Jieyou Supermarket in Douluo Continent

Chapter 24 The Tragic Poison Douluo

The two energies collided together, emitting a dazzling white light.

It took a long time to dissipate, leaving a huge deep pit in the field. In the pit, one person and one tiger were looking at each other solemnly.

Dugu Bo's body was in tatters, and his green hair was burnt in many places, while Black Tiger was relatively normal. Apart from looking more embarrassed, there were no burn marks on his hair.

Dugu Bo's face was quite pale in the field. Feeling the little soul power left in his body, Dugu Bo knew that he was no match for this black tiger.

If he continues like this, he may really die here.

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo glanced at the two people eating melons outside.

The body pretended to attack the black tiger, but changed its direction in mid-air. Rui Mengmeng attacked Yiyu very quickly.

Dugu Bo's idea is very simple. If you can't defeat Black Tiger, and you can't escape, then use these two guys as hostages. These two guys are most likely the core disciples of a certain sect. You can use them to blackmail Black Tiger. Tiger.

Dugu Bo has a good idea, but the reality is very cruel.

Black Tiger originally looked at Dugu Bo warily, but when he saw him making a sudden move, he quickly left his position. However, he saw Dugu Bo attack the two big guys and froze in place.

How unthinkable is this guy? Thinking of this, Heihu prepared to observe three minutes of silence for Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo, who was in the air, originally thought that the black tiger would come to stop him. When he glanced around, he found that the black tiger did not make any move. Instead, his eyes revealed extremely complex meanings, including expectations, gloating, and unbearability.

This made Dugu Bo confused, am I going to arrest your master? Why don't you come over and stop me? Could it be that it is imprisoned and wants me to kill them all so that it can be free?

Although it was inexplicable, Dugu Bo was not slow with his hands. Looking at the two people close at hand, Dugu Bo stretched out his hands.

However, the next moment, Dugu Bo's eyes suddenly widened.

Rui Mengmeng stood up and looked at Dugu Bo with the broken sword.


Dugu Bo was shot out like a rubber ball.

"Impossible!! How could it be that it must be fake? I was dreaming."

Dugu Bo, who had no image of a titled Douluo, roared loudly. Who knows what he went through today.

First, for no apparent reason, two young men rode a black tiger to borrow something. They refused to borrow it, so they started fighting with me. Well, if I can't defeat the black tiger, I will capture the two little sheep and use them as hostages to make the black tiger attack the rats. , just as he was about to succeed, the little sheep turned around and turned into Godzilla! Is there anyone who bullies people like this? Forget about being a Titled Douluo in his 20s, with a hundred thousand year soul ring all over his body, could it be that I haven’t been out for too long and the world has changed?

Looking at Dugu Bo's appearance, Hei Hu expressed that he was very happy. He was also like this country bumpkin at the beginning, and now it is finally his turn to look at others.

Just then a voice came.

"Well! Do you still want to fight? If not, just lend me something."

Dugu Bo's eyes were full of resentment. He didn't know at first that now there is a hundred thousand year old soul beast, a titled Douluo with a hundred thousand year old soul ring, and a leader who doesn't know the depth. Can I say not to borrow it? He gritted his teeth and said to Yiyu.

"I'll borrow it! What do you want?"

"Great!" Yiyu ran over affectionately and patted Dugu Bo on the back.

"Isn't this better? Don't worry, we don't need much. You can take me to your medicine garden first."

Although Dugu Bo didn't know how this person knew about his medicine garden, he could only nod his head in this situation.

"Come with me."

He got up and walked towards his medicine garden with Yihu and the two of them.

After a while, several people arrived at Dugu Bo's medicine garden, in a valley.

The area of ​​the hot spring in the valley is not large, and it is divided into two parts. In the oval-shaped pool, the colors of the hot spring water are milky white and vermilion respectively.What's even more strange is that although they are in the same pool, they are clearly separated, they do not invade each other, and they always stay on their own side.The billowing water vapor was produced at the position between the two hot springs, rising continuously until it dissipated at the mountain pass.

This is the Ice and Fire Eye in the original work. Around the Ice and Fire Eye, there are all kinds of plants in various shapes and forms. It looks like a plant paradise.

Yiyu looked at these rare treasures with bright eyes.

Dugu Bo said rather helplessly.

"It's right here. Whatever you need, take it yourself."

However, he didn't need to say more, Yiyu, Rui Mengmeng and Yiyu started to take action.

"Mengmeng! Get rid of the good-looking ones first. The good-looking ones are the most valuable."

"No problem, boss!"

The two of them were like ordinary bandits entering the village.

Fragrant Qiluo fairy product!

Yes, borrow it!

Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass!

Yeah, take it too!

Fierce apricot is delicate!

Nice to take away too!


Dugu Bo on the side looked dumbfounded? Didn’t you say you were just here to borrow something? How come it only took a while? He was short of half of the medicinal materials in his own medicine garden, so he hurriedly said something.

"Wait, you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yiyu.

"Huh? What? You're welcome? Okay, okay! Don't worry, we are just like at home!"

After saying that, Yiyu's hands collected faster.

Dugu Bo's face was full of questions, when did I tell you not to be polite? Are you borrowing something or robbing someone?

Dugu Bo looked at the medicine garden that was slowly becoming bare, and he wanted to stop it, but thinking of the opponent's strength, he could only turn his head away in despair, not watching, to avoid feeling distressed.

After a while, the entire medicinal garden was picked.

Seeing himself become a barren medicine garden, Dugu Bo's heart bleeds.

After picking the medicinal materials, Yiyu suddenly thought of something.

"Wait a minute! This spring water seems to be working too. I'll go get some more!"

Dugu Bo was about to vomit blood when he heard this sentence. This guy was planning to cut off his own roots. You must know that this place was found by him with great difficulty. It is the most suitable for the growth of medicinal materials. If he ruins himself, go there and find one. Growing medicinal herbs locally?

It seems that the poison between himself and his granddaughter cannot be cured. Thinking of this, Dugu Bo became decadent.

Fortunately, Yiyu only took half of it and stopped. He knew that Yiyu was planning to come back next time.

Yiyu, who had finally finished it, still felt unfinished and asked tentatively.

"Well, Comrade Poison Douluo, do you have any other medicinal gardens?"

Hearing these words, Dugu Bo Sword Douluo's face turned green, and he roared loudly without caring about Yiyu's strength.

"Co-author, you should be a Chinese cabbage! No more! I only have this medicine garden."

Yiyu scratched his head and laughed.

"Haha... I'll just ask casually, don't be so excited."


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