Of course, in order to prevent any accidents, Chen Hao tied all the claws of the sickle and weasel beast with ropes, and even the sickle on its tail was fixed with iron ropes.

When absorbing the soul ring, no unexpected situations can occur, because when absorbing the soul ring, you cannot pay attention to the external situation. If you encounter any attack, you will have no way to defend yourself.

Those who do not have elders to accompany them when hunting soul rings, if they are disturbed while absorbing the soul rings, not only will the absorption of the soul rings fail, the soul power will backfire, but they will also suffer irreparable damage.

"let's start!"

Chen Hao said to Chen Ruo.

"it is good!"

Chenruo took out the short knife in her soul guide and inserted it into the head of the sickle and weasel monster with great swiftness, causing the soul beast to end its life in its sleep without any pain.

As life passed, a purple soul ring appeared on the corpse of Kama Itachi.

Chen Ruo was naturally no stranger to the absorption of soul rings, and he didn't need Chen Hao to remind him, so he sat down directly next to the Kamaitakong Magic Beast.

Raising her hand, she summoned her Heavenly Demon Sword Martial Spirit. Under the blue soul power light, the thousand-year soul ring that led the Kama Itachi Sky Demon Beast poured into her body and began to absorb the second soul in her life. A soul ring.

The power of the soul ring that rushed in instantly baptized Chenruo's body.

This time is different from the first time he absorbed a soul ring. This is a soul beast soul ring that is more than a thousand years old. Even though Chenruo's body has been transformed by the fairy grass and can withstand the impact, he will not feel the pain at all. reduce.

But if you can't hold on and faint in the middle, then the absorption can basically be concluded as a failure.

And Chen Hao also has very high requirements for Chen Ruo. If she doesn't go beyond the limits of a soul master, then even if she grows up, she won't surpass the older generation. What's the point?

What's the point of Chen Hao training her?

Therefore, Chen Hao hopes that Chenruo can successfully absorb this soul ring, not fail.

Of course, Chenruo must also understand.

Chenruo, who was immersed in the world of consciousness at this time, felt like she was being cut by the Kamama Itachi Sky Monster all the time, and various parts of her body were constantly suffering from the pain of being cut.

Even though Chenruo had improved his physical condition by taking the grass jelly, he was still shocked by the pain and broke into a cold sweat.

But if you pass out in the conscious world, it's over.

So, absolutely cannot fail.

Chen Hao didn't care. How could he grow if he didn't experience some pain?

When his third soul ring absorbed the powerful Vajra Bear, wasn't it painful enough?

But he persisted, and he benefited greatly.

Although Chen Hao was also worried about Chen Ruo's condition in her heart, a soul master was not a happy place, and she still had to bear some things by herself.

Although Chenruo looked like he was sweating profusely at this time, and his soul power was constantly overflowing from his hair, as if his soul power exploded and he died, Chen Hao believed that Chenruo would not let him down.

Sure enough, immediately after, a stream of milky white air flowed out of the purple thousand-year soul ring, which instantly circulated all over Chen Ruo's body. Wherever it passed, the wounds on Chen Ruo's body had disappeared, leaving only warm comfort.

It worked!

Successfully absorbed the second soul ring.

Chenruo also became a great soul master, a seven-year-old great soul master.

And the soul power is not only level 21, but level 24.

Sure enough, whether it was the remaining soul power of the fairy grass or the soul power fed back by the sickle and weasel monster, Chenruo's soul power increased dramatically, but next, he would have to polish his soul power for a period of time.

At this time, Chenruo, who was sitting on the ground, also let out a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant, her pupils bloomed with bright light, and her body seemed to be surrounded by a whirlwind, giving people a sense of lightness.

Two soul rings rose from beneath his feet. In addition to the original yellow soul ring, there was also a purple soul ring.

But that bright purple soul ring showed how powerful it was.

The twenty-fourth level great attack spirit master, Chenruo!

After obtaining the second soul ring, Chenruo's whole body underwent some subtle changes. Her height seemed to have grown a bit taller. What was even more terrifying was that her figure became more slender and she looked more energetic.

No wonder people on Douluo Continent grow so fast. Is that so?

Whether it was the feedback of increased soul power or the changes after absorbing the soul ring, their bodies had developed a lot ahead of schedule.

However, looking at Chen Ruo's opened eyes, Chen Hao asked directly:

"How is it? What is the function of the second soul ring?"

Chen Ruo was obviously very happy after absorbing the thousand-year soul ring, and said directly to Chen Hao:

"It still increases its speed by 0."

"However, I still have a little bit of spatial attributes."

Chenhao was obviously surprised, "What?"

When Chen Ruo saw Chen Hao like this, he also said playfully:

"It's nothing, it's just that my Wuhun Demon Sword can penetrate objects and ignore the opponent's defense."

"This should be considered a spatial ability!"

Let me go, what counts? It’s just a matter of bad luck!

No, you can't say that. After all, you found this soul beast yourself, so it's normal to have this kind of ability.

But, it's so scary.

A combat soul master of the attack type who was invincible in one-on-one combat now had the ability to penetrate space. It was really scary.

Not to mention anything else, just when you vowed to use the defensive type, you found that it was useless at all, and instead you were hit by the enemy with all its strength.

This is really scary, but this is the right way. Chen Hao is not satisfied with Chen Ruo being too weak.

Moreover, if a soul master is only immersed in martial arts, his achievements will definitely not be too high.

Now it seems that I still have to find my soul ring! However, I don't want a soul beast that is around forty or fifty thousand years old, just ten or twenty thousand years old.

Although hard to find, it's still easy.

To be honest, Chen Hao was somewhat interested in those spider soul beasts. Although his martial soul was a weapon soul, Chen Hao felt that the soul rings absorbed by his martial soul were not affected by the soul beasts.

He had a feeling that his weapon, the Martial Soul Heavy Ruler, might actually become a physical entity in the future.

Just like the Poseidon Trident and Shura Demonic Sword, they have also become god-level weapons.

Therefore, his martial soul has no requirements for the soul rings to be absorbed.

That being the case, why not get some soul control skills?

You must know that although the fourth soul ring is not as important as the third soul ring, it still serves as a link between the previous and the following.

Once you make a choice, you cannot change the direction of your future development, so Chenhao is thinking about it, not knowing how to choose.

However, what he wants is definitely a control-type soul skill, but, forget it, let’s wait and see for a while!

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