It is said that in the past ten years, the rural areas under Zhangjia Town have been very lucky. First, a genius with three rings was born in Zhangniu Village, then Zhang Qingli absorbed a wild green carp, and finally a girl named Zhang Yaqin unexpectedly Encountered and absorbed a century-old dying mutant wild fox spirit beast...


On this day, Dongfang just revealed its red fish belly. Zhang Fei, who was sitting cross-legged facing him, slowly opened his eyes and saw the green light flowing on his body, which slowly dissipated after he opened his eyes.

Ever since Zhang Fei had a conversation with Qinglong nearly seven years ago, Qinglong began to teach Qinglong Divine Technique that day. Since that day, Zhang Fei began to practice the Qinglong Divine Art before dawn every day, and finished when the fish maw appeared in the east.

No matter what happened in the past seven years, Zhang Fei insisted on practicing every day, and in exchange, his innate soul power and body were greatly improved. Now his soul power has already surpassed the limits of human beings.

In this world, among the techniques spread among humans, the best techniques are undoubtedly the best. But what few people know is that there is actually a better skill that is superior to the best skills - that is a skill specially tailored for future generations by super strong people, especially those with natal soul beasts as their masters Tailor-made exercises are definitely unique in the world and most suitable for the person concerned to practice.

Of course, the higher the original strength and knowledge of the natal soul beast, the better the techniques customized for the master will naturally be.

The technique that Zhang Fei practices is the Qinglong Divine Technique tailor-made for him by his natal Qinglong. Because Zhang Fei has integrated one-hundredth of the flesh and blood of Qinglong's most essential core, as well as the dragon pearl essence in his body, he can Practicing the Qinglong native skill that is impossible for others to practice.

When the green light dissipated, Zhang Fei closed his eyes and sensed the condition of his body. Then he opened his eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

Through his spiritual consciousness, he talked to Qinglong and said, "Qinglong, I estimate that in another three months I will be able to complete the basics of the Qinglong Divine Technique."

"That's it." A proud and somewhat arrogant voice sounded in Zhang Fei's mind, "How could my expectations be wrong? I want to tell you now that the time when your skill will be perfected can be accurate to your thirteenth birthday. . Hahaha, did I let you see my strength again? I tell you that as far as original techniques are concerned, I am the only one who can reach the level of cultivation one day nearly ten years from seven years ago. Yeah, hahahaha..."

Zhang Fei couldn't be bothered to pay attention to this guy. What kind of calculation was accurate? He changed the cultivation progress several times in the middle. Can this be said to have been predicted seven years ago?

But Zhang Fei did not refute, and silently listened to Qinglong's talk while wearing his clothes.

Without him, if not saying that Qinglong was kind to him, he would say that he owned the whole world, but Qinglong only had him. In this regard, he felt that Qinglong should have enough to say every morning.

As for Qinglong, he still has to say enough every morning...

When Qinglong finally said enough, it was already late. After a while, there was a "dong dong dong" knock on the door.

Then a fair and fat girl, about three years old, with two pigtails on both sides of her head and a few hairpins, pushed the door open and walked in in a daze, "Brother, mother told you to eat."

Her eyes were half-lidded and half-open, indicating that she was dozed off and hadn't woken up yet, but calling Zhang Fei to eat was something she was happy to do every day, and she would come every day. But dozing off again is what she will do next.

She called Zhang Fei to eat, and then ran towards Zhang Fei in a daze, not looking at the road at all. Zhang Fei was responsible for the fall, and she stretched out her hands to hug Zhang Fei along the way.

Zhang Fei did not dare to pay attention to her safety, nor did he dare not hug her. Because this is a guy, she is a bomb. As long as he dares not to hug her or accidentally catch her and cause her to fall, then she will dare to cry! As long as she dares to cry, Zhang Fei's father will definitely come and beat Zhang Fei...

Fortunately, Zhang Fei also likes this guy.

Zhang Fei ran to this guy, picked him up, stroked the hair on her head a few times, and then walked outside, saying as if talking to himself,

"Poor fifth sister, you haven't even woken up yet, and your mother called you over to tell me to eat."

The guy suddenly raised his head and corrected Zhang Fei's mistake loudly with a serious look on his face, "My mother didn't ask me to come here, I came here myself, and I even beat away three brothers! Humph~" The guy waved his fist. ,seems very amazing.


The villages in the Soul Dou Continent are all named according to the names of the soul beasts they absorb, and Zhangjiacun is no exception.

Most of the children without soul beasts will be given a name by their parents, such as Zhang Fat, Zhang Erwa and the others.

Of course there are exceptions, such as Zhang Yaqin; when she was just born, his mother made up her mind to find a fox soul beast for her to use as a soul ring. However, foxes can only be found in the wild. With the strength of their family, if they want to find one, the obvious possibility is So, Zhang Yaqin’s mother named her Zhang Yaqin.

Of course, Zhang Fei's name didn't come from that, but when he was three years old, the old master identified his talent for him...

Zhang Fei's fifth sister is called Zhang Baihu, which obviously means that the soul beast she will absorb in the future will be the white fox. Zhang Fei's second brother is named Zhang Hu; his third brother is named Zhang Langwang; and his fourth brother is named Zhang Yibao.

Obviously, the current Zhang family does not keep any of the spirit beasts of Zhang Fei's four younger brothers and sisters in captivity. The reason why the soul beast has been named before it has been found is that this situation is unique to the Zhang Fei family.

That day, after Zhang Fei's mother gave birth to triplets, his father said to Zhang Fei sincerely, "Fei'er, you have a younger brother now. As the saying goes, the eldest brother is the father. In the future, you must take the place of your younger brother." It’s up to us to find a way out. As a genius with three major rings, your future wife is a mutated fire fox soul ring with a hundred-year level or above. Therefore, today you must guarantee labor and management, and find some powerful ones for your brothers in the future. Wild soul beast. At the same time, don’t say that labor and management don’t think about you. In order to reduce your burden, labor and management have also chosen names, so as to save you from panic in the future..."

Zhang Fei was about to cry at that time. It would be better for his father not to choose a name at all. All of them are spirit beasts at the level of overlords in the mountains.

However, after Zhang Fei glanced back and forth at the baguettes beside his father that had been upgraded to the thickness of a thumb, he still promised with a smile on his face: "Dad, I will definitely try to find a good wild baguette for my brothers." Soul beasts make soul rings!”

At that time, his father slapped the stick on the table next to him and said loudly and dissatisfied, "What does fighting mean? Today you must say in front of the labor and management that you will definitely find it. Otherwise, let the labor and management have a taste of us first." Let’s talk about Zhang Daniu’s French sticks!”

Zhangjiacun has a fine tradition, that is, special respect for the elderly. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong when an old man hits you, you deserve to be beaten. If you are beaten, you must appease the old man. This is the principle of respecting the elderly in Zhangjiacun.

The neighbors were like this, so Zhang Fei was naturally deeply affected. Although he had the Qinglong natal soul in his body and could already leave this home and go out freely and independently, he chose to stay.

The reasons are very simple. First, once a person leaves home, he is like a rootless duckweed, wandering around without any support.

Second, as the saying goes, having an elder in a family is like having a treasure. And the only people in the world who care, care, love selflessly and love you without principles are your parents, so why would he leave his home?

Of course, more importantly, there is another reason. That means he didn't suffer from his father for nothing. If his father beat him severely, huh! Then he will go to his grandfather's house to complain. No matter how powerful his father is, when he sees his grandfather, why not be beaten first?

Three years ago, Zhang Fei got a younger sister. There was no exception. On the day his sister was born, his father decided to name him White Fox - that high-level mutated wild spirit beast that was even more advanced than tigers, mutated leopards, and wolf kings.

Zhang Fei, who felt Alexander, asked his father heartily, why is the fifth sister's name so high-end?

The father said that all the daughters are fathers' cotton-padded jackets, but the four sons in the family only have one cotton-padded jacket, so they must get a good one for him.

That tone sounded like his father was going to get it for his fifth sister.

After answering Zhang Fei's question, his father pointed at Zhang Fei and asked, "Fei'er, do you think what I just said makes sense?"

Zhang Fei looked at the baguette and felt worried. Regardless of whether he was right or wrong, he nodded first and then spoke.

Then, Zhang Fei's father burst into laughter, "Okay! Since you think it makes sense, Fei'er, I'll leave the matter of the White Fox Soul Ring to you. Our Zhang Daniu family can be considered democratic today! "


Thanks to the unremitting efforts of his father and mother, Zhang Fei's family finally built a house with red bricks and black tiles two years ago. The brick and tile house was still built on the original land, but the foundation was further expanded to build a Kang-level brick and tile house with seven main rooms, two kitchens and a pigsty outside.

Facing the center of the courtyard is the main hall of their home, used for dining and entertaining guests. Entering the first bedroom on the right side of the lobby is Zhang Fei's parents' bedroom, and then on the right are two storage rooms. The first room on the left side of the main hall is the dormitory of the triplets Zhang Hu, Zhang Langwang, and Zhang Yibao. The one on the further left is temporarily empty and is reserved for Zhang Baihu. The one on the far side is Zhang Fei's room.

The reason for this arrangement was that Zhang Fei's father and mother said that his sister was in the middle of several brothers and had sufficient yang energy.

Not far outside the storage room, there is a vertical pigsty. Opposite the pigsty and on the other side of the house are two kitchens.

Just as Zhang Fei was holding the fifth sister who was lying on his chest with snot and bubbles in her nose, and walked towards the hall, three seven or eight-year-old guys who looked like they were carved from the same mold were guarding the road leading to Zhang Fei. Near the wall next to the door, listen carefully to the footsteps. As soon as they heard the footsteps approaching the door, the three of them jumped to the door almost at the same time and shouted:

"Wow" "Wow" "Wow wow wow"

After the three of them finished shouting, Zhang Hu and the others immediately asked Zhang Fei and Zhang Baihu impatiently, "Did they scare you?"

Zhang Baihu clearly trembled when Zhang Hu roared just now, but now she turned to look at the other three brothers in Zhang Fei's arms, and replied with an affirmative look: "No, it's not scary at all."

Zhang Yibao, who noticed the strange behavior of the girl earlier, immediately pointed at her and shouted loudly, "You lied... I just saw you shaking a little bit, and you still..."

Zhang Mei immediately opened her eyes completely, shook her head like a rattle, and argued, "I didn't, I didn't! I didn't..."

The triplets immediately worked together, not to be outdone, and shouted together, "You have it, you have it!" "You have it! You have it" "You have it! You have it"

Early in the morning, Zhang Fei's house became particularly lively because of this.

After arguing for a while, Zhang Fei's mother took a vegetable shovel, stood at the door of the kitchen and yelled in the direction of several people, "What are you arguing about so early in the morning?"

Hearing this, several people quickly silenced, and then the triplets surrounded Zhang Fei, who had been smiling lightly, and headed outside while chattering.

This is Zhang Fei's daily routine when he wakes up.

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