Jieyou Supermarket in Douluo Continent

Chapter 34 Employee Benefits

Seeing the confused expressions of several people and Tang San's guilty expressions, Yiyu couldn't help it.

"Hahaha, I'm just teasing you, don't be so serious."

After hearing Yiyu's words, everyone looked at him. This shop owner is really, how can I say naughty? No, we probably don't understand this. It should be described as very annoying.

Ning Rongrong breathed a sigh of relief.

"The store owner is still so annoying. I thought you really didn't want us to be your spokesperson."

Then he glanced at Yiyu resentfully.

Felander and the master were also relieved. The three of them naturally knew how much impact the emergence of Jieyou Supermarket would have on the entire Douluo Continent. If they could not hold this thigh tightly, they would be buried in the crowd.

Everyone present can imagine that in the future, Jieyou Coin will become a weight for a person's future, and there will be no difference between geniuses and ordinary people. As long as you have Jieyou coins, you are a genius, and as long as you have Jieyou coins, you are a boss. The biggest changes are for people at the top. As for civilians, although they can also find opportunities to change their destiny in Jieyou Supermarket, I want to compare them. The gap is just too big.

Several people didn't know whether the emergence of Jieyou Supermarket was good or bad for Douluo Continent, but since they couldn't change, they had to adapt. With the help of Jieyou Supermarket tied up, the three of them all looked at the Shrek Seven Devils lovingly. , fortunately you are tied up.

The irritated Yiyu also stopped smiling, and everyone looked at Yiyu who became serious again.

"From now on, I want to formally talk to you about becoming the image spokesperson of Jieyou Supermarket."

Hearing what Yiyu said, the Seven Shrek Monsters all pricked up their ears and were ready to hear what Yiyu was about to say.

Yiyu glanced at everyone before speaking.

"After becoming the image spokesperson of Jieyou Supermarket, your task is very simple. You only need to publicize Jieyou Supermarket. Every month you will receive a reward of 5 Jieyou coins each, and you will have the benefit of choosing the same product for free in the supermarket every year. Of course you Some people may feel that the propaganda is empty talk, so every month I will select a product in Jieyou Supermarket and need you to use it when you participate in the Soul Fighting Arena. I will promote it in the future and promote Jieyou Supermarket to the whole continent. How can I do it? Are you here?"


The Shrek Seven Monsters replied in unison.

After hearing the answers from several people, Yiyu nodded.


Then he shouted towards the door.

"Mengmeng, please bring it in, and call Xiao Yanye in by the way."

After a while, the door was pushed open, and Rui Mengmeng walked in with Dugu Yan.

"Sister Mengmeng!"

The seven monsters all greeted Rui Mengmeng.

On the contrary, except for Sword Douluo, the other three Felanders called them seniors.

Rui Mengmeng responded with a smile and nodded to several people. She led Dugu Yan to Yiyu, took out a soul guide and handed it to him.

Yiyu took it and took out everything in the soul guide.

Instantly the table was filled with crystal boxes.

Of course Ning Rongrong and Ma Hongjun knew that it contained products from Jieyou Supermarket, but didn't the boss just say that they should use one product a month? Why so many.

Dugu Yan on the other side was a little confused. Why did the boss ask me to come in?

Yiyu pointed at the crystal boxes on the table.

"Now, you will consider me as an employee of Jieyou Supermarket. These are the employee benefits you have joined for the first time. As for what is in it, you will know later. Those with soul power below level 30 now raise their hands."

As soon as Yiyu finished speaking, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing raised their hands despite being confused.

After Yiyu looked at it, he opened a few crystal cups and took out a few blue crystal balls. Except for the Shrek Seven Devils, everyone else recognized what they were.

Yiyu handed it to the three people,

"Crush them."

The three of them followed the instructions obediently and crushed the soul power crystal ball with a single click. The blue soul power was instantly sucked into their bodies, but it only took a moment.

The three of them were surprised to find that they had broken through. Looking at their surprised expressions,

The remaining few people were a little confused.

Dai Mubai took the lead and couldn't help but ask.

"Fat man, what's wrong?"

Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Mubai blankly.

"Boss Dai, you may not believe it. Just at this moment, I was directly promoted from level 28 to level 30."



Not only did Dai Mubai express surprise, but Oscar also lost his composure.

Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing again, and Zhu Zhuqing naturally saw it. Considering her cold personality, it took her a long time to suppress her excitement. She didn't answer but nodded.

Oscar also looked at Ning Rongrong who remained silent in the end.

"Rongrong, where are you?"

Ning Rongrong took a breath before speaking.

"Yes, I have also been promoted from level 27 to level 30."

"Wow, you guys made a lot of money!"

The remaining people exclaimed.

Although the strength of the three of them has improved, the master is a little worried. Ferrand, who is familiar with the master, naturally understands what the master is worried about. He is not afraid of ten thousand, but is afraid of what might happen, in case the evil heretics increase their soul power and damage the foundation. , I feel really sorry for these children.

Ferrander said softly.

"Look at Sword Douluo, it's okay. He's all smiles. Why are you so sad? Ning Rongrong is the apple of the eye of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

The master felt relieved after hearing Ferrander's words. That's right, that's what Sword Douluo does. If there was such a problem, Sword Douluo might be the first to refuse.

"Okay, since everyone has reached level 30, I will give you the second benefit now."

After speaking, Yiyu handed out three boxes to each person.

At Yiyu's signal, the three of them opened the crystal box.

Black soul rings floated out one by one. Yes, this was the second benefit Yiyu gave them, a total of 24 thousand-year soul rings.

Everyone was confused again that this was a ten thousand year soul ring. Dugu Yan was a little disbelieving and pointed at the ten thousand year soul ring in his hand.

"Shopkeeper, are these all for us?"

Yiyu nodded.

"Yes, that's right, these are ten-thousand-year soul rings sold in Jieyou Supermarket. As long as you absorb them, you can evolve the soul skills that are most suitable for you, and you don't have to worry about your body not being able to bear it,"

Although his face was extremely calm, Yiyu's heart was already exploding with pain! Yiyu even wants to give herself a few slaps to make you pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. This is 24 Jieyou coins, a waste of money.

Everyone felt their hearts slow down after hearing this. Dugu Yan looked at the ten thousand year soul ring on the table. Although he wanted it, he gritted his teeth and covered it, pushing it to Yiyu.

Said in Yiyu's doubtful eyes.

"Boss, although we are employees at present, we have not made much contribution to the supermarket. I will feel very uneasy when we receive these benefits."


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