a long time.

At that time, Dai Momo was just a little over two years old, and children's memories are very limited. Even though he and Xu Jiujiu had had the wonderful days of childhood sweethearts, when he grew up, Dai Momo followed The mature man in his twenties who came from the earth quickly forgot everything that happened before.

As the saying goes, those who should get together will meet again. When Dai Momo awakened his soul power at the age of six, he entered the junior class of Xingluo Royal Academy with his innate soul power and became a top student. With his handsomeness, strength, and proficiency in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, he quickly became a celebrity in the academy and was highly sought after, appreciated, and even loved by the students!

As the first eldest sister of the college, Xu Jiujiu was very happy and excited to hear that her former little brother had entered the school. However, when she stood in front of him one day, Dai Momo did not recognize her. Xu Jiujiu couldn't help but be extremely disappointed. Later, Xu Jiujiu's idea came from nowhere. In order to let Dai Momo remember her and recall his childhood memories, he teased him in various teasing ways.

For a long time, he thought that the method he did was correct, but Dai Momo's face was confused. It was as if his eyes were blackened, and he couldn't understand this senior who was several years older than him. , why do you tease him from time to time? They are in different classes by many years!

What's even more outrageous is that Xu Jiujiu threatened Dai Momo to be her little brother. Dai Momo didn't agree and was provoked by Xu Jiujiu into a gambling ring. If he lost, he would have to be Jiu Jiu's little brother, and Xu Jiujiu didn't agree. If Jiujiu loses, he will be his follower. Dai Momo was originally very confident, but in the end he was beaten violently because of his lack of strength. In the days that followed, one can imagine that he was forced to do the job for five full years. Follower of the year!

If it weren't for the fact that Dai Momo had graduated from the Royal Junior College half a year ahead of schedule with his extraordinary talent in cultivation, and had received the admission invitation from Shrek Academy, he would have made up his mind to go to Shrek Academy to complete his studies. His future soul power cultivation, otherwise he would still be suffering from the shadow of oppression and humiliation for a long time!

That period of time has simply become a dark history in Dai Momo's life that can only be meditated on but cannot be described. The title of "little nanny" in Xu Jiujiu's mouth, which is like an ancient eunuch, was also given to him by Xu Jiujiu. ! He even made a joke all over the college! !

At first, he thought he couldn't beat Xu Jiujiu, so he didn't dare to mess with her. Now Dai Momo is afraid. The past few years of troubles have left a shadow and sequelae in his eyes. Even if he is much stronger than Xu Jiujiu, he Still afraid of her...

Later, after Dao Simo discovered that she seemed to like Dai Momo, she did not attract his attention from the side like Xu Jiujiu did. Instead, she launched a terrifying offensive method and pursued him relentlessly.

However, in Xu Jiujiu's eyes, this was tantamount to poaching her. Xu Jiujiu forced Dai Momo to be his younger brother. At first, he might just want to tease the second young master of the Duke's Palace, but as time went by, Dai Momo The kind of personality charm that radiated from within subtly convinced Xu Jiujiu in his heart, and he fell in love with him, even becoming obsessed with him.

Maybe it's because children in Douluo's world tend to mature precociously. Because of their shyness, Jiujiu didn't give his heart to Dai Momo, but instead tried to attract Dai Momo's attention through teasing, teasing, and pranks. , but Xu Jiujiu didn't know that what she did made Dai Momo more and more afraid of her, so Dai Momo would hide away from her for many times whenever they met her.

It was also during that time that Dao Simo fell in love with Dai Momo from time to time, and the quarrel between the two seemed to turn into flirting in Xu Jiujiu's eyes, which made Xu Jiujiu feel resentful towards Dao Simo. Emotions, the former often hindered Dao Simo when he was pursuing Dai Momo. Although Dao Simo found out many times, it was also because of this that the current quarrel was caused. The two of them had to fight each other as soon as they met. .

The commotion made Dai Momo quite helpless. No matter which side he was on, he didn't dare to speak for him. He was afraid of offending the other party and giving him a headache. So he was almost afraid of running into Dao Simo for a long time, because He knew that a war would be necessary.

Guoguo's words did not anger Xu Jiujiu, but Dao Simo's words directly raised Xu Jiujiu's anger level to its peak.

Dai Momo suddenly felt that the air around him seemed to have turned cold, and a sinister gaze looked towards him. Dai Momo felt trembling again.

He only listened to the question for a long time, but when he looked directly at Dai Momo, his eyes were like frost and autumn snow, as cold as bone to the bone, "Oh? When did Miss Dao and Mr. Mo get together? Why didn't I, the princess, not know?" "

It’s time to finish! At first glance, I knew that Xu Jiujiu had completely misunderstood! This young master is innocent, okay? How could you look at me like that? ?

Dai Momo felt that if he didn't stand up and clarify his innocence, he might end up with him for a long time!

I don't know if it was because of his dark history and his instinctive fear of Xu Jiujiu, but he started to dance and wanted to explain.

But just when he was about to speak, Dao Simo released his hands, put one arm around Dai Momo's neck, and the other hand tightly covered the latter's mouth, and pressed him on his legs. Let him say a word!

With his mouth blocked, Dai Momo couldn't say anything even if he wanted to speak. He slapped Dao Simo's thigh and hesitated for a long time...

"Haha! Princess Jiujiu is really joking. I am in love with Mr. Mo. Do I have to inform you, Your Highness?"

Dao Simo had a sneer on his lips, and he stared straight at him for a long time unwilling to be outdone. His eyes met each other, and sparks were born. For a moment, everyone present could feel the strong smell of gunpowder and war.

How could this little girl be so vicious? Although Dai Momo's mouth was covered, his ears could hear clearly. His forehead was already covered with black lines. Although he was indeed very angry, he did not dare to resist at all at this time because he was afraid Hit the muzzle...

Xu Jiujiu looked with contempt in his eyes and sneered at the corner of his mouth, saying, "Dai Momo used to be my princess's younger brother. He was before and is now. Do you think you should inform me?"

"Oh? What if I don't want to say it? Light bulb!!" How could Dao Simo stand the other person's look? Ever since I was a child, no one has dared to look at me like this! So what if you are a princess? Dare you steal a man from your aunt? I thought I was afraid of you! With this thought in mind, Dao Simo threw Dai Momo away and stood up suddenly. The two hundred-year-old yellow soul rings suddenly appeared behind him, in a completely tense posture.

"Who are you calling the light bulb? You vixen!!!" Xu Jiujiu was not a good-tempered master to begin with. Her arrogance as a princess made her look down upon everyone, but now she was betrayed by a woman who had been poaching her. Ridicule, can you not be angered? Xu Jiujiu shouted angrily, and also exposed his soul ring, yellow, yellow, purple and purple!

The Fourth Ring Soul Sect! It was obvious that as soon as Xu Jiujiu's soul ring was released, it directly suppressed Dao Simo from the front. However, Dao Simo's expression did not necessarily show the slightest retreat. It seemed that he wanted to be with Xu Jiujiu. This princess looks very dignified.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

The situation was on the verge of being uncontrollable. Dai Momo quickly stepped forward to stop him. Dao Simo, who only had only two rings, was no match for the Fourth Ring Soul Sect no matter how angry he was! The competition between soul masters cannot be won with just one breath! It's that simple there! Although Dai Momo was not a sympathetic person, Dao Simo was Dao Wujie's biological sister after all, and Xu Jiujiu could be considered an old friend of his. How could he possibly watch the two of them fight like this? Instead of taking action to stop it? In his opinion, it was not worth fighting just over a trivial matter, so Dai Momo's expression was a bit angry.

Dai Momo's angry expression was like a basin of cold water waking them up at the same time. Xu Jiujiu and Dao Simo took back their soul rings at the same time. After glaring at each other, they looked away, out of sight and out of mind.

Dai Momo sighed lightly, alas! It's a good thing to have a relationship with a woman, but with these two witches, he is really unlucky! My Guoguo is still the most well-behaved and not so noisy.

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