Jieyou Supermarket in Douluo Continent

Chapter 45 Branch selection

Mom!Did that expression just want to eat me?

So should I go see them?

Well, I think it’s okay. Let’s study Hezi in this world by the way!

Not only is it powerful, but it can also be made into a weapon. After spending 1000 million Jieyou coins to start the strengthening machine, I can smash a handful of 9 artifacts and put them in the supermarket.

Yes, yes, these 10 Jieyou coins are not in vain. Yiyu turned around, but a question suddenly came to his mind. It was daytime now, and the plot only happened at night. He couldn't always follow them. I thought of this, and I was very excited. Nothing, just keep looking for a place to open your own supermarket.

In a busy street in Tokyo, Yiyu finally found a suitable store.

As for buying, it was impossible. Yiyu stood at the door, opened the system and clicked to open the branch.

After a while, the sign outside the door of District 20, which was originally called Kumamoto Grocery Store, was changed into Jieyou Supermarket.

But the people inside all came out stupidly as if possessed by a demon, and walked towards the distance of the street.

Seeing everyone walking out, Yiyu stepped in. Looking at his empty supermarket, Yiyu sighed and wanted to start over.

I clicked on the system again and clicked on supply. Five products appeared in it, and Yiyu immediately started looking at them impatiently.

Perfect sparkling fruit

Item description: The devil fruit comes from a certain world. It has mysterious power. After eating it, the body turns into light. Normal attacks are ineffective against it. It also has the speed of light and can emit lasers through the body. The lasers emitted can produce large-scale explosions. The transformation has eliminated the original weakness, which is no longer the fear of sea water and sea rocks.

Purchase price is 30000 Jieyou coins

Quantity 1

Sparkling fruit? I am familiar with this one. The wealthy Yiyu clicked to buy without saying a word, and a golden fruit with a spiral pattern appeared in his hand.

Yiyu began to study those shiny fruits. Are these really so unpalatable? It looks pretty good!

Yiyu held the Shining Fruit in his right hand, and touched his chin with his left hand to look at it disinterestedly.

Anyone who has watched One Piece knows that the fruit is very unpalatable, but it doesn’t matter how unpalatable it is, and it doesn’t say the perfect version on it, it might be delicious!

There is always a shortage of curious people in this world. Finally, unable to stand the drive of curiosity, Yiyu finally spoke.

After biting into the sparkling fruit, Yiyu's face suddenly brightened up. First, his face turned red, then turned green, and finally his whole face turned dark.

Looking at the shiny fruit that had already been bitten in the quilt, it was impossible to sell it, so I had no choice but to swallow it forcefully.

Yiyu swore that she had never eaten anything so unpleasant in her life. Fortunately, after swallowing it, the taste disappeared.

Yiyu looked at the shiny fruit in his hand with a dark face, and immediately threw it into the trash can. He was so cheating. Where is the perfect version that he promised? This is a cheating system, it’s your fault!

However, feeling his new abilities, the depression in Yiyu's heart also dissipated a lot.

Continue to look at the items below.

Balala energy magic wand

Item description: Demon Fairy Xiaolan’s unique transformation device and magic weapon. Press the transformation magic button, shout the transformation slogan, balala energy, and the Demon Fairy transforms to gain the power of magic.

Purchase price is 1000 Jieyou coins

Quantity 100


A burst of light flashed, and a pink magic wand appeared in Yiyu's hand.

Yiyu somehow imagined how he would use a magic wand.


Yiyu suddenly got goosebumps, and quickly packed the system and put it on the shelf. She only bought one, priced at 2000 Jieyou coins.

Then he looked at the third product.

Treasure gourd seeds

Item description: After planting, seven gourds of red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue and purple can grow. When mature, you can get 7 gourd babies.

Purchase price is 50000 Jieyou coins

Quantity 1

Eh? I went to Calabash Baby and came out. When I saw this product, Yiyu became excited and bought it without saying a word. Looking at the seven seeds on the table, Yiyu fell into deep thought. Is this considered human trafficking?

I casually threw seven seeds into a potted plant not far away, and soon a vine grew. The vine climbed up to the nearby cargo rack and grew into a trellis, quickly bearing red, orange, and yellow fruits. , green, cyan, blue and purple seven gourds.

Oh, that's good. Looking at Yiyu's growth rate, it shouldn't take long to reach maturity.

However, of the 5 products in total, I have already used two of them, so the supermarket is still selling them. Looking at the supermarket containing a product called Magic Fairy Wand, Yiyu decided that he could no longer use it.

Sword Soul Job Transfer Scroll

Item description: A mysterious job transfer scroll from a certain world. After using it, you can become the legendary Sword Soul. Sword Soul is a weapons expert who is proficient in all sword weapons and obtains the exclusive skills of Sword Soul.

The purchase price is 10000 Jieyou coins.

Quantity 10

Yiyu nodded with satisfaction and clicked to buy. Ten career transfer scrolls appeared on the shelf with a price tag of 10. Yiyu looked at the last one.

gene repair potion

Item description: Ordinary people can repair their genes and enhance their physical fitness by 5 times after using it. Other organisms can use it to repair defective genes.

Purchase price is 1000 Jieyou coins

Quantity 100

This product is good! It’s just right for people in this world, and the price is relatively affordable. However, Yiyu didn't want to think about it. The price was certainly low for him, but for ordinary people in this world, they might not be able to buy it in their lifetime.

After purchasing, the system packaged and marked the price, and Yiyu immediately started his daily routine.

Just when Yiyu lay down, a person walked into the store.

Yiyu's originally closed eyes opened a small crack that was difficult to detect.

The person in front of him is none other than the human god Dai Lishi whom Yiyu had met in the morning.

Yi Yuxu raised his eyes and looked at her. It had to be said that Kamishiro Rishi's outfit looked like that of a lady, and she looked gentle and pleasant. With a pair of flat eyes that appear elegant and intellectual, she is wearing a white dress, her long purple hair is tied into a ponytail, and she is beaten on her chest. Did she come to her door by herself?

And Kamishiro Rise also looked at the Yiyu in front of her and licked her lips, looking quite sexy. Originally, her plan today was to prepare for the night, and asked Kaneki Ken to send her back as an excuse, so that she could use Kaneki Ken as she wanted.

But since I met Yiyu in the early morning and smelled the smell of delicious food emanating from him, I suddenly felt boring when looking at Kaneki Ken. I quickly dismissed Kaneki Ken and followed Yiyu's scent to find him. Kamishiro Rise left. He went up and shook Yiyu gently.

"I'm sorry to bother you... Are you the owner of this supermarket?"

A soft voice reached Yiyu's ears.


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