Descendants of Peasants of Douluo

Chapter 20 The parties gather

A month later, when Zhang Fei's carriage arrived at the entrance of Nodak Forest. Two middle-aged men in robes walked towards them. They first took out a sign, showed it to the soldiers who had been replaced by the Imperial Guard, asked a few questions, and then walked towards the carriage.

Zhang Fei said a few words to the old master, and then came to the outside of the carriage with Zhang Yaqin. Two middle-aged men accelerated slightly and greeted him with smiles on their faces.

"You are Zhang Fei and Zhang Yaqin, two geniuses, right?"

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded.

"We are professors from the Soul Star Academy of the Heavenly Soul Empire. My name is Dar Flame Wolf, and the person next to me is Liu Bei. Before your substitute teacher comes over, we will take you to the Nodak Forest to hunt the soul beasts and protect them. Your safety.”

"We also know your situation. Originally, our college did not allow anyone except students and teachers to enter the Nordak Forest, but now we have decided to make an exception for you. You can take two people to hunt the soul beasts in the Nodak Forest. .”

Zhang Fei said sincerely, "Thank you."

"Well, okay, let's hurry in and go in."

Ten minutes later, after several people handed in the formalities, they finally walked into the Nodak Forest. Looking at the dense forests and towering trees on both sides of the road, Zhang Fei and the other people who came in for the first time couldn't help but grow up. Mouth, amazed.

"It is indeed the largest soul beast forest in the empire. It is so spectacular and shocking. Being able to see this scene, even if I can't find the soul beast and lose my life, it is still worth it."

"Old Master, what are you talking about? We are all here. I will definitely find the soul beast for you."

"Yes, yes, what I said before is wrong. After all the hard work you and Fei'er have put into, now I don't agree if you don't let me find a soul beast that can increase your lifespan."

"Ha ha ha ha"

"Hee hee hee"


Dar looked back at a few people and said to the old master,

"By the way, you are an old master, right?"


"Well, we already know about Zhang Fei and Zhang Yaqin, but we don't know about you and the lady next to you. I wonder if you could tell us about your talents first, so that we can take you to the corresponding soul. Look for places where there are more animals.”

"Of course. I'm ashamed to say that I don't have any talent. I just have three points of innate soul power. If it weren't for Fei'er and Yaqin, I would never have the chance to see a wild soul beast again, let alone come to the Heavenly Soul Empire. The First Soul Beast Forest is looking for soul beasts."

"Cough cough!"

"Oh~ I talk a bit too much. All I need is to find a soul beast that can increase my lifespan, Lord Soul!"

Dar Flame Wolf nodded and said to Xu Baihe, "What about you?"

Xu Baihe blushed, "I'm only level 17, and I can't absorb the next soul ring yet."

"I understand, that means Zhang Fei, Zhang Yaqin and the old master need to find the soul ring. I think the old master has some inconvenience, so it is better to find the soul ring for the old master first."

Zhang Fei and others originally wanted to find the soul ring for the old master as soon as possible, so they naturally had no objection, so Dar Flame Wolf led a few people towards a road near the west.

After a while, after several people disappeared, three masked people appeared on the road they were walking on.

"Are these two new geniuses who have appeared in the Heavenly Soul Empire with ancient alien souls and full soul power?"

"Yes, according to the intelligence, it is them. I think there is no one else besides them who can have two soul masters of the eight major soul rings specially accompanying them to find the first soul ring before they have absorbed it. Soul ring.”

"This is a bit troublesome. The three of us are soul masters. It's a bit difficult to kill these two people in front of them. Moreover, this place is close to the Tianhun Empire. They can call for support at any time."

"In this case, we have no choice but to act separately and divert the tiger away from the mountain."

"This is the only way."

"Remember to leave no one alive to prevent the news from leaking."

The three of them were like ghosts, moving quickly towards Zhang Fei and others.

Just after a few people left, a young woman appeared near where they were. She raised her head and looked at the direction in which the people were leaving, and said to herself, "I didn't expect that the Empire would conceal the news like this. The Holy Empire of Western Rome actually learned the news in such a short period of time! Fortunately, I stopped it in time. I rushed here for the experiment, otherwise my future partner will be murdered."

Then the woman followed in the direction of the three people.


It is indeed a super-large soul beast forest where the Heavenly Soul Empire and the Western Roman Holy Emperor Empire intersect and specialize in cultivating soul beasts. All the animals in it are actually soul beasts. A mouse that randomly ran out turned out to be about the same size as a dog, and a cat was about the same size as a tiger. Moreover, I also saw plant soul beasts that I had never seen before. They were shaking in the wind, and they actually wanted to choose people to devour.

It was so surprising that several people along the way were so surprised that they never shut their mouths.

Suddenly, there was a noise in the bamboo forest ahead.

The previous few people also encountered many soul beasts running past them, but none of them were like this. They showed up without any murderous intent or any sign. Like a cold-blooded killer lurking somewhere.

Geniuses are always easy to be jealous of others. Although Zhang Fei and Zhang Yaqin have not offended anyone, it does not mean that no one will not pay attention to them.

Liu Bei, who was walking in front, stretched out his hand and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone. This is another candidate we have arranged to wait for us here."

Zhang Fei and others heaved a sigh of relief when they heard this.

But hearing these words in the ears of Dar Fiery Wolf was indeed a different story. Another candidate? Why hasn't he heard of it? The document clearly states that it’s just the two of them on this trip, okay?

"After a while, a middle-aged man about forty years old with a shy belly and a fat face walked out of the bamboo forest. He looked at a few people, then smiled and waved to Liu Bei, and went up to them.

Zhang Fei and others were completely relieved when they saw this.

At the same time, Darlie Fire Wolf signaled everyone to stop temporarily, winked at Liu Bei, and walked towards the man with him.

"This is my nephew Liu Hou. Because he happened to reach level 50 some time ago and couldn't find a suitable soul beast outside, he asked me to take him to look for it in Nodak Forest." After walking for a while, Liu Bei said. Chaodar Fiery Wolf explained.

Although the entrance to Nodak is guarded by imperial soldiers, there are other places that are impossible for mortals to enter. For Liu Bei, the eight-ringed soul master, it is as easy as walking on plain ground, quietly bringing someone in, and then There is no problem if you hide it in advance.

The academy may have regulations that prohibit private entry into Nodak Forest to search for soul beasts. If necessary, one must apply to the academy, and then the academy will apply to the Emperor of the Sky Soul Empire.

"You and I are both aware of the empire's regulations. Those regulations are to ensure that people with outstanding talents, when they reach a certain level, can have suitable soul beasts to choose, and to plan for the future of the empire. But, if everyone is like this If you are average, then it won’t be long before the last forest in our empire with the most soul beasts will become like the forest of Morse soul beasts. No more good soul beasts will exist, and the foundation of our empire will be shaken as a result. Liu Bei, what are you doing? The top soul master in the empire is supposed to be the supervisor of such behavior, you...what are you doing?"

"It's not like I don't know what you're talking about, Dar. But not long ago, an old friend who had saved my life came to me specifically and asked me to help. I really couldn't refuse, so I committed a crime knowingly."

"Hey! Well, I'm not an unreasonable person. Since you have never broken the empire's regulations in the past two hundred years, I will pretend that I didn't see it this time and will help you cover it up."

"Thank you so much!"

Zhang Fei looked at Dar Flame Wolf and Liu Bei, who were walking away with their lips slightly moving and looking a little strange, and immediately knew that they must be doing something behind their backs, something they didn't want them to know.

Murder them? It shouldn't be possible, after all, they handed over the formalities when they came in. If they want to murder them here, what's the difference between killing them directly outside in front of the soldiers? Their strength is so high that even if the soldiers outside want to stop them, they can't. The identity is going to be revealed anyway, so why wait until later?

However, it is also possible that they felt that it would be easier to escape by killing them deeper in the forest. After all, if they killed them before attracting the attention of others, they would have more time to escape, and Nodak The forest is also the border between the two countries, making it easier for them to escape.

But don’t they still have families in the empire? By doing this, aren't they afraid that the empire will punish their family? Are they so willing to go to a foreign country alone?

No, it shouldn't be possible.

At their current stage, the empire has given them a lot of resources. They can also enter the largest soul beast forest, Nodak. There is no shortage of soul beasts and resources. There is absolutely nothing that can make them betray the country and murder the empire's geniuses.

Moreover, he did not feel murderous aura from either of them. You must know that after he practiced the Qinglong Divine Art, even the slightest murderous intention could not be hidden from him. If this is the case, it means that it must be related to the guy who ran out of the bamboo forest.

Dar Flame Wolf and Liu Bei didn't know yet, but after Zhang Fei's careful consideration, they had already guessed what they were doing behind the scenes.

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